Ideas on Reaching Elementary School Principals???

by bert81
10 replies
Hi. I have a company where I work with currently about 200 schools across the country, but I'm looking to vastly increase that. My product saves elementary schools money and doesn't use up any of their time/resources. It is truly beneficial for them, and if I'm talking to the principal, it's easy to get a "Yes".

Currently, I only rely on cold-calling, but I know there's gotta be a better way. I found a 1099 employee who sold vending machines to schools across the country, so he has lots of contacts. I also found another one who works with a small non-profit in CA that works with schools too, so she has lots of contacts as well. These have been working so far.

Does anybody know how I can contact elementary school principals to offer my product? I am paying people $200 per elementary school that meets my criteria and signs my agreement.

Any non-profits with lots of connections to elementary school principals? Organizations? Faith-based programs?

I'm posting this here because this forum seems to have the brightest, most creative minds I've come across online. Please help me get this business to the next level.

Thank you.
#elementary #ideas #principals #reaching #school
  • Profile picture of the author DABK
    You find sites like these:

    Membership and Dues - Professional Division - Maine Principals Association (In the Division of Professional Activities, active membership shall be open to principals, assistant principals, career and technical education center directors and career and technical education center assistant directors, and other school administrators whose primary job function is that of a building principal or assistant principal.).

    And you look at their publications and other places where you could advertise. Maybe you attend their events too.


    National Association of Secondary School Principals National Association of School Principals.


    Takes you to a list of names and contact info for New York school principals... I did not check if it's all current or not.... That's your job.

    Generally speaking, you find what they read/watch and advertise there. You find out where they meet to impress each other, and you open a booth there.

    Originally Posted by bert81 View Post

    Hi. I have a company where I work with currently about 200 schools across the country, but I'm looking to vastly increase that. My product saves elementary schools money and doesn't use up any of their time/resources. It is truly beneficial for them, and if I'm talking to the principal, it's easy to get a "Yes".

    Currently, I only rely on cold-calling, but I know there's gotta be a better way. I found a 1099 employee who sold vending machines to schools across the country, so he has lots of contacts. I also found another one who works with a small non-profit in CA that works with schools too, so she has lots of contacts as well. These have been working so far.

    Does anybody know how I can contact elementary school principals to offer my product? I am paying people $200 per elementary school that meets my criteria and signs my agreement.

    Any non-profits with lots of connections to elementary school principals? Organizations? Faith-based programs?

    I'm posting this here because this forum seems to have the brightest, most creative minds I've come across online. Please help me get this business to the next level.

    Thank you.
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  • Profile picture of the author sandalwood
    Originally Posted by bert81 View Post

    Hi. I have a company where I work with currently about 200 schools across the country, but I'm looking to vastly increase that. My product saves elementary schools money and doesn't use up any of their time/resources. It is truly beneficial for them, and if I'm talking to the principal, it's easy to get a "Yes".

    Currently, I only rely on cold-calling, but I know there's gotta be a better way. I found a 1099 employee who sold vending machines to schools across the country, so he has lots of contacts. I also found another one who works with a small non-profit in CA that works with schools too, so she has lots of contacts as well. These have been working so far.

    Does anybody know how I can contact elementary school principals to offer my product? I am paying people $200 per elementary school that meets my criteria and signs my agreement.

    Any non-profits with lots of connections to elementary school principals? Organizations? Faith-based programs?

    I'm posting this here because this forum seems to have the brightest, most creative minds I've come across online. Please help me get this business to the next level.

    Thank you.

    The previous poster offered you some good resources. Here is my contribution. Every populated county in the U.S. has a school district. There are several counties that are very small and use the county nearest them to school their children so that's what I mean by every populated county.

    If your cold caller wants an updated list of contacts simply type in countyname school district in the big g and up will pop their website. A lot of work but I can guarantee that list will be accurate especially at this time of the year.

    If you pm me more info about your product, I may be able to help you in my county. No guarantees.

    Have a great day...
    Get 30% or More Retirement Income If you are serious about your retirement, you'll love this product.

    The Money Ferret Finance Article Directory
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  • Profile picture of the author bert81
    Thanks for the ideas, I do very much appreciate it. I have been to shows, the only problem is they're only held once a year, and it seems like many of them choose the same days to have them. I am looking for ways that I can reach multiple principals at once, so I've been considering buying an ad with a state-sized group of elementary school principals and seeing how that goes before doing a larger national campaign.

    An ideal thing for me would be to find more non-profit organizations that work directly with schools and setting up some co-op thing with them.

    I very much do appreciate the advice and am hoping other people have more.
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  • Profile picture of the author piney94
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  • Profile picture of the author maplesma
    HI. I was in charge of all the business computing for a large School District in Texas for 22 years.

    Schools that take state money are public institutions and therefore are subject to OPEN RECORDS requests.

    You should be able to find the names of school districts online. Call or send an OPEN RECORDS REQUEST to the Human Resources Departments of each school district and ask for the Names and addresses of all of their Principals. You can request school addresses and/or home addresses.

    You should include: your name, the name of your company, what type of business you have and a brief description of what you plan to do with the names and address you collect.

    Hope this helps
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  • Profile picture of the author AmericanMuscleTA
    Just send direct mail to the principals if you don't want to call.

    It's manual labor, but a Google search will give you names of all the elementary school principals and addresses of the schools.

    David Hunter | Duke of Marketing

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  • Profile picture of the author bert81
    Thank you so far for some of the ideas. We're getting the creative juices flowing I think and I'm learning a good amount. What I'm craving is something like the Remora method. I'd love to find a company to ride off of, of course making everyone benefit (especially since I'm paying $200/school). But there's certainly some good info here for me to look into.

    And I've been trying Linked-in...I've found a way to directly send messages to people without paying for the Inmail they have, but the response rate has been pitiful. Sad too, because if they just heard the program, they love it (again, because it saves them money directly).

    Thanks again!
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    • Profile picture of the author mojo1

      In one of my current projects, I email Elementary school principals, daycare centers, and private academies to accept a complimentary item provided by a community sponsor. I'm not sure what region of the country you're currently focused but I'd be interested to learn a bit more about your project.

      Feel free to PM me if you'd like.
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  • Profile picture of the author JessUBotNinja
    Check in special groups on LinkedIn. If you are willing to do some mingling find teacher meet up groups.

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