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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 06:15 AM   #1
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My first day in PIPS and confuse
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Hi everyone,
I'm totally beginner in making money online. So hopefully you guys can help me to figure out my confusion here.

When registered the PIPS, one of the multiple income streams to join is Traffic Wave. Traffic Wave is an autoresponder service right. So I'm not expecting to pay for another autoresponder service and that is Getresponse to manage the 400 days newsletter Mr Stone Evans provided in the PIPS package.

Actually I've already upgrade my GetResponse to Pro. I only realize this after I upgrade. What is going on?

Why not using Traffic Wave to manage the free newsletter?

The more I read the 30days training guide, the more I got annoying because I need to pay this if to get this, I need to use this if I want to get this but need to pay.

This mean to get good passive income in the first month, I must pay and impossible if using free method right.
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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 09:50 AM   #2
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Re: My first day in PIPS and confuse
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Traffic Wave is an income stream only and not used in PIPs for email marketing. I personally didn't sign up for it and won't spend any money there because like you, I already have an autoresponder that is working well. I would use it as a Free affiliate only.

As far as the rest of the programs there is no need to start spending a lot of money right away. Get your feet wet in marketing first and then pay for those things you will use.

You can make money using free methods. But, IM in the home based business Niche takes time and consistency. Very little if anything will happen in a month. You will need to work at it for a while before you will see any results.

Hold on to your money for now, work on Blogging and Article marketing for starters. Get those down and then try another promotional technique.

The only thing you might consider paying for right now is the leads Getresponse offers. I have heard good things about them.

Also, look for a member here by the name of Jeff Casmer. He offers two Co-ops, one is for MyWorldPlus and the other is for SFI. From what i have heard his leads are good and when I read his sales page his prices are actually very low for qualified leads, actually. I've paid as much as $4.00 for a name, address, and phone number. He gets you signups and the system does the selling. If going that route i would go for MyWorldPlus leads first since the program looks easier to sell. If you choose one of these Co-ops then become a paid member to the program to maximize your income and recoup your expense.

I wouldn't pay for anything else.


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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 11:57 AM   #3
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Re: My first day in PIPS and confuse
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I am new with PIPS and I agree with what Stephen has recommended. Concentrate on building your site per the 30 day training and advertise your home business opportunity using free marketing concepts to get your feet wet.

Best of luck to you.

Best regards.

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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 11:43 PM   #4
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Re: My first day in PIPS and confuse
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Originally Posted by Stephen Meyer View Post

Traffic Wave is an income stream only and not used in PIPs for email marketing. I personally didn't sign up for it and won't spend any money there because like you, I already have an autoresponder that is working well. I would use it as a Free affiliate only.

As far as the rest of the programs there is no need to start spending a lot of money right away. Get your feet wet in marketing first and then pay for those things you will use.

You can make money using free methods. But, IM in the home based business Niche takes time and consistency. Very little if anything will happen in a month. You will need to work at it for a while before you will see any results.

Hold on to your money for now, work on Blogging and Article marketing for starters. Get those down and then try another promotional technique.

The only thing you might consider paying for right now is the leads Getresponse offers. I have heard good things about them.

Also, look for a member here by the name of Jeff Casmer. He offers two Co-ops, one is for MyWorldPlus and the other is for SFI. From what i have heard his leads are good and when I read his sales page his prices are actually very low for qualified leads, actually. I've paid as much as $4.00 for a name, address, and phone number. He gets you signups and the system does the selling. If going that route i would go for MyWorldPlus leads first since the program looks easier to sell. If you choose one of these Co-ops then become a paid member to the program to maximize your income and recoup your expense.

I wouldn't pay for anything else.


thanks Stephen
That's really help.
So now since I've already paid the traffic wave for a month I think I just have to give all my best to atleast cover my initial investment.

In case I fail to profit for the next 30 days, do I have a choice to cancel my monthly payment to traffic wave and just start as free affiliate?

Oh yeah and I'll take my time to look for your recommendation.

Thanks again Stephen.
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Unread 25th Jan 2011, 11:45 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by bgowing View Post

I am new with PIPS and I agree with what Stephen has recommended. Concentrate on building your site per the 30 day training and advertise your home business opportunity using free marketing concepts to get your feet wet.

Best of luck to you.

Best regards.

Thanks Bgowing.
I'll try my best.
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Unread 26th Jan 2011, 11:39 AM   #6
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Hello Jinan.

