How To Test 20+ Free Report Headline Titles To Find Top Converting Free Lead Magnet Offer

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I Want To Find Out What My Target Audience Needs Help With By Problems Testing 20+ Different Free Report Headline Titles To Find Which One Is The Top Converting Free Lead Magnet Offer Based On Optins To Get Future Report When Finished.

NOTE: I do not have the free reports created as of yet however upon me establishing what my target audience is most interested in getting help with then I will create those reports for them.


1) What are the different ways I can go about testing 20 titles using PPC

2) How can i use facebook paid or free methods to test my titles

3) Should I make list of the 20 titles and ask them to select the ones that are their most major problems they would like to fix right away

4) Should I create 20 different landing page free report offers

5) How would you go about testing 20 different titles
#converting #find #free #headline #lead #magnet #offer #report #split test #testing #testingarticletitles #titles #top
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  • Profile picture of the author Jeffrey Joson
    1) What are the different ways I can go about testing 20 titles using PPC
    better test 2 ads and replace the loser otherwise it takes too much time to wait all the ads get enough data

    2) How can i use facebook paid or free methods to test my titles
    i would suggest to use adespresso

    3) Should I make list of the 20 titles and ask them to select the ones that are their most major problems they would like to fix right away
    you can create a poll and promote it

    4) Should I create 20 different landing page free report offers

    you can use cpvlab

    5) How would you go about testing 20 different titles

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