Bing ads Landing page policy

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Now I am using Bing ads send traffic directly to Click Bank Vendor sales page which cannot has video auto play and exit pop up.

In case that I create my landing page which has some detail about product and has a button to close sales by send visitors to Click Bank Vendor sales page, in this case can I use Vendor sales page which has video auto play and exit pop up ?
#ads #bing #landing #page #policy
  • Profile picture of the author gregorybaskin
    Hey Eak,

    Bing is really only concerned about the relevancy and experience that the visitor is getting.

    Text Ad to Landing Page OR Text Ad to Videos Sales Page Or Text Ad to Offer

    Bing does not allow exit pops or autoplay videos so if you can get the vendor to create or give you another page that doesn't have this (which may be a possibility that they have one) that is one way.

    The other way is to create your landing page that is relevant, click your link and have them redirected to the vendor's sales page.

    So, Bing will only care about the Text Ad to your Landing Page. What the user experiences after your landing page is fair game.

    Hope this helps you.
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    • Originally Posted by gregorybaskin View Post

      The other way is to create your landing page and have them redirected to the vendors sales page.
      Don't do that. It violates the bridge page rule.

      Originally Posted by gregorybaskin View Post

      So, Bing will only care about the Text Ad to your Landing Page. What the user experiences after your landing page is fair game.
      Incorrect. If that were true, there would be no bridge page policy.
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      • Profile picture of the author gregorybaskin
        I've had no problem with this as long as it is relevant to the ad. I've ran dating offers and more, you name it.
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      • Profile picture of the author Eak Supapat
        Hi LucidWebMarketing,

        Thank you very much for your comment, I will study more about bridge page policy.
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