Facebook Ads Tax in UK?

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People who live in the UK and use Facebook Ads, how do you handle the situation regarding tax?

When using an FB Business Manager account, it has the option to add an EU VAT number. As far as I know I don't have an EU VAT number.

The article on FB says that for business purposes VAT isn't charged, but it mentions that you need to self-assess your VAT charges which I'm unsure of how that's done.
#ads #facebook #tax
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  • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
    If you're a UK resident and operating a UK-based business, you're required to register for VAT if your annual turnover passes the threshold (currently £85k).

    Under certain circumstances, it could be worth your while registering even if your turnover is below that threshold, but that's a conversation you need to have with an accountant.

    In the meantime, you can find more details on the HMRC website:



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  • Profile picture of the author Ian Jackson
    You don't say whether or not you're employed, self-employed, or Ltd.

    I'm Ltd. so I just document it in my Y/E accounts, PPal or bank account. For my SA1 I just make reference to my Ltd. and my accountant does the rest

    I suggest you talk to a good accountant
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    • Profile picture of the author cooler1
      Originally Posted by Ian Jackson View Post

      You don't say whether or not you're employed, self-employed, or Ltd.

      I'm Ltd. so I just document it in my Y/E accounts, PPal or bank account. For my SA1 I just make reference to my Ltd. and my accountant does the rest

      I suggest you talk to a good accountant
      I'm self employed.

      As you recommend to hire an accountant, does that mean the self assess process is more complicated than just declaring on your annual tax return how much you've spent on Facebook Ads?

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      • Profile picture of the author Frank Donovan
        Originally Posted by cooler1 View Post

        I'm self employed.
        As you recommend to hire an accountant, does that mean the self assess process is more complicated than just declaring on your annual tax return how much you've spent on Facebook Ads?
        I also suggested you consult an accountant, but that was in connection with your VAT status. In my experience, you always want to let a professional sort out any VAT matters - it can be a real headache.

        That said, being self-employed, you really should consider hiring an accountant anyway - certainly before completing your next self-assessment. A good accountant can more than pay for him or herself by uncovering ways you can legitimately claim tax relief within your business. The more your turnover, the greater the potential saving.


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  • Profile picture of the author expmrb
    Facebook is going su*k as more and more time will pass.
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