7Search: How to correctly compose keywords list?

by ofesak
1 replies
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It is common fact that keyword-targeting on 7Search is different than on Google Adwords for example.

We cannot use hundreds highly-targeted long-tail exact-match keywords because we simply get no volume. If we use broad targeting then we get bad traffic quality, no conversions.

But, anyway, all guides I read say that I must use LOT OF keywords by EXACT / PHRASE match.

Question is simple: how to compose such keyword list especially for 7Search? How to get lot of keywords which are high volume and potentially converting?

Experienced marketers, how do you perform this task?

Thank you,
#7search #compose #correctly #keywords #list
  • Profile picture of the author samthewildone
    I highly recommend you check out my latest post about my
    short and brief adventure with 7Search...

    I used a lot of long tailed and targeted keywords and conversions were
    still terrible when using phrases & exact settings.
    I spent about a good 2 weeks tweaking my campaigns and still didn't get
    the results I wanted.

    If you're spending money with them, please just stop. You're not going
    to be very happy with the end result.
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