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Unread 5th Jan 2010, 04:06 PM   #1
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How much earning's going on?
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Hi people,

I'm new to PIPS. I very much like this forum because one gets all different aspects of opinions.

My general impression from the articles I read so far is that: (even with PIPS) it is a long-term struggle to make it to the point of success, like crawling through a long long tunnel to reach the light on the other side.

As a scientist, I always have the tendency of being quantitative. In this case, it would be the distribution of net income as a function of time.

I'm curious that from your experience, whether you are new or experienced, how long have you been trying and much do you earn (net income) using PIPS so far (say, per month)?

(if you are new, probably you are not earning yet, then how much did you spend so far?)

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Unread 5th Jan 2010, 09:05 PM   #2
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Hi Xu!

Interesting topic.

Just my comments:

It is time to focus on taking the actions that will eventually produce the results we want.

It is too soon to focus on the results if there has not been enough action taken.

The nature of marketing no matter what industry is to build and sustain momentum.

Search Engine Marketing is no different.

SEM is achieved by backlinking from articles, blogs, social networks, forums, splash pages, and etc., back to our website(s) and main sales page - using Search Engine Optimization as the format.

There are millions of sites with millions of links and we are swimming upstream.

It does not mean we can't get there but we have to be realistic about the learning curve, and the application of what we learned by taking action. Not once or twice but over time. Consistent. Aggressive.

... and then to give it all time to work and produce results.

Wish I could remember a planting seed analogy, but if you are a new-B then you are planting seeds - they need to be watered and have sunshine for a 'season' in order to produce the plants that can become a garden.

THEN AFTER ALL THAT YOU SEE RESULTS - "The Fruits of Your Actions"



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Hi duxu 2010,
I have been here for three months, now going four, all i can tell you is that i have not earned yet (fully i mean: something from LCM YES)BUT one thing for sure i can tell you is that i have learned more here these months than anywhere else, i feel happy to be part of a great team,i had had people signing up at my site, for me this is more than money.The inter-reaction with the help-desk and all the team makes one feel at home. I sense the progression is great. All depend on the pace each one has on learning and applying the principles taught. Now if your background is solid Internet marketingwise you will progress quickly; if not, you will have to learn, you have the best tools at Pips, you learn the basis,the phylosophy and the techniques all in one place. If you are ready to work your to success, i am sure you will succeed.And i completely agreed with Pat, i was about to use the same example of the seeds sawn, you need to take care of it, cultivate it and give it time to harvest what you have planted.
Anyway, welcome and feel free to ask, this is best place to learn on the Net.
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Unread 23rd Jan 2010, 08:19 PM   #4
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pretty interest Question! so far nothing here!

but you know the ultimate thing about this business... you will gain if you are persistence.

you should start learning how to do some of your marketing... things you are paying for now, you should look into start doing some of the work your regular post to your blog...real regular: and good contents too.

begin to submit more often.

use some paid method to advertise.

using automated software tools to get more links from directory and ezines.

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Unread 24th Jan 2010, 03:26 PM   #5
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I tihnk this business is like any other except much cheaper to start with much more earning potential.

I get emails all the time from marketers who say "I have been doing this and that and marketing using this strategy and that and need to know when I am going to make money", etc. First of all, no one can answer that question. I don't know why some quickly reach profitability and others struggle for a long time.

I do know that those who refuse to accept anything but success and take responsibility for their own success will make it. Some think they are owed success because they bought this marketing or that advertising or have been at it for a certain period of time. It does not work that way. Some may never make it and then they blame everyone else and call it a scam or whatever.

I will tell you one thing. I have been in this business since 2005 and have worked with top income earners in all of the big progams on the web and nothing comes close to PIPS. And with the new hosting and other programs this system is the best opportunity for making big money hand down.

Since Stone added Hostgator my personal PIPS sales have been 10X more profitable.

It is tough to make it in any business.

A Dippin Dots ice cream place opened up in the small town where I live last year across from a high school. Last month they closed their doors going out of business.

I would guess they are in the hole for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

It only costs a few hundreds dollars to start an online business and you have the potential to make so much more than you do in a conventional business that can cost hundreds of thousands to start. Those that are serious about their online business are going to spend more I am sure to market and educate themselves but there is no comparision.

I once considered becoming an insurance agent for one of the big companies. It was going to cost $30,000 just to setup shop and 99% of insurance agents fail. Those that make it long term might earn $50,000 a year working 14 hours a day.

