Affiliate marketing fb ads. What am i missing?

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Hello everyone.

I am into affiliate marketing. I've asked few questions here which has helped put me on track

I have a website in the health and fitness niche and I'm focusing on using fb ads for now.

I tried promoting some clickbank products like lean belly breakthrough. I decided to stop because apart from the fact that i wasn't making sales, the product has a scammy feel to it and tons of negative reviews so i backed off.

I did more product research and I've found a product on clickbank that is really good and trustworthy.

The problem is this. I feel something is missing in my strategy.. or something I'm doing wrong

The current resources i have are
1. A review post about the product
2.A blog post related to something the product can solve with recommended links
3.A landing page ( without sign up form) which links to the offer

I basically run ads to a blog post related to the offer then use re-targeting to promote the offer about 2 times. So that's 3 ads in total.

I've also run ads to a review post about the product with re targeting.

I make sure i target my audience well and split test different ads for better cpc. But i feel something is missing. Your advice is highly needed and appreciated Thanks in advance
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  • Profile picture of the author kingspark
    Permit me to mention few people here like Gordonj , Randall Magwood , Yukon etc. Your advice as well as criticisms are highly needed and appreciated
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  • Profile picture of the author Alex Peltonen
    I think you should drive traffic (ad) to a squeeze page and offer them something for free that's related to the clickbank product. After they sign up redirect them to the clickbank product's salespage. Then you can follow up with them with the emails. You can provide their value with your emails and then once in a while recommend them that clickbank product. I think it's very important to build an email list when promoting affiliate products.
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    • Profile picture of the author kingspark
      Hello sir. Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately for me, I cannot go into list building at this point in time. I'm looking to explore methods to promote on Facebook without asking for email addresses.

      Plus, I have a website and I would like to use it in my funnel. A website doesn't seem to be included in the funnel you've given me. Most affiliates look for how to succeed without a website. But i have a website and i would like to use it.

      Thanks once again sir
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  • Have you done split tests to your landing page? If not yet, I suggest you do. Experimentation is the key and you'll be surprised how some little changes can help with your website's traffic and conversion.
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    • Profile picture of the author kingspark
      Hello sir. Thanks for the input. The ad to the landing page is the last ad in my funnel. And it received zero clicks.
      The previous ads(ad to blog post and ad to the review post) had nice click through rates.
      I'm totally lost as to what the problem could be.

      Thanks once again for the input
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