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Unread 15th Jan 2011, 09:51 PM   #1
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Is SEO Really That Important?
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Is SEO Really That Important?
Yes it is, but not really. How's that for answering my own question. LOL

If you are going to be successful with Internet marketing you need to learn SEO, there's no way around it. You will need to learn proper Title tags, h1, h2, h3, keywords, keyword density, how to write articles that are both readable and have SEO using keywords in place. It is important and you should start reading and learning everything you can so you can master SEO. It is needed for every Niche you can think of.

But that's not why most people join PIPs. Most people, including myself join PIPs to make some money as fast as possible. While SEO is very important for the long run it doesn't need to be a focus at first. In fact, in my opinion, it shouldn't even be a worry at first. The same with a lot of things people try to do when they start off.

The 30-day Training, use it. There are many ways to build your business in the 30-day training and they don't have to cost you a cent when your first starting out. Use every free method in the training.

You have a link to "Revisitors" in day 5, eZine ads in day 6, article marketing, forum marketing, a Testimonial, Click Monopoly (I checked this out and it is used wrong 90 percent of the time), Day 12-getting more links, Traffic exchanges and much more. There are more tools listed in the 30-day training than (my opinion) 90 percent of new marketers could even dream up. Most new marketers in other programs will get frustrated and quit before they even learn about half of these tools and you get them for free.

I get emails and PM's regularly asking why can't the person make money or is PIPs a scam and all sorts of other questions and statements that would seem legitimate considering the failure rate with Internet marketing. The answer as to why people are frustrated, call it a scam and never make a dime is actually very simple. They are doing the wrong things instead of paying attention to what they are being taught and doing it correctly.

In day 4 of the 30-day training it says, Day 4 - Get to Know Your Automated "Salesperson". What is your automated sales person, it is your autoresponder. This is where you really need to pay attention to the training. Your email autoresponder is going to be the tool that makes you money and it can start working from day 1 if you let it.

I check Traffic Swarm, Click Monopoly, eZine articles, Idea Marketers and a couple other places frequently and can't believe what I see. People are putting in links to their website front page on every site, or they are putting in links to their sales page. They do not use the "Sales Funnel" Stone Evans has built into the PIPs marketing program. The built in sales funnel is based on email marketing. How does the Sales Funnel work, you simply advertise and link to one of the 11 "Lead capture pages", visitors sign up and are placed in your Autoresponder, Your auto responder pre-sells them while building a relationship, your sales page is then introduced, and those who are serious start signing up for PIPs and the affiliate programs.

Here is a little disclaimer of sorts. With the exception of article marketing your Lead captur pages should be used in everything. In article marketing you can add two links to the resource box. One should be to your web site to get visitors and get backlinks and the other needs to be your Lead capture page. Actually, some big name marketers only link to a capture page. My suggestion, go to your PIPs back office, look in the upper left corner, click on "Marketing", and see your lead capture pages. Then chose a couple and start using them almost exclusively. I truly believe one of the reasons, probably the biggest reason, Stone Evans put the autoresponder in the first days of training is because it is your most valuable tool and you need to start using it correctly from the start. One other thing I've been asked about, don't start rewriting your autoresponder messages. They are actually very well written just as they are.

The money is in the list, start building it today.

So there's my long drawn out Saturday night message. I really hope it helps someone and that most take the advice.


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Unread 16th Jan 2011, 10:07 AM   #2
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Very well put Steve. I am studying the 30 day program as well as I can. The rest I know is time to be put in to do the things Stone says. After all, it's a marathon and not a sprint! Right.

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Unread 18th Jan 2011, 09:35 PM   #3
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Guess it's time to go thru the 30 day training again.

Looks like there is a lot of new stuff.

Thanks Stephen for reminding me to go back to the training more often.

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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 12:44 PM   #4
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Re: Is SEO Really That Important?
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Great info! Thanks, I will be going thru the day 4 training again.

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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 01:08 PM   #5
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Re: Is SEO Really That Important?
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Note: you must upgrade to GetResponse PRO version for the lead capture pages to properly work for you.

I highly recommend upgrading.

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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 03:59 PM   #6
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Re: Is SEO Really That Important?
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Just curious - why do you think you have to upgrade to use the lead capture pages? (other than the free account only allows 100 subscribers (confirmed or not)

Originally Posted by bgowing View Post

Note: you must upgrade to GetResponse PRO version for the lead capture pages to properly work for you.

I highly recommend upgrading.

Best regards,

Bruce Gowing

Patricia Brucoli
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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 04:14 PM   #7
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Re: Is SEO Really That Important?
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Originally Posted by Patrician View Post

Just curious - why do you think you have to upgrade to use the lead capture pages? (other than the free account only allows 100 subscribers (confirmed or not)
See the red highlighted area from the PIPS members area under Marketing:

"Lead capture page 11:

Here's how these pages work:

Whenever you send a visitor to one of those pages, if they want more information they will enter their name and email address and this will add them to YOUR mailing list. You can now let your autoresponder go to work for you, and you can also send offers to these people anytime you want. :-)

As soon as your prospect subscribes, they will be instantly re-directed to your PIPS affiliate link. Review Day 2 for details about how this benefits you. It's huge!