Plug-In Profit Site is an amazing opportunity and having provided marketing services for six figure earners and founders of top companies like Liberty League, Passport to Wealth, Success U., Big Ticket Ticket to Wealth and many more I can tell you no one is more committed to your success than Stone. I am rambling a little now but I do know this .... I will never go back to work at a JOB .... I would rather go down fighting to the last breath. :-)

Dustin Cannon
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Unread 26th Jan 2010, 01:49 PM   #6
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First you to need to understand is that online businesses (more specifically marketing) requires skills.

Take an example from a job career in the offline world. You have to pass thru the four walls of a university to earn a degree.

Its quite similar in the online world, you have to earn your income by knowing your business, your target market and how to reach them.

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Before PIPS I owned a wholesale distribution company. Floating tens of thousands of dollars in credit and constantly worrying about overhead, profit margins, payroll etc..

I now work a 9-5 job and work on my websites in my spare time. Slowly learning the ropes, building back links and gaining traffic. There is no need to spend thousands of dollars a month in overhead, in fact there have been times that other than hosting fees I had no overhead. I earned nothing but as one of my college professors used to always say "knowledge is it's own reward"

Every day,week,month you will slowly build your business and money will come. Am I earning enough to do this full time? No. Will I ever? I don't know. However, I have learned enough to make money in the future and that is what my plan is.

Good Luck


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Unread 28th Jan 2010, 05:15 PM   #8
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Hi, DUXU 2010
I am a newbie at pips, and trying to learn all i can about running my pips business as you are also, as far as making any money i havent yet,but i know somewhere down the line and in the near future i will, have faith in your business and enjoy the ride and success will follow
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Unread 10th Feb 2010, 08:02 AM   #9
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hi duxu2010
honestly i not making a dime of money yet but still in progress of learning how to find keyword, niche, until money came in to my bank acc. So there got a lot of stuff need to learn. if the method need to be pay i will not join coz i believe the free method need to planting it first as internet is good place to make money compare to physical business that request to all complete master from a-z.

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Unread 10th Feb 2010, 08:40 AM   #10
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I’ve had my PIP site since Nov 2009. I haven’t made any money yet but I never expected to either. I know it will come eventually because Im prepared to keep working away but as for a timescale? I just don’t know? 3, 6, 9 months… maybe 2 years. Who knows?

I have been messing around on the Internet since March 2009 and I have made a little bit of money but it wasn’t until I signed up for a PIP site that the whole Internet marketing thing started to come together and make sense. I had learned quite a lot but I was still lacking a clear and structured plan to follow.

I think Stones 30 day training program is excellent. Yes it contains things like PPC where you could get seriously burned if you don’t know what you are doing but the guide also confirms the basics. On the Internet content is king and links provide the roads to your content. Optimize your site, blog regularly and write lots of articles. In my opinion there is no way to cheat the search engines.

The problem for me is this. Even if I haven’t started to make a decent and a regular income in one years time, how can I walk away from my site after all the work I will have put into it? How could I leave all my hard work just floating around in cyberspace? I cant!

You just have to carry on doing what needs to be done and the results will come. They have to!

Im just going to keep on doing what needs to be done.

Oh yeah, and learn HTML because most of the money I have spent has been on upgrading my site.


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Unread 11th Feb 2010, 01:58 AM   #11
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RexM, I won't 'howl' you as you put it!

There are some of us that are making money from this program
and from the teachings within, but not all 30,000 members come
in here. Once they learn and go their separate ways they move
on with their business.

You see, not everyone uses this program in the same way! It has
multiple streams of incomes built in along with a very good teaching

You say that nobody on this thread is earning anything is a testament
to the ineffectiveness of this course, well you'd be wrong my friend. If
you notice most people that post in here are fairly new. The ones that
answer some of their questions are members that have been in the
program a while, once they start earning money they move on and the
next batch of members starts answering questions. It's a cycle that
happens here. Every now and then we all pop in here and answer
questions that some newbies have.

Now, I'll tell you that I make money but is that the answer that people
want to here? NO! they want to know if they will make money! They
could care less if I do or any other member does!

The bottom line is people want to make money but some want to bash
something that doesn't make them $10,000 a month in a few short weeks!

Here's the thing, if you market any business as outlined in the
30 days to success guide you would earn money... Period!

But most people only advertise for a couple of days and don't see
results and they give up! If you do it right the money will come!

It is up to each individual to make it happen, not anybody else's!
If I told you I made over $10,000 a month and told you how I do
it step-by-step and you skipped a step here and there and you
didn't get results what failed? My step-by-step plan or you?

The ones that fail say it's the plan... The ones that make money
with it would say it's you!

So, if I were to answer the original question I would say this...

