Whats a good PPC advertising method?

31 replies
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I want to offer web marketing to my customers, but learning google adwords is going to take to long, and I dont want to sell something until I am proficient in it.

I want to sell my customers internet marketing/traffic and good landing pages.

Whats something as cheap as bidvertiser so i keep my expenses low, easy to learn as bidvertiser, but actually effective....

#advertising #good #method #ppc
  • Profile picture of the author Tom Addams
    As you already know, getting into PPC is expensive. Learning the ropes will not only cost you money (via coaching or eBooks) but you have to consider how much you'll blow in getting campaigns to profitability. It took me roughly 12 months (long time ago) before I felt completely proficient. What I'd suggest, if you want to play around with PPC on a fairly decent platform, is getting yourself a Bing Ads coupon. You'll find the $100 coupons floating around. Try that and you'll have a little cash to play around with and familiarize yourself. It won't be enough to become proficient, but you have nothing to lose, and you'll come away knowing more.


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  • Profile picture of the author ZephyrIon

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  • Profile picture of the author xxxjay
    Originally Posted by alboboss View Post

    I want to offer web marketing to my customers, but learning google adwords is going to take to long, and I dont want to sell something until I am proficient in it.

    I want to sell my customers internet marketing/traffic and good landing pages.

    Whats something as cheap as bidvertiser so i keep my expenses low, easy to learn as bidvertiser, but actually effective....

    you have to know what your ROI or make a reasonable guess at what your return on investment would be or you will lose money


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  • Profile picture of the author alboboss
    thanks everyone. just wanted to do a bump...

    i know about conversion rates, and how to take care of everything on the web end. i also know which keywords to choose that wont be misleading and have higher conversion rates (even though they cost more) and calculate ROI. i also have good analytics knowledge.

    but ive never used the adwords platform.... should it be a simple thing for me to use if i know everything above (since ive worked with seo).
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  • Profile picture of the author salegurus
    There is a forum dedicated to PPC, that's where you should have posted....
    Pay Per Click/Search Engine Marketing (PPC/SEM)
    Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

    ― George Carlin
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  • Facebook advertising is really good to use if your interested. Also Bing works great.
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    • Profile picture of the author dburk
      Hi alboboss,

      You are right, learning AdWords will take a long time. Not a long time to learn the basics, but to learn to master it well enough to compete successfully will take a while. Not only will it take time to learn, it will also take time to monitor, manage and optimize campaigns once you've learned how. If you are going to offer web marketing, AdWords is the 800 pound gorilla in the room. All other platforms combined will typically not equal the reach and scale you can achieve with AdWords.

      You might consider hiring an in-house specialist that has experience to hit the ground running. Or you could outsource it to an agency that offers private label services. Or, hire an expert that offers coaching services to watch over you while you learn the ropes.

      If you want to avoid AdWords altogether then you could try Yahoo Bing ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, or Linkedin Ads. They all have sizable networks though much smaller in scale and effectiveness in most cases. But there is a significant market there just in people that have tried and failed at AdWords, and perhaps even banned from the AdWords platform. Those will be your target customers.
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    • Profile picture of the author sirajuljony
      Originally Posted by Francesco Iantorno View Post

      Facebook advertising is really good to use if your interested. Also Bing works great.
      "Facebook advertising is really good to use if your interested. Also Bing works great."
      I also support you.
      Active Member
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  • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
    If you want to be, you should try it.

    Losing $ 10 is not a problem, because you gain knowledge that others can not.

    If you never try, then you do not have the science to measure the conversion rate of the ad
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    • Profile picture of the author KostasPapahatzis
      I think you should stick with Adwords. Start by reading the course; it will be cheaper to learn on the Google Display Network. You will learn all the tricks there at a fraction of the cost. And besides, there are basically two-three ways you can go forward with this:

      one is to get a job in a digital marketing agency - I gather you already have some sort of Business so this is probably not a viable scenario.

      The second option is to get a few friends of yours and do their Adwords marketing at a very low cost provided that they have no time rush.

      And you can always get one of your clients and use it as your guinea pig. After 5 clients you should feel expert. Just remember: take short projects where you can "see the other end" and make sure you have a good grasp on what is required from you. A few man hours per project, tops. Once you take the hang of it move to larger projects, like ecommerce.
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      • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
        Originally Posted by KostasPapahatzis View Post

        I think you should stick with Adwords. Start by reading the course; it will be cheaper to learn on the Google Display Network. You will learn all the tricks there at a fraction of the cost. And besides, there are basically two-three ways you can go forward with this:

        one is to get a job in a digital marketing agency - I gather you already have some sort of Business so this is probably not a viable scenario.

        The second option is to get a few friends of yours and do their Adwords marketing at a very low cost provided that they have no time rush.

        And you can always get one of your clients and use it as your guinea pig. After 5 clients you should feel expert. Just remember: take short projects where you can "see the other end" and make sure you have a good grasp on what is required from you. A few man hours per project, tops. Once you take the hang of it move to larger projects, like ecommerce.
        Is very good adword for sale?
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  • Profile picture of the author n3o
    if you are going to do it for brick & mortar google adwords & facebook would be the best one
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  • Profile picture of the author gknarslnts
    Hi guys!