Note: The process above works as described only if you are using the GetResponse PRO version as discussed in Day 4. I strongly recommend you upgrade your autoresponder for a year so you save money and don't have to think about it!"

What am I missing?

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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 05:00 PM   #8
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Bruce, I believe this refers to the fact that you are limited in the number of subscribers when you have a free account -

In fact when that was written it used to be 10 subscribers only were allowed. Then recently they changed it to 100. (prior to that you could have unlimited subscribers but only 10 messages).

It would be pointless to do a big campaign that attracts hundreds of subscribers only for them to see 'oops - contact the webmaster blah blah' on the 11th opt-in or 101st...

Just in general this is short-sighted for anyone who is seriously trying to make money to have these limitations. Not to mention how much cheaper it is to pay for the Pro account by the year instead of by the month. (although I know sometimes money is in short supply in the beginning of any business).

There is no other technical reason that the squeeze pages won't work for a free account that I am aware of.

Patricia Brucoli
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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 05:02 PM   #9
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Re: Is SEO Really That Important?
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Excellent advice . I tell all my students that SEO should be the first thing you at least briefly study. It is the very backbone to Internet Marketing. Then I tell them to forget it because there are easier and faster ways to get traffic
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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 05:31 PM   #10
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Re: Is SEO Really That Important?
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I'm not using the Pro version for a PIPs message group and it works just fine for me. There's nothing that says you have to be a Pro member for the autoresponder form to work. As a matter of fact it's just the opposite.

Here is an idea of things you can do with your PIPs Capture pages if you are just a little creative.

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Dont sign up there though. I just installed the Photo and some text but I haven't done a thank you page or anything else yet. This is just to give you some ideas on how to create a Capture page.

Originally Posted by bgowing View Post

See the red highlighted area from the PIPS members area under Marketing:

"Lead capture page 11:

Here's how these pages work:

Whenever you send a visitor to one of those pages, if they want more information they will enter their name and email address and this will add them to YOUR mailing list. You can now let your autoresponder go to work for you, and you can also send offers to these people anytime you want. :-)

As soon as your prospect subscribes, they will be instantly re-directed to your PIPS affiliate link. Review Day 2 for details about how this benefits you. It's huge!

Note: The process above works as described only if you are using the GetResponse PRO version as discussed in Day 4. I strongly recommend you upgrade your autoresponder for a year so you save money and don't have to think about it!"

What am I missing?

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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 08:49 PM   #11
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Re: Is SEO Really That Important?
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Great feedback everyone. Thanks for the clarification and great ideas.

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Unread 26th Jan 2011, 08:09 AM   #12
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Re: Is SEO Really That Important?
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Originally Posted by Patrician View Post

Bruce, I believe this refers to the fact that you are limited in the number of subscribers when you have a free account -

In fact when that was written it used to be 10 subscribers only were allowed. Then recently they changed it to 100. (prior to that you could have unlimited subscribers but only 10 messages).

It would be pointless to do a big campaign that attracts hundreds of subscribers only for them to see 'oops - contact the webmaster blah blah' on the 11th opt-in or 101st...

Just in general this is short-sighted for anyone who is seriously trying to make money to have these limitations. Not to mention how much cheaper it is to pay for the Pro account by the year instead of by the month. (although I know sometimes money is in short supply in the beginning of any business).

There is no other technical reason that the squeeze pages won't work for a free account that I am aware of.
I have already upgraded to the Pro version however is there a way for me to go back to the free version. Getresponse has told me that I can't go back to the free version. :confused:Is there anything you can do from your end?

Please let me know. Thanks.

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Unread 26th Jan 2011, 11:26 AM   #13
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Sorry, nothing I can do - Getresponse is a completely separate entity with their own protocols.

Patricia Brucoli
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Unread 30th Jan 2011, 07:53 AM   #14
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Thanks Steven,

I appreciate your post mate. Yes, you're right its a bit drawn out, but hey, I like reading. As you say, there's a heck of a lot of work to do with SEO, it's a real industry science in itself. So my philosophy is:

OUTSOURCE IT!!! And be done with it.

Prob is, there are so many SEO sharks out there, you really need to find a good service. I absolutely LOVE suuntu's linkwheel gig in the special offers forum, that's a great heads up

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Unread 17th Feb 2011, 08:09 PM   #15
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I was so pleased to read your post, all the negativity out there is scary when you invest to start your own business. I was thinking if I followed the 30 days to success properly I could achieve! And you just reinstated that in my mind. Thanks

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Unread 17th Feb 2011, 09:06 PM   #16
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I also agree that SEO is really very important. Without SEO, nothing happen to your internet marketing campaign. I've learned a lot from here.
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Unread 17th Feb 2011, 11:03 PM   #17
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Not SEO but SER.
SER=Search Engine Ranking. MR STONE said that in his 30 days training....
Don't get mad at me ok. Just to have fun posting in forum.

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Unread 17th Feb 2011, 11:33 PM   #18
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SEO - search engine optimization
SEM - search engine marketing
SER - search engine ranking

SEO is how to get SER

Patricia Brucoli
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