I earn money from other programs besides PIPS each month, but
PIPS is where I learned HOW to earn money from multiple affiliate
programs. I make enough to pay the bills and have some fun. It doesn't
matter what or how much I make, the question is how much are you
going to make and how long will it take?

That all depends on you... How much do you want to make and what
kind of effort are you willing to put into it?

If you work the system, it'll work for you! I know advertising can be
expensive and time consuming, but if you want the system to work...
you need to work the system!

That's my 2 cents...

Bill Shultz
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Thanks for that reply. It was straight on in my opinion.

I have 2 other sites and am just considering getting in PIPS. That is the reason I jumped in here- just to get a feel.

I will tell you this, I appreciate your honesty. I have just been marketing for a short time. Not making anything, but most of that has been my fault for getting too bogged down in info overload. However, I have learned a lot and am starting to see some things come together.

It looks like I will join PIPS. I may not be ready for another stream, but there seem to be some advantages to have several different streams pointing to each other. Am I right in that?


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Unread 11th Feb 2010, 05:10 PM   #13
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Jim, you are right! It is how you make it online, you
need multiple streams of incomes all pointing to each

If you need any help or have any questions just open
another thread and ask away my friend!


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Unread 12th Feb 2010, 07:54 AM   #14
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Dont give the straight answer please as it really hurt the feeling, hope you understand.

but you got the point there.

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Unread 12th Feb 2010, 08:28 AM   #15
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You shouldn't give straight answer even though you have already earned a lots. You don't know what's behind these question and what's a motif this guy has to ask such a question here.

Let me make known to you guys......You won't never get a straight answer as long as you ask such a straight question like that.

For those who have answered indirectly to the question....I really proud of you all. You guys did a great job as you all show your quality of professionalism.

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Unread 12th Feb 2010, 12:05 PM   #16
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It's a straightforward question but it's a difficult and tricky one to every seasoned PIP member.

It's like you are a doctor, you can tell what is your patient's detail Hence, they tend to go one big round and hope that everyone will get the point.

What I personally think that the most crucial is your learning gained and your experience gained from this system and Internet Marketing. Yes, the first thing when you join PIP is because the "monetary appeal" but sooner or later it will become a "experience appeal".

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Unread 12th Feb 2010, 01:54 PM   #17
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Well I think the question is really condesending. Simple fact is you could ask anyone in any program what there earnings are. Not 1 is going to give you exact figures. And seeing as how there is high failure rate in the IM business, You will find lots people saying that they are not making money.

I would suspect he is more of trying to get people to search him out to see which program he is in. Though if we knew and asked the same questions in his program we would probably get the same answers.

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Unread 12th Feb 2010, 02:09 PM   #18
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There are plenty of ways to make money with PIPS right away. The goal is to understand what is is that you are doing which is selling online to a certain niche market. Target these people in the manner that brings you the most quality traffic possible and track your results. Everyone who is participating in PIPS is at a different stage in this process so it's not really a fair question, or at least one that you can base an opinion on.

Also, people participate in PIPS in different levels. Some may not join all the programs while others will. The cost or non cost of these programs would also have to be taken into account.

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Unread 12th Feb 2010, 02:44 PM   #19
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RexM, So the question is why do you come on here to create problems? Though I understand some people have nothing better to do. The great thing about programs like these are you will make money if you choose to do the work. Not really any different than JOB out there. If you are not willing to learn or put in the effort. Then you will get fired and not make any money at that either.

Great thing about this is I can't get fired.

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Unread 12th Feb 2010, 05:19 PM   #20
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OK, let's leave this guy alone, he is someone acting as if he
knows about Internet marketing and what it is all about.

He has made 8 posts in the warrior forum and 4 of them are
on this thread.

Here's the other 4:

Originally Posted by RexM View Post

New to web marketing
Originally Posted by RexM View Post

Rex, you may be a good guy but when you come into this
section of the forum that is to help PIPS members with their
business and say some negative things you're going to get
bombarded with comments back at you!

Especially when you're new to Internet marketing and only
have 8 posts in this forum! 4 of them are in here, 1 saying
you're new and need some help 1 saying thanks, 2 are in the
WSO section and one of them you're requesting your money

I understand what you are saying but until you learn about
what this program is about and more about Internet marketing
I'd just leave this one alone.

I'm out!

Bill Shultz
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Unread 12th Feb 2010, 07:16 PM   #21
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Bill S, let me thank you for drawing my attention to the fact that I can sound like an asshole. I take what you said onboard.

If I am asked a straight question, I give a straight answer, & I voiced my frustration at others who don't do that. I did it in a rude way, & apologise to all who were offended.

