Facebook Ads - Conversion Pixel for Affiliates

by MishB
2 replies
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Hey Warriors

For affiliates promoting someone else product ie clickbank (hence not having control of the thank you page post purchase), how does an affiliate get around placing the FB conversion pixel so that we can optimize ads which are converting into purchases.

So how can we accurately track which FB ads are resulting in the sales since we dont have control over the order/thank you page?
#ads #affiliates #conversion #facebook #pixel
  • Profile picture of the author dburk
    Hi MishB,

    Best way is to use Clickbank's Integrated Sales Reporting feature as it provides native integration with the Facebook Conversion Pixel.

    Implementing Your Facebook Pixel
    1. Configure the Facebook Pixel in Facebook. (You will need the Pixel ID for your Facebook Pixel.)
    2. Log in to your ClickBank account.
    3. Click the Settings tab.
    4. Click My Site.
    5. Click Add Tracking Code on the bottom left side of the Integrated Sales Reporting box. The Integrated Sales Reporting page is displayed.
    6. In the Type field, select either Facebook Pixel: Order Confirmation (Receipt) or Facebook Pixel: Order Form.
      You can only configure your pixel for one page at a time, but you can repeat this procedure to use your Facebook Pixel on both pages.
    7. Enter the Facebook Pixel details:
      • Track Sale As - Indicate whether your sales should be tracked as a vendor or as an affiliate.
      • Pixel ID - This is the pixel ID value for your Facebook account.
    8. Click Save.
      The new Facebook Pixel and related details are displayed in the Integrated Sales Report grid on the My Site Page. Newly created Facebook Pixels are inactive.
    9. Click the Activate icon to activate the Facebook Pixel.
    You can also implement Google Analyics in Clickbank to track Clickbank order form/checkout process and It's possible to import your Facebook Conversion Data into Google Analytics which is especially helpful if you are using your own custom landing pages.


    Don Burk
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    • Profile picture of the author MishB
      Thats great info Don. Thanks alot. Will implement. I take it the affiliate platform must allow FB pixel tracking for it to be possible.
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