With so much advice about pay per click marketing on the internet it is hard to know where to start. Sure it's true that Google, Yahoo and Bing account for over 90% of all searches online but marketing on them is no guarantee of success. My strategy of focus applies to any search engine so I proved it on a smaller PPC company with even less quality traffic. A little known PPC site called 7search. Our team at SmartMoneyFinance selected over 1,000 products to promote through direct affiliate links (the big 3 do not allow this in most cases). We selected only 1 to 3 keywords to target each product. Only the most targeted keyword that appears in the fold of the sales page (the first part of the site seen without scrolling down). Our strategy was not quantity over quality, but quantity of quality. These highly focused keywords were set to only US traffic on "Exact Match". The results surpassed our expectations and sales started to flow in every day. Sometimes 4 to 5 sales a day. The result of a $200 campaign resulted in over $1,000 in affiliate comissions. That is a 500% return on investment. As you can see PPC is most effective when the power of focus is the first priority.
I hope you enjoyed this update as it is difficult to find people sharing examples like this. Please share your successes in PPC marketing aswell. I look forward to hearing from you.
Andrew Smith of SmartMoneyFinance
#focus #marketing #power #ppc
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