How to track or block visitor from direct

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Hi, Last few days I got unwanted traffic from direct. I have done some research those traffic are came on particular URL format twclid=2-q6g5fi9yptx24zy6p3lt9m10 .

Now I guess user are came from this twclid So, I have stopped my twitter ads. But again I am getting same unwanted traffic.

Can anyone knows how to stop my unwanted traffic? This twclid generating dynamic IP address So, When I plan to filter an IP I got more than 500 IP. I think if I block 500 IP also It won't be stop. I need help from someone. how to stop this traffic and I want to measure my regular traffic for my site.

Thank you,
#block #direct #track #visitor
  • Profile picture of the author BarbaraRogers
    There are a few ways to track or block visitors from visiting your website directly.

    One way is to use a reverse proxy service such as Cloudflare. This will enable you to see the IP addresses of all visitors to your website, and you can then block those IP addresses from accessing your site.

    Another way is to use Google Analytics. This will allow you to see the referring websites for all of your website's visitors, and you can then block those websites from sending traffic to your site.
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