Are we Allowed to Use Facebook to Promote Affiliate Product with Squeeze Page

3 replies
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A Quick Question: Are we currently allowed to advertise to a landing page on Facebook and then sending subscribers to an affiliate product after that? (This is not allowed on Adwords I believe). But I wonder if this can still be done on Facebook at the moment.
#affiliate #allowed #facebook #page #product #promote #squeeze
  • Originally Posted by MindReality View Post

    A Quick Question: Are we currently allowed to advertise to a landing page on Facebook and then sending subscribers to an affiliate product after that? (This is not allowed on Adwords I believe). But I wonder if this can still be done on Facebook at the moment.
    Yes, it is allowed on FB because I tried it. I dont know why you said this is not allowed on Adwords because I also tried on Adwords. But keep in mind that your landing page dont have any pop up. No exit pop, No scroll pop. Read FB TOS carefully to prevent your account from being banned.
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    • Profile picture of the author utopia77
      Yes its allowed but like jvzooreviewdotnet said make sure there are NO pop-ups.

      Also make sure your affiliate product does not deal in the "grey" area with Facebook
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  • Profile picture of the author JBroyer44
    Make sure you link out to a privacy policy.

    Also in your ad don't say things like "instant access" if it requires an opt-in.

    You can get really low cpc if you link to content like a blog post, and your blog post can have affiliate links in it or link out to a landing page for the product, if you are really concerned.

    If I was trying to promote affiliate offer I would send "TARGETED TRAFFIC" from FB ads to a blog post talking about the niche or problem the product solves. Pixel everyone who goes to that blog post, then retarget them to an email optin page to get them on your list, then send them to the affiliate from your list.

    You will have to set up your custom audience pixel for that to work, but it is worth it.

    "The force is strong with this one"
    Facebook Ad Services:

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