9 replies
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I have many question concerning Ads Companies. I am searching for a company to make advertisement for my website. I need a company with a high rate payements. Which one pays well are they the [CPV or CPC] Ads ? If you have any advises don't hesitate to answer me back. Can someone tell me which ads extratorrent.cc are using ? Thank You
#cpc #cpv
  • Profile picture of the author vijaybansal
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  • Profile picture of the author altonroot
    Extratorrent.cc uses both CPC and CPV ads. CPV ads only works when you have really good content, like extratorrent.cc has exclusive content and users are forced to visit that site. If you don't have then CPV ads can annoy your users and they might not return back. CPC ads are good and you can go with many networks. Just test your income with few and decides for better. For CPV ads, I can suggest you to go with pop under networks like propell media and 50onred.
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    • Profile picture of the author hassanov

      Thank You very much, do you know some companies that pays higher for CPC ads ?
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  • hi there , their are plenty of companies that pay high revenue some of them are:-

    google adsense
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    • Profile picture of the author hassanov
      carltonfite22091991 My content is illegal to google so they won't accept my request. My website is a software upload website which includes cracking so that's illegal to google ads
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  • Profile picture of the author altonroot
    There are lot of for display ad networks. Like Sizmek, vertoz, redirect, veInteractive, Dataxu. Lot of available. Just you have to consult with them and choose the network which have large inventory in your country. They will have some good advertisers as well. Infolinks is very good and present in many country.
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  • Profile picture of the author hassanov
    Do you know which Advertising company SadeemPc is using ?
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  • Profile picture of the author Don Mann
    If your talking about companies, who pay out on CPC and CPV ?

    Here are some, I use:
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  • Profile picture of the author SEOMastery
    To monetize your website/ blog with PPC you must apply for Google Adsense. There is no other company who can pay you most per click than Adsense. Each quality click from your website traffic usually can be $0.50 a click on avg as an example. But the clicks revenue depends on various things such as traffic countries, relevant ads, your traffic bounce rate, article quality etc.

    Best of Luck with your blog monetization!
    (For US/ UK/ DE/ FR - Very Affordable Price)
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  • Profile picture of the author hassanov
    i Can not use google ads coz my website contains illegal content it is about software installs with crack ? i got nearly 4000 thousand visitors a day now so any suggestions ?
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