347 Clicks but no sales

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I've started a Bing campigan with dog training Clickbanks's offer.
I got 347 clicks on my ad, but there is no sales on Clickbank yet
Is that normal? I chose an offfer with high gravity on Clickbank

#347 #clicks #sales
  • Profile picture of the author CPABeyondNetwork
    That's normal. You need to have more clicks and to test more. Is your targeting good? Are you direct or with LP? Which countries are you targeting? What is your targeted audience?

    Best regards,

    CPA Beyond

    AM at CPA Beyond - #1 Private Network - Daily Payments (No Fees)

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  • Profile picture of the author weekendmarketer
    Have you tried retargeting?

    check if that helps.

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    • Profile picture of the author dshipman
      Are the 347 clicks going going to your landing page or directly to the sales page? If you're using a landing page, are they also clicking on your affiliate link and going to the sales page?
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  • Profile picture of the author halk
    Try changing the niche
    Unlimited Bing Ads $50 Coupon Method Only $10

    Skype: luiz.domains
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  • Profile picture of the author koksalatik

    it is not normal. Check your ad copies, keywords and your landing page relevancy first. There may be many other things to consider. I would first get a training on affiliate marketing and bing PPC.

    hope this helps,

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    • Profile picture of the author xtremeux
      Hello MetallicaFan,

      It's not normal, If you have 347 visits and no sale means there is wrong.

      You need to analyze user buying cycle to find loopholes.

      Like from landing page to cart page to check out process to order success page.

      There are many reasons behind it. First check, from which page user is leaving. I mean user add the product into the cart of leave from the product detailed page which can help you to find problem.
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  • Profile picture of the author derekwong28
    It really depends how much you have spent so far and how much will you get per sale. I normally cut a campaign once it reaches 100 clicks but no sale.

    Do not get between a wombat and a chocolate biscuit; you will regret it dearly!

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  • Profile picture of the author Jonathan Vodini
    if it doesn;'t work try change offer, or even better try to change method, drive traffic straight away to a salespage doesn't covert usually then when someone may buy from your link u actually lost a customer. why do not start make your own list on the niche you are into?
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  • Profile picture of the author affiliatery
    Change niche and offers. Maybe you can test our offers, because we offer pshysical products on Europe market which convert very well. I will suggest you to try our Garcinia Cambogia or Smoothie Maker offer for Italy on Bing. You will have very low componetition and I see Bing convert excellent for our affiliates.

    You can see our offers by sign-up on www.affiliatery.com
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  • Profile picture of the author jamescanz
    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post

    I've started a Bing campigan with dog training Clickbanks's offer.
    Gotta love Bing.

    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post

    I got 347 clicks on my ad...
    Gotta love taking action, too.

    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post

    but there is no sales on Clickbank yet
    Ahh yes, the dreaded...

    "Where my conversions at?!"

    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post

    Is that normal?
    Just about...

    Although the amount it happens is greatly dependent upon the user.

    (from what I've noticed in the past)

    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post

    I chose an offfer with high gravity on Clickbank
    While that's a great place to start...

    There's tons of variables effecting your current results (or lack of results).

    Keywords, amount you are spending per click, ad copy, etc.

    Have you considered attaching a landing page (if you haven't yet already)?
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  • Profile picture of the author Samfakroon
    Ok 347 Clicks without any conversion is quite not normal unless you are not Targetting properly. You also need to track all your keywords see where the clicks are coming from.
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  • Profile picture of the author danielmav
    347 clicks but no sales. Seriously there is something wrong in this. Try to figure out what's the mistake.

    Choose keywords very specific and target the right audience. Also look into your landing pages and how you can improve user friendliness.
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  • Profile picture of the author premz
    mee to i never had any suceess with adwords lost more than $1000+
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  • Profile picture of the author escapeadvertising
    try to sell something else what people are minding up to
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  • Profile picture of the author shaunybb
    Originally Posted by MetallicaFan View Post


    I've started a Bing campigan with dog training Clickbanks's offer.
    I got 347 clicks on my ad, but there is no sales on Clickbank yet
    Is that normal? I chose an offfer with high gravity on Clickbank



    Click bank gravity is not always what to look for! Yes of course the higher the gravity it shows that affiliates are making sales but people make good sales with lower gravity too because they are targeting the right audience!

    Maybe your just using to broader keywords or not targeted enough and of course a few more variations. ok an example:-


    There are browse keywords:-

    These keywords generally mean that people just browse between websites,
    products and services, with little to no intention of buying.

    Browse keyword =`dog training

    There are compare keywords:-

    These keywords mean that people are looking through multiple products or services in an attempt to fulfil their requirements.

    compare keyword = Puppy training program

    There are buyer keywords:-

    These keywords mean that people know exactly what they want to buy and are searching actively

    Buyer keyword = pit bull potty training guide

    So figure out what your trying to achieve and use either the browse compare or buyer keywords for the ultimate target and relevance of your selected goal. wethers its quick sales or email list building you decide.
    ====>READY To Be Successful Online? FIND OUT more!?<====
    You FAIL online because you have the WRONG information.....
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  • Profile picture of the author daweller
    OT: would the OP be mad if I said St. Anger is the best Metallica album?
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  • Profile picture of the author pif69
    Hello MetallicaFan,

    If you have 347 clicks and no sale, clearly something is wrong. Especially if your product has high gravity (at least you know that it is not an offer issue).

    The lack of conversion can have many reasons:
    - Not enough targeted traffic;
    - Not well choses keyword list;
    - Not good written ad;

    I would suggest the following to improve the above:
    - Use exact match keywords: you will not get as high clicks, but you'll get more targeted clicks. you can expand later.
    - Try something more specific in your keyword selection: again, you will narrow your targeted people, but you will improve your conversion.
    - Try using a "How to ..." ad. Something that matches your ebook and keywords.

    Let us know how it turns out.

    Good luck,

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  • Profile picture of the author redarrows
    what are you all on lol.

    347 clicks is not a lot of clicks or traffic for any think you need to build on your traffic
    or change campaigns.
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  • Profile picture of the author zinannadeem
    First thing it's not normal. if you got more than 347 clicks and no sale means there must be a problem in your campaign. Normally you can expect single sale from those clicks.

    Targeting audience and well organized landing page will make the difference. In your situation people are coming your sales page but not buying ... right ? So the possible reason is the visitors who are coming to sales page are not interested to that product or your landing page fails to attract them to buy.

    So my suggestion is to try to promote $1 trail product from clickbank and also don't go for high gravity product because most of them are already reached to the audience. So your product may familiar to them. If you able to target the audience well then low gravity product can be sold easily.
    Do you know about 60% of internet access is mostly mobile ?

    If you want to increase your PROFIT, make your landing page responsive today !!!
    Need help ? Click Here ...
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  • Profile picture of the author affiliater84
    My opinion is check the bounce rate of your product landing page and re optimize it.
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