Best way to spend $500 on Adwords PPC?

8 replies
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Hi everyone,

I need ideas on how to invest correctly $500 into PPC. I know its an optimization game but I wonder the best setup/strategy to make the most out of $500.

Thanks in advance.
#$500 #adwords #ppc #spend
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  • Profile picture of the author bestAd
    What are you promoting?
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11356336].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author sugardesigngroup
    I have some questions regarding your campaign -

    1 - Do you select only search network or search with display ?

    2 - Do you add negative keywords ?

    3 - What keyword matches you add ? Phrase , Exact or broad?

    4 - Do you add extensions ?

    Make sure landing page should be design according to the Google adwords guidelines and optimize properly!
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11357808].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author dburk

    This is a funny thread...

    Person 1: "What is the best way to invest $500 in PPC?"

    Person 2: "What are you promoting?"

    Person 1: "Nothing at the moment"

    Is it just me, or does anyone else find humor here?

    The very first step in any PPC campaign is to define your primary business objective and set a goal.

    The next step is to develop a strategy to achieve the goal the you defined in step 1. Your overall budget may limit your choice of strategy.

    I hope you realize that there is no point in developing a strategy if you have no goal, and there is no way to set a goal without a clear objective. If you have nothing to promote, you have no clear objective, no goal, no information that is required to develop a strategy and absolutely nothing that would merit spending $500, or any amount on PPC.

    My advice to you is to do not even think about PPC until you have all the prerequisites that naturally generate the need for a marketing tool. PPC advertising is a tool to promote an offer, you have nothing to promote, and therefor no need of this marketing tool.

    Spend the money on research to acquire a product, or service, that you may want to promote, then get another $500 to promote your product or service. Once you have something to promote, and a goal based on a business objective, come back here and ask how to invest your money in PPC for your specific type of offer. I think that is the best advice anyone could offer you at this point.


    Don Burk
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  • Profile picture of the author nikhil1108
    It is soo interesting to see people have $500 and nothing to promote. Anyhow, My suggestion is to take a niche and promote Ecom products.
    You can make an affiliate product review video and then promote it to send traffic to affiliate page via video.
    Their is no set way to spend money on AdWords, everything is testing.

    Hope it helps.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11363669].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author tinytimsmith
    Originally Posted by Service Representative View Post

    Hi everyone,

    I need ideas on how to invest correctly $500 into PPC. I know its an optimization game but I wonder the best setup/strategy to make the most out of $500.

    Thanks in advance.
    Regardless of what strategy you go with, make sure to harvest every single email address you can in the process ie. free offer after opt-in etc.

    It amazes me that in 2018 people are still not using all the means at their disposal to build their list.
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  • Profile picture of the author savyeman
    Honestly the best way to use pay per click advertising on adwords. Is to build an email list with the traffic. This way you can recoup your investment over time.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11369439].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author mostCPA
      thank YOU! ofcourse, the email list is the key.

      in general to make people acknowledge who you are and what you do, you need to market your brand like crazy and generate as much traffic as possible on your website and your social media pages.
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11370598].message }}
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