Facebook Advertising; targeting only Apple Mac users

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Hi all.

I'm new to FaceBook advertising and am trying to find a way to target my ads to only Apple Mac users.

Does anyone know how I can achieve this?

I gather I need to exclude those I don't want (eg. Windows & Android users) rather than only include a group (i.e. Mac). But I could be wrong!

So far, I'm selecting the UK excluding:

Behaviours: Facebook access (OS): Windows Vista, Facebook access (OS): Windows XP, Facebook access (OS): Windows 7, Facebook access (mobile): Sony Android mobile devices, Facebook access(mobile): LG Android mobile devices, Facebook access (mobile): Motorola Android mobile devices, Facebook access (mobile): HTC Android mobile devices, Facebook access (mobile): Samsung Android mobile devices, Facebook access (mobile): Android devices, Facebook access (OS): Windows 8 or Facebook access (OS): Windows 10

... but the report shows I have 'impression devices' which include Android and iPhone. So clearly my advert is appearing for these users.

Thanks guys!
#advertising #apple #facebook #mac #targeting #users
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  • Profile picture of the author Delboy Trotter
    Did you try these steps?

    1- detailed targeting
    2- browse
    3- behavior
    4- digital activities
    5- operating systems used
    6- Mac OS X
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11548832].message }}

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