How to Start with PPC?

25 replies
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Hey I have brief knowledge in Search Engine Optimization but have some basic ideas about PPC, Now I want to do PPC Campaign for new website, I would like to know how to start with it. Could anyone please thoroughly explain how should I start with PPC?
#ppc #start
  • Profile picture of the author solarwarrior
    A good way will be reading up some threads in this section than asking for help straight away.

    Offers 1-1 Coaching for Bing/CPA/Clickbank.
    1,248 students have benefited so far!
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  • Profile picture of the author saranyasb
    First you assume your needs about the traffic then you proceed with op companies or by own
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  • Profile picture of the author kcbowman
    I don't like when people give vague answers or back handed statements to people. Granted he could have taken some initiative to look it up himself...

    Pick a product, PPC - go find out how to do keyword research, create a webpage that has the sales letter as well as a contact form, privacy statement, a blog with one or two throw away (or valuable) posts, and a few articles on the topic. Put a disclaimer next to any testimonials or just put ti there if you promise results because google won't allow you to just promise results.
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  • Profile picture of the author ovs
    If you want to do PPC yourself it is Easy.

    Step 1 : Register on Google Adwords.
    Step 2 : Watch Videos on Youtube (Google adwords)
    Step 3 : How to setup the campaign,bids , keywords research( keyword planner etc)

    There are many steps from my side i had learnt through Youtube
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  • Profile picture of the author anynewsbd
    You have to register on ppc site & approved your site then put ppc add in your site.
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  • Profile picture of the author xembergg
    Read up on Google AdWords, there's plenty of information. Just be careful of what you're allowed to advertise and promote on AdWords. You can get banned very easily.
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    • Profile picture of the author mikfoxx
      Originally Posted by xembergg View Post

      Read up on Google AdWords, there's plenty of information. Just be careful of what you're allowed to advertise and promote on AdWords. You can get banned very easily.
      Agree! You can also search more tips through searching.
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    • Profile picture of the author JackieABrfer
      Google AdWords
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  • Profile picture of the author turboshandy
    There is plenty of information online about how to set up your ads. If you don't know how to look, simply google "google adwords tutorial" and browse through the results.
    Also, if you have the budget for it, you could easily hire someone to do this for you, someone who knows how to set things up so you'll see results.
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  • Profile picture of the author turboshandy
    Google adwords and google adsense are two separate things.
    You earn money from google adsense. However, you should gain traffic from google adwords, which should lead to you earning money.
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  • Profile picture of the author annewilliams123
    How to get practical knowledge of the adwords as I have the theoretical. Please suggest any option if we do not have project then how to get practical knowledge of it.
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  • Profile picture of the author Idol
    To me just running a PPC campaign without learning the curve may put you in loss. It is recommended to learn how to start PPC to get the best out from each and every campaign you set out.

    Skype: live:.cid.a58170e6da660a04

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  • Profile picture of the author debbychisha
    As already mentioned without having any knowledge of PPC and putting money into it will just bring you only loss, so I would suggest you first learning from free resources and then trying with small scale and grow
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    • Profile picture of the author DivyaRai
      Originally Posted by debbychisha View Post

      As already mentioned without having any knowledge of PPC and putting money into it will just bring you only loss, so I would suggest you first learning from free resources and then trying with small scale and grow
      Hello, I have the brief knowledge in gaining traffic from free resources, now I want to try with PPC so I asked about the same. Thank you for your suggestion
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  • Profile picture of the author celente
    go watch some youtube videos, and list by last few months.

    I saw a guy who basically showed you how to set up a $100 a day campaign, quickly.

    Just saying. One can waist many hours on youtube, mostly monkeys farting or kids getting hurt style videos. LOL.
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  • Profile picture of the author deepakphalswal

    You can learn basic to advance about Google ad-words on

    Thanks & Regards

    PPC Services Company in Gurgaon
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  • Profile picture of the author stoqn
    If you plan to invet some money my advice is to buy one of Perry Marshall's courses - one of the best investment on the net.

    Then start reading the forum and start asking more specific questions...
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  • Profile picture of the author Joeferlaino
    I suggest you research and learn about PPC through the threads, find a program/coach that will guide you, also implement as you go and ask alot of questions. Split test and optimize your results.

    Good luck
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  • Profile picture of the author farhadankhi
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    • Profile picture of the author dburk
      Originally Posted by farhadankhi View Post

      Everybody here just suggested to read on Google and watch video on PPC, but nobody helps straight away to give e full free and reliable resources to learn more about PPC. It would be great if some body share any free guide or pdf on ppc.

      Hi farhadankhi,

      I would beg to differ.

      I gather that you haven't yet been through those courses and video training sessions, right?

      The links to Google's AdWords support is probably the very best collection of resources and courses that you can find anywhere. Have you seen or heard of anything better than the thorough, accurate, useful, and well produced material Google has produced for learning PPC anywhere else... I didn't think so.

      I suggest you go through that material at least once before discounting the value and usefulness of what Google has developed.
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      • Profile picture of the author andrewm

        I strongly agree with Dburk. I started to go through the material. It is tops. And might I mention free. Really good value. The only think required is time.

        Thanks Dburk for pointing me in the direction of this resource.


        Originally Posted by dburk View Post

        Hi farhadankhi,

        I would beg to differ.

        I gather that you haven't yet been through those courses and video training sessions, right?

        The links to Google's AdWords support is probably the very best collection of resources and courses that you can find anywhere. Have you seen or heard of anything better than the thorough, accurate, useful, and well produced material Google has produced for learning PPC anywhere else... I didn't think so.

        I suggest you go through that material at least once before discounting the value and usefulness of what Google has developed.
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  • Profile picture of the author FUBSZ
    There are a few PPC platforms you can pursue, and the one you choose depends highly on what your content is :
    1)Facebook Ads ( suitable for introducing brand new products, that noone is looking for yet, meaning you will be targeting by peoples interests)

    2) Google Adwords ( suitable for selling high ROI products or high ticket items, perfect for targeting by keywords, meaning people are looking for what you are selling by keywords searched for)

    3) Youtube Videos ( Suitable for something that is enhance or is dependant on showing a video or an introductory video)

    4) Linkedin Ads ( Suitable for B2B products)

    First of all you need to see which one would fit you better and then start learning on that particular platform, it would save you a lot of time and money in the future.

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  • Profile picture of the author mariaejaz12
    1st) You Should need to rectify your targeted keyword using Googlde Adwords or etc
    2nd) Then Select Keywords on Google Adwords.
    3rd) Add your budget , target Audience..
    4th) Start Campaign
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  • Profile picture of the author askean
    I have had a lot more success with bing ads, prices cheap and they allow clickbank
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