Bing PPC good impression but very low conversion
I am in a situation I could use some help

This is my Bing results for the first time I tried:
In 6 days
5,931 impressions
177 clicks
6 optins
2.95% opt in
I think what this means is:
1 - The market is NOT saturated (also because there are other competition websites advertising ).
2 - Bing does have enough traffic (quality of traffic..can't tell from this stat)
2 - The ad I made in Bing and it's copy is ok (visitors like it)
3 - "Very low quality optin page". Since bounce rate is almost 100%, there must be something really wrong with the page? (I am a bit surprised they're not optin in since I am following Eben's exact steps and offering a free program). Unless the traffic being sent is bogus.
What I am working on currently:
1 - Trying to come up to come up with a way to test different opt in pages. So I am gonna create different experiments in Google analytics.
2 - Writing for the blog 2 hour a day so in 2 weeks I have 30 rich pages, that might help long term.
3 - Tmrw will set up a Facebook campaign to see how that goes. Sometimes it gives great results for a much lower price.
4 - Wait a few more days to get more data.
If you have been in this situation before and have some tips I could I use please share.
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* Get Results - Outsource Your PPC Management |
* Don Burk Advertising & Marketing - www.donburk.com