Adwords Keyword Etiquette towards Customers

4 replies
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Hi Guys,
So I'm running some adwords campaigns for a handful of low volume customers. One of them has been with me for about a year now and has asked me if I can send him a list of the keywords/phrases I am using.
I dont know how I feel about this - isnt this the point of hiring someone like me so I can manage and get the best keywords for the client?
Giving this list to the customer means he can just go off and use the 'fine tuned' list himself and then doesnt need me anymore?

Whats the industry norm here, is it as above and its not something you give out or is it perfectly acceptable for a customer to request this and for me to provide it?

Thanks in advance!
#adwords #customers #etiquette #keyword
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  • Profile picture of the author nickyz1
    Giving out your secrets is not bad but you need to give like 20% of it. don't give out you best concepts

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    • Profile picture of the author Voora
      Hi Nickyz,

      How to choose conversion based keywords for medical department? Eg. Arthritis Treatment...Can you guide me to choose keywords?
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  • Clients will ask for all sorts of things. You try to accommodate them. If they want a list of keywords, do it. Just as long as they realize that every demand is billable time. This might take five minutes but the client should definitely be billed for those five minutes.

    From what you are saying, you manage from your own account, not theirs. Not something I would ever do. My policy is, you can go and look into your account what I'm doing but you can't touch. That's why they hire me, to make their campaigns better, not them going behind my back and making changes which can negate what I do.

    I have had the "what are the keywords" questions before. One is a client with thousands of products. I did not send all those thousands of keywords but explained that each product has their own keywords. Is this useful for them? Well, I'm sure they can learn from what I told them and go off and do it themselves, but that's not why most hire a manager for.
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  • Life has taught me to give as much as possible.

    Clients think they are smart, let them be. They will either come back to you or you will get more clients.

    Heck, ive made sites for clients for free, because they were struggling becasue I felt bad for them, got them leads etc... Did they come back to me. NO! But did my business flourish Yes! (don't ask me how its connected, some call it karma, some say God, some the universe, whatever it is, it works)

    Giving is the first step of receiving.
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