Please let me straighten 1 thing out, though. I'm not pretending to know anything about online marketing. I have a small portfolio of money making activities, 1 of which involves advertising online, 2 others which are exclusively offline.

I was surprised to hear you rank people's knowledge according to how many Warrior Forum posts they have. In my humble opinion, that is a bit small minded. While this may not have been your intention, it sounded very smug. (As I was rude 1st, I deserved what I got though).

I think it is fair to say, that online marketing as a whole suffers from deceptive & exagerated advertising. Copy that sells isn't neccesarily truthful. That is the part I take offense to, hence my frustration & consequent posts on this thread.

I still stand by my opinion, but I wish I would have voiced my opinion in a more diplomatic way.....My sincere apologies to all.
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Originally Posted by RexM View Post

I was surprised to hear you rank people's knowledge according to how many Warrior Forum posts they have. In my humble opinion, that is a bit small minded. While this may not have been your intention, it sounded very smug. (As I was rude 1st, I deserved what I got though).
Rex, I apologies as well for you thinking I was judging you
for how many posts you've made. I was just brining
to attention that you did not have much experience
with Internet Marketing.

I have no problem with people voicing their opinion
but if you've never participated in a program I feel you
should not voice your opinion on it!

I hope you had as much fun as I had....


Good luck,

Bill Shultz
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Unread 12th Feb 2010, 09:52 PM   #23
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Yeh, but it is true on the 'winning friends and influencing people' scales, you shouldn't shoot from the hip especially if you don't know what you are talking about. (which hip shooters usually don't).

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression" and around these parts you don't last long if you bash anyone or particularly their program.

Further, this business (marketing) is all about staying positive and motivated - we have a hard enough battle with all things considered, especially when new and we don't need to hear people's negativity.

It always slays me (one more further) that people expect you to tell them how much money you make. Would you go up to a 'real' person and ask such a rude question? (don't worry it is a common 'misconception') Yeh how do you do, how much money do you make?

Besides, it makes no difference what anybody else makes for better or worse. Whatever they make does not affect your abilities or your chances to make money in proportion to how much effort and time you are willing to invest in your business.

There is no magic program that does everything for us. If your business fails you can't blame the program. No program works unless we do.

I have been around here for several years now and working with new orders. I can tell you that every single day people are making sales. Not all oldies either, some newbies do too. (albeit they may have come to the table with internet marketing experience and/or a list of existing customers and are only newbs to this program).

If not it doesn't mean they can't succeed, it just means it takes a while to build momentum - which is how marketing has always worked.

So anyway glad if we can have some productive debate but that doesn't happen if we create a hostile environment coming in. "It is not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it". Believe me I have contributed to the hostility myself in the past, but am trying to change.

Happy to see a truce here and the humility to apologize for misspeaking. Humility is good.

Patricia Brucoli
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Unread 12th Feb 2010, 10:58 PM   #24
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Thanks Bill,

I will for sure. My heads spinning right now. I really like this place, but I never seem to have the time to get on. What about all that stuff I heard about this being a 2-3 hr workday, huh. Mine's closer to 23

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Unread 13th Feb 2010, 11:20 AM   #25
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Very interesting. I have been looking at PIPS and was wondering myself what the pay back potential might be. So far the only payback I am reading here is knowledge.

The only thing I really want to know, I am not looking to get rich but has this program allowed anyone here the ability to quit there 9 to 5 job?

I personally quit working 9 to 5 years ago. I typically stick to spinning plr products and selling them clickbank, I do better than my 9 to 5 used to. But my point is, I wish to promote more programs, is this one worthwhile?

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Unread 13th Feb 2010, 01:00 PM   #26
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The program has been around for close to 7 years. If nobody was making any money I doubt that it would still be going strong. If you read my post above I said that sales are being made every day. That means members are making money everyday.

There are those who have quit their jobs after a year or two - However, keep in mind that the whole concept of PIPS is 'Multiple Streams of Income'. People who are serious about their businesses, sometimes add other facets as they become more adept at Internet Marketing - whether services, other programs or etc. -

There are usually 5 or 6 different affiliate programs at any one time included in this program (they change according to how well they do or not). From time to time we have also had various ClickBank products.

The sites are fully customizable so you can add whatever you want to the free site we build for you. We also provide a sales page which has all the programs in the core on it. As well free training and other bonuses are included in the membership.

Considering that the only thing required is to have a registered domain name and a hosting account to join the program, it is a very good way for people to develop a home business.