    I gave advertising via Bidvertise that have many way to ads. I used 0-click(low cost) and text add so 0-click seem 301 impression 101 click naturally CTR became %34,22 despite that 0 sales. What does mean exactly 0-click ? Why are there plenty of low quality click ? Has someone idea or can give me advise thats is good or bad ?
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    • Profile picture of the author jobdollarr
      Originally Posted by gknarslnts View Post

      Hi guys!

      I gave advertising via Bidvertise that have many way to ads. I used 0-click(low cost) and text add so 0-click seem 301 impression 101 click naturally CTR became %34,22 despite that 0 sales. What does mean exactly 0-click ? Why are there plenty of low quality click ? Has someone idea or can give me advise thats is good or bad ?
      Better go for building articles and backlinks.

      Content marketing will index your site better.

      A few months ago I was using 50,000 articles in the index as a backlink.

      Actually a very good kind I use, but the price is very high for being in the server, I could hit 1 million index easily with the article.

      However, you require the dedicad server.

      If you go to your site's rankings.
      Adding things you can do seo
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  • Profile picture of the author GregtheWriter
    Probably off topic a little, but I would recommend using facebook PPC.

    It's a killer platform.

    For targeting you could even buy a list off a place like InfoUsa.com and upload that as a custom audience to target business owners with websites specifically.

    (You know they're in biz and they have a web presence so they probably also want to improve their web performance).

    These leads can be super cheap. I would recommend selling a $7 book about web design, or video course to recoup the advertising costs to help make all the leads totally free for you.

    I do this in my network marketing business and it works really well.

    Free Video Series Show You the Exact Tools Six-Figure Affiliate & Network Marketers Use
    Attract. Sponsor. Build an Empire.

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  • Profile picture of the author CashMoneyOnline
    BING is solid...you can run all types of offers with CPA stuff. They don't care if you direct link either.

    I am getting good results and super dirt cheap clicks over there.
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    • Profile picture of the author solarwarrior
      Originally Posted by CashMoneyOnline View Post

      BING is solid...you can run all types of offers with CPA stuff. They don't care if you direct link either.

      I am getting good results and super dirt cheap clicks over there.
      Yes, Bing is the best if you are just starting out.

      Offers 1-1 Coaching for Bing/CPA/Clickbank.
      1,248 students have benefited so far!
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9955965].message }}
      • Profile picture of the author robsterhews
        Stay with the Big 3 - Google, Yahoo(Bing) & FB. Otherwise you will be throwing money down the rabbit hole. Take it from a guy who spent a lot of money to learn that lesson.

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  • Profile picture of the author leilapearse
    Hi there! The 3 most successful pay per click strategies are:

    (1) You always have to include a call to action in each of your ads

    (2) Target your audience right down to countries and;

    (3) Design a killer landing page that would make your audience convert

    That's it! Hope it helps!
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  • Profile picture of the author Defacto
    Learn adwords. Take the time and get the experience. That's where the traffic is. Other than that BingAds. The others? Waste of time and money IMO.

    How to get clients? Offer your service for free to a couple local companies and get them results in exchange for an honest testimonial and permission to put them on your website/video as a case study to show future clients.

    Don't offer to pay for their adwords campaign of course. Just be a coach and tell them how to proceed. Get Spyfu and maybe leadpages, optimizepress, etc. Make them a good lead page. At this point you can sell them video services or copywriting services when they don't want to do it themselves. But don't mention any of that upfront...

    Anyhoo, that's a proven way to get started in the business and you will learn as you go and gain real life experience.
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  • Profile picture of the author n3o
    google adwords !
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  • Profile picture of the author shaharA
    all platforms are good and will give you the results you are after. you just need to learn how the make the best of them.
    i use bing ads and getting traffic for 0.2cpc that converts to sales but it also depends on which niche do you promote.

    and like some other guys said, facebook is also killer way to get super targeted traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author homebizoutlook
    I am having a lot of success with Bing ads, much cheaper than Google and I still get tons of traffic.
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  • Profile picture of the author kavyaanjali
    Pay per click (PPC) advertising is a type of online advertising common to search engines and social media websites. Most pay per click ads are designed to appear when an Internet surfer uses certain keywords. Pay per click ads and search engine optimization are the most common ways that businesses try to rank highly on search results.
    How to use pay per click :
    Method 1: Research and report on your baseline traffic and sales
    Method 2: Create a landing page
    Method 3: Invest in web traffic tracking
    Method 4: Choose your keywords.
    Method 5: Use marketing professionals to design your ad.
    Method 6: Set a few different versions of your ad, to determine which search terms will work best for your company.
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  • Profile picture of the author sonicwiz
    I will suggest you start with 7search they have the cheapest cost per click and with some tweaking you will get a wining campaign. to learn more on 7search go to youtube you will find a some work through on 7search advertising.
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  • Profile picture of the author rakeshseo1
    You should use google ad words and there are need to optimize regularly, if your web site is quick and fast then you can earn well just minimum budget.
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  • Profile picture of the author ShreyaSharma
    PPC is a Pay Per Click Marketing and is a way of using search engine advertising to generate clicks to your website rather then earning those click originally. Some of the good PPC advertising methods are:
    1. Google Adsense
    5.Clicksor ads
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  • Profile picture of the author bigguan
    Perhaps you can try PPV traffic
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