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Unread 14th Aug 2008, 06:40 AM   #1
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Instant Buzz
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Having problems loading instant Buzz, got the tool bar on but no adverts
Just says waiting for components to load.

Have had excellent help from the support team but they have just told me that nothing can be done to solve my problem.

I now have 3 options open to me
1) Leave my virus checker off (I don’t think so)
2) Take Instant Buzz off (I don’t want to)
3) Find a virus checker that will work with Instant Buzz

Can anyone recommend one that will work with Instant Buzz :confused:

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Unread 14th Aug 2008, 07:02 AM   #2
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If you are using FireFox it may not load at all. There is no update available (that works) for FireFox. If IE7 it may take a while until it starts to work.

I only use FF so I have it turned off.

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Unread 14th Aug 2008, 10:40 AM   #3
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InstantBuzz Warning Received - Error/Inability to Download.

The message for InstantBuzz (IB) is a false positive. The reason is because IB is actually ADWARE which would only be bad if you didn't want to install it or didn't know it was installing on your system. In this case you are purposely trying to install it. The way that it replicates itself to each user, is exactly how trojans and worms behave. These are the 2 reasons why you are seeing this virus message.

Having said that you should still scan it because stranger things have happened than an actual virus getting into it. They will say '2% of users have an issue' -- it really depends on your level of security and if you want to circumvent the warnings to go ahead and download it. Some more sensitive anti-adware programs will constantly tell you it is a pup (possibly unwanted program) every time you scan your machine.

I guess you have to determine for yourself whether the risk is worth it. Some people do have problems with it - not a virus per se, but just in it 'messing up' their system (memory, etc) -
If you still have problems please contact Instant Buzz:
no response? then email

Patricia Brucoli
Plug-In Profit Site Helpdesk
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Unread 14th Aug 2008, 11:42 AM   #4
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Hi Patricia

The support desk at Instant Buzz as always come back to me and with their help we have tried several ways to sort it out.

Between us we have exhausted all the options, I have not picked up a virus and do not want to hence I'm looking for a differant virus checker to AVG

A FREE virus checker would be the best as I am putting my money into getting my business up and running



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Last edited on 14th Aug 2008 at 05:45 PM.
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Unread 14th Aug 2008, 01:52 PM   #5
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Hi Racey1

My personal experience....I couldn't get Buzz off my computer fast enough. I went through all the trouble of getting it installed and then trying to get it off for only 2 hits out of 100,000

A lot of people like it, but not for me.


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Unread 14th Aug 2008, 05:45 PM   #6
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Hi - I wouldn't skimp on security, Racey1. To me this has everything to do with keeping your business running - there are viruses that can not only ruin your operating system but even your computer itself can be damaged. You can't have too much security.

Well actually you can have TOO much - been there - couldn't do anything - no body can get in, but i can't get out.

1 firewall will do (2 max)
1 anti-virus program of good quality and kept updated to the minute
1 spyware program of good quality and kept updated to the minute

Plus be very careful about links you click in emails, sites you visit, downloads you do, and even when you buy electronics or hardware it is common for the installation disks to be infected.

Scan everything before installing it.

I also have to agree with Leon's experience. I would not have it on my computer again. Many others swear by it and have no problem.

I am nicer now but for a long time I called it 'Instant Bugs'...

Originally Posted by Racey1 View Post

Hi Patricia

The support desk at Instant Buzz as always come back to me and with their help we have tried several ways to sort it out.

Between us we have exhausted all the options, I have not picked up a virus and do not want to hence I'm looking for a differant virus checker to AVG

A FREE virus checker would be the best as I am putting my money into getting my business up and running



Patricia Brucoli
Plug-In Profit Site Helpdesk
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Unread 18th Aug 2008, 04:12 PM   #7
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I installed it as well and my Norton popped up and said processing threats. When I scanned it with stop sign there were no bugs, but it wont load half the time and it has slowed down my pc.

So I guess my point is stop sign and norton don't like it either..

I just removed it..

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Unread 18th Aug 2008, 04:44 PM   #8
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Actually the worse thing is uninstalling it. That was my main problem with it.

There are pieces of it in the registry and you may see little errors that are of no consequence but which are irritating because it will try to start up when your system starts but of course can't because it is no longer there.

I suggest using a registry cleaner like to get rid of all the remnants.

Or go into your registry and carefully delete the folder named Instant Buzz and/or the contents, whichever is allowed.

I am really sorry for the trouble you are all experiencing.

Patricia Brucoli
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Unread 19th Aug 2008, 07:46 AM   #9
Jen G
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Re: Instant Buzz
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Originally Posted by Patrician View Post

Actually the worse thing is uninstalling it. That was my main problem with it.

There are pieces of it in the registry and you may see little errors that are of no consequence but which are irritating because it will try to start up when your system starts but of course can't because it is no longer there.

I suggest using a registry cleaner like to get rid of all the remnants.

Or go into your registry and carefully delete the folder named Instant Buzz and/or the contents, whichever is allowed.

I am really sorry for the trouble you are all experiencing.
I did not know that.. I will try the reg cleaner and see if that helps get rid of the prob's I am having..

Thank you for the help..

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