How Much Are You Guys Spending on PPC?

10 replies
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Hi guys,

Question on PPC and marketing dollars spent.

How much are you spending on PPC/Ads (Facebook, Google)?

I've been finding myself having to spend X amount to make Y amount in profits.
For example: Every $1,000/day you spend on PPC, you make $500 in profits. Etc.

Do you just keep spending more and more on marketing per day to:

1) Break even then,
2) Hopefully make a profit?

Are people pouring money into PPC marketing per day like this?

Profits are cool and all.
But I'm thinking, shoot, I just paid Google $1,000, to make $1,500 ($500 profit).
Now I'm not complainin' by any means - but looking to see what others are doing.

Also think it's amazing how much these companies are making from Advertisers!
#guys #ppc #spending
  • Profile picture of the author LeonardoAlvarez
    That's a good ROI !
    My rule of thumb is always spending 2x the offer payout JUST for testing purposes (I'm assuming you're running cpa offers)
    The thing with any traffic source is just test, so if you payed $1000 to google and you made $500 in pure profit that is awesome.
    Always make sure to track everything and optimize your campaigns for higher ROI.
    Indeed, it is truly amazing.

    Good Luck,
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  • Profile picture of the author svetod
    I currently spend around £20.000 per month on Adwords and about £7.000 on Bing.

    Regarding your ROI questions - this is pretty much personal strategy. Some people are happy to spend a lot of money and have small ROI, others prefer to keep the ROI high and may give up some of the expensive keywords. I guess it's up to your budget and cashflow mainly.
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    • Profile picture of the author Oziboomer
      Originally Posted by svetod View Post

      I currently spend around £20.000 per month on Adwords and about £7.000 on Bing.

      Regarding your ROI questions - this is pretty much personal strategy. Some people are happy to spend a lot of money and have small ROI, others prefer to keep the ROI high and may give up some of the expensive keywords. I guess it's up to your budget and cashflow mainly.
      I'm surprised with that kind of expenditure that you'd lower yourself to scouring forums.

      In my business model if I was spending that then I'd have gone public with my companies by now.

      What sort of turnover are you generating from your USD $41117.08 monthly investment?
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  • Profile picture of the author automkt
    good point of view.. you all!

    Keep us updated!
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  • Profile picture of the author jony1
    We spend approx $10000/m for PPC for Google Adwords.
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  • Profile picture of the author johnlagoudakis
    Back in 2007 - 2009, I used to make 100% ROI on Google Adwords...

    ...but things have changed a LOT since then.

    I'd expect 50% ROI is very good.
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  • Profile picture of the author aars14
    I focus now a days on building relationships with the audience, it may be true that i spend 100$ on a day and earn backs 20$ on the same day, but i make sure, i earn 200$ more from the same traffic.
    "Stuck With Adwords/PPC Campaigns? Want to Increase Conversions? Setup New Campaign? Improve current Adwords Performance Contact Google Certified Partners." -Warrior Forum Thread
    Have you Started following my - Internet Marketing Blog?
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  • Profile picture of the author Moira Yao
    We pay $1000 per month at desktop ad platform instead of Facebook, Google. We can get good CTR and result. That is what is we need.
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  • Profile picture of the author luciesmazanska
    Good question!
    Actually Im using only Facebook ads and it works great so far.
    im spending $300 per day = $450 profit

    Im using A/B testing to get best results

    Wish you the best!
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  • Profile picture of the author doanxuanhoang
    That's good question You can using Facebook ads or Google tool
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