Patricia Brucoli
Plug-In Profit Site Helpdesk
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Unread 2nd Mar 2010, 09:29 PM   #27
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Wow! I am a newbie, and JUST completed the 30 day training. I am at that point in my life where I HAVE to make this work. Paraphrasing Yoda; Do or Do not, there is no Try. That's why I am on here at 11:30 pm my time, after a full day of working (until 7:30 pm, and caring for a four year-old and a three month-old. I'm exhausted, but I also know that if I don't give this my all, no one else can do it for me. To all of us, I guess my suggestion is to not focus so much on the money, as on the process. Learn all you can, give it all you have, profits will follow.

To the veterans, thank you for coming back here and encouraging us newbies. And to everyone, good luck, and God's speed!

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I am in the same position. I hope you do well. I always like to here of people who make it in the business.

Are you frustrated by your lack of progress? Your complete guide to making money online free.

Here for your online marketing/Free book on what you need to know/How to target leads
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Unread 4th Mar 2010, 06:26 PM   #29
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Re: How much earning's going on?
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Hi everyone,

This is the first time I have dropped into this forum (PIP) in years so I am not going to pretend to know much about PIPs; however, I DO know about internet marketing and making money online!

There are LOTS of tools out there that you can use to make a living online and PIPs is just one of them. Can you make money online? Absolutely, but more than the tool you use is what you do with it.

One of the most common reasons people failing to become successful online is a lack of focus. They try something for a little bit then they move on to something else. They try that for a little bit and then they move on to another something else. They don't stick with anything for very long.

People get desperate and they want to succeed RIGHT NOW and that is very rare. Every time you start something new, you are restarting the clock on how long it will take you to succeed. I can tell you from experience that it takes time, perseverance, action and an open mind to succeed; not just online, but in life.

Most of you are just getting into the IM game and you are developing habits that will decide how you do online. Develop the RIGHT habits from the start and your success will come much quicker than some of us older folks who had to learn the hard way. Develop these good habits...

1. Take action - too many people think they have to have the perfect website, the perfect copy, the perfect product, etc. You don't! Do SOMETHING!

2. Focus - the people that make money online focus on what they are doing and they have tunnel-vision to some extent.

3. Don't spend a lot of money - people go broke buying the latest, greatest think to come down the pike and to make matters worse, they don't even use it! It just sits on their hard drive and gathers cyberdust! Only spend money on what you need to accomplish what you are working on right now.

4. Have patience - the success WILL come but it won't come tomorrow. Every single thing you do is teaching you something that you can use in the future so even if you don't see money right away, you are building knowledge that will certainly serve you later.

5. Be a close-knit community - make the most of this forum. You don't need to ask if anyone has made money because that is totally irrelevant! YOU can make money where no one else has. What you need to be asking in here are the questions that help you accomplish things, i.e. "Has anyone set up a Wordpress blog?" "Has anyone found a way to drive traffic?" These are the kinds of things you need to focus on. Use your time wisely!

A lot of you are insecure about whether you can succeed or not and that is where these questions about the possibility of making money come from. Let me just ease your insecurity a little bit... Absolutely, definitely, positively, without a doubt, every single one of you can make money online. Now that we have that out of the way, go do something constructive and take another step toward that success you are headed toward.

Take care and have a great whatever it is wherever you are!

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Unread 13th Mar 2010, 06:21 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by ChrisGrayson View Post

I’ve had my PIP site since Nov 2009. I haven’t made any money yet but I never expected to either. I know it will come eventually because Im prepared to keep working away but as for a timescale? I just don’t know? 3, 6, 9 months… maybe 2 years. Who knows?

I have been messing around on the Internet since March 2009 and I have made a little bit of money but it wasn’t until I signed up for a PIP site that the whole Internet marketing thing started to come together and make sense. I had learned quite a lot but I was still lacking a clear and structured plan to follow.

I think Stones 30 day training program is excellent. Yes it contains things like PPC where you could get seriously burned if you don’t know what you are doing but the guide also confirms the basics. On the Internet content is king and links provide the roads to your content. Optimize your site, blog regularly and write lots of articles. In my opinion there is no way to cheat the search engines.

The problem for me is this. Even if I haven’t started to make a decent and a regular income in one years time, how can I walk away from my site after all the work I will have put into it? How could I leave all my hard work just floating around in cyberspace? I cant!

You just have to carry on doing what needs to be done and the results will come. They have to!

Im just going to keep on doing what needs to be done.

Oh yeah, and learn HTML because most of the money I have spent has been on upgrading my site.

Wow. Just checked out your site. You sure did do a lot of work. I was just toying with the idea of expanding my site for greater exposure. Good idea.

Renee' Barnes-Orozco
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