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How are people selling adwords to clients as an instant fix if it still takes a while. You still have to go through a process, collect data, negative keywords. It's not that simple.

#adwords #instant
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  • Profile picture of the author Marty Foley
    Solution? Be transparent -- tell the unvarnished, warts-and-all truth...

    If people want an instant fix, they have unreasonable expectations and are likely to end up dissatisfied with PPC services anyway.

    Better to attract reasonable clients, who realize there are no Easy Buttons, Instant Fixes, or Unicorns, but that it takes time to go through a process, as you partly described, to make PPC campaigns successful.
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  • First, PPC is not a "fix" for anything. Not sure what in your mind it fixes. Rather, it's an advertising platform, a solution. Its advantages are that it's the only form of advertising I know where you reach prospects at the very moment they need you. You also have much control unlike other advertising methods.

    As for being instant, I guess you mean you can quickly set up a campaign and be up and running quickly. Yes, there is work to be done before that happens, time that can be more or less long. It's not instant in the sense that you could get great results as soon as your campaign starts. It could happen but you still need to work at it, refine all the time. I'm reminded of the saying, it took me ten years to become an overnight sensation.

    There are two types of clients and you need to sell to them differently. The first are those who gave it a try themselves and realize they need an expert because it's not easy. They are easier to sell to because they've been there. The second are those who are new to PPC. They are harder to convince that it's a good solution for them. But you can't sell them on being instant or some kind of fix. Marty is right, anyone who thinks so has unreasonable expectations and not a good client to work with.
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