Day Parting / Ad Scheduling

4 replies
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I read some advice that recommended to optimize your PPC campaigns to run between the hours of 5:00 PM and midnight, as that's when people are more likely to whip out their credit card and buy something.

The opposing camp says that you are losing opportunities by doing this, and you must have at least 100 conversions to accurately gauge when people are buying your products. Of course there's also the factor that somebody may see your product while web surfing at work and then come back later to purchase.

I'd be curious to see what other people's experiences with this are as it relates to selling physical products online.
#day #parting #scheduling
  • Profile picture of the author markhimeb
    Look! The truth is that the right way to do it is by following the second route: wait till having at least 100 conversions and then you'll know what's the best time for your campaigns to run. But, it's also true that after this you will probably end up seeing that most of your sales will take place between 5 pm and 2 am --not midnight.

    Oh, and Happy New Year.
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  • Profile picture of the author solarwarrior
    Stick to your data. Never assume.

    Offers 1-1 Coaching for Bing/CPA/Clickbank.
    1,248 students have benefited so far!
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  • Profile picture of the author Carol Dere
    Ad Scheduling /Day Parting in 5 Steps

    Step 1

    Before creating an ad schedule or excluding days of the week, jump into the Dimensions tab within the campaign you want to focus on (you can also look across the entire account, for example if your account only has one or two campaigns of similar focus).

    Step 2

    Once in the Dimensions tab navigate over to the View drop down and scroll down to Time Here you,ll be able to select from the following seven options available, but I,d recommend keeping your focus on Day Of the week and a Hour of the day.

    Step 3

    Analyze what days and times of the day are most profitable or performing most optimally in terms of your PPC goals. Make sure the amount of time you are looking over is statistically significant. Creating an ad schedule based off of a random pattern that isnt likely to repeat can be detrimental to your account.

    Step 4

    Now that you have done some analysis it is time to create a unique ad schedule for your campaign. To do so navigate to the Setting tab within the campaign you,re adjusting then select Ad Schedule.

    Step 5

    Scroll down and select the red AD SCHEDULE button to choose the days of the weeks, hours of the day, etc. that you would like to show your ads. Once you,ve created your ad schedule you can also use the Set bid adjustments to bid higher or lower on certain hours or day or days of the week which are higher or lower in value.

    With ad scheduling I would recommend starting with a trial period. Don't just set it and forget it. Keep track of when you made the adjustments, let your account run on the new schedule, and check in on a monthly basis to compare to past performance, keeping in mind monthly and seasonal fluctuations.
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  • Profile picture of the author JensFred
    Don't optimize for this assumtion until you have solid data that backs it up.

    After a few hundred conversions you will have data that it specific to YOUR product, ads, landing pages, keywords, USPs and so on. In other words, data that is relevant to you.

    Use that data instead of some generic recommendation that you read somewhere.
    Read my success story:

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