I would just like to comment here. First of all Stone Evans is the expert here and he is sharing with you exactly what he does to make a lot of money for the past several years.

While he does not require you to pay for anything other than your own hosting account, he does feel that if you are able to use some of the services it CAN help you to accelerate your business faster if you can.

With that said, there is too much emphasis on 30 days. The training has 30 modules and you could do one module each day for 30 Days. Then you are really ready to begin or have begun small steps to move forward in promoting your business. (you can take as long as you need to get through it however).

It is unlikely that you will see many results in 30 days since you are just beginning. Marketing is about building and sustaining momentum over time. People like Stone and Ewen have been promoting their businesses for years and as such have built up lots of back links and lots of momentum with their advertising and marketing.

I doubt very much after their first 30 days that they saw much progress. Both Stone and Ewen have testimonials about working all day at day jobs to support their families and then working all night on the Internet as their little families slept.

They both carried on like this for YEARS before they saw enough income to quit the day job and focus entirely online.

While it is good to know what our peers are doing and of course how to do things for free, the idea is to learn from the proven experts and come up with a plan that you can handle.

Succeeding with an internet business is definitely not about 'spending your way to success' - it is about investing your time and effort OVER TIME.

You are just going to lose your focus and spin your wheels if you run after every new gimmick, free or otherwise. While somebody can share that they use something and they had a little success that is good.

However, I would advise you to pay attention to what the 30 Days to Success training is showing you - and there are MANY FREE ideas in there. Don't just 'throw out the baby with the bathwater' because you can't afford something that is recommended and then come here and say ' ...I need to pay this if to get this, I need to use this if I want to get this but need to pay."

You do not NEED to pay for anything but your hosting account. Stone states quite plainly from DAY ONE that using the paid services are NOT required to succeed - it can just make it easier and faster if you can.

Developing any business is over the long-term. If you are going to say well I will give it 30 days - you may as well just don't bother.

Patricia Brucoli
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Unread 26th Jan 2011, 12:29 PM   #7
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Hi Patricia,

Great feedback! Thank you for your support and guidance.

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Unread 28th Jan 2011, 02:59 AM   #8
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hi it is great. keep on going. best of luck

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Unread 28th Jan 2011, 05:52 AM   #9
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Re: My first day in PIPS and confuse
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Hi Patricia,

As I read Jinan's message, I saw that he was confused about which auto responder to use. Can you advise if the messages used in get response (400 days newsletter Mr Stone Evans provided in the PIPS package) can be transferred to Traffic Wave as well?

When we are confused as a beginner or otherwise, aren't we suppose to come here to get answers? His question about the auto responder wasn't addressed.

We want to encourage our new members to stick with the program and make sure all their questions or concerns are addressed, right?

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Unread 28th Jan 2011, 11:17 AM   #10
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Hi Centra.

As addressed in Stone's thread about Traffic Wave above, Traffic Wave is an Income Stream - that's all. A new affiliate program. It is merely a coincidence that they happen to be an autoresponder service -

There will be no change to Getresponse and the fact that it is the autoresponder that we use for PIPS.

In my post above in this thread I was addressing other elements of Jinan's post.

If you want to switch autoresesponders that is up to you as always.

If you switch Autoresponders:

#1 you need to update your home page web form source code with the new autoresponder code

#2 you need to copy and paste all 216 messages one by one from Getresponse to the new autoresponder (there is no zip file)

#3 you need to edit each one and remove the Getresponse predefined values and encoding and replace with the new codes for the new autoresonder - there are multiple links in each of the 216 messages (you could also hard code your affiliate ID and links).

I hope that clears it up.

Patricia Brucoli
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Unread 28th Jan 2011, 05:00 PM   #11
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Hi profits2u, I'm sorry, i had hoped to address it in my first sentence and I have seen a few instances where Pat has also. Maybe a terminology some newbies do not understand and that's understandable.
Traffic Wave is an income stream only and not used in PIPs for email marketing.
Email marketing is what you are doing with the autoresponder.

I do wish some of the long term PIPs members were still coming to this forum with the wealth of information they had shared in the past. In the mean time, and hopefully, those of us who have been at it a longer and have some success can help the newbies as best we can. There are lots of pitfalls on the internet that can drag a newbie down. Hopefully those of us who have been through them and had the bad experience can help those who are new avoid the same mistakes.

That would be the goal anyway. In the mean time, upward and onward.


Originally Posted by profits2u View Post

Hi Patricia,

As I read Jinan's message, I saw that he was confused about which auto responder to use. Can you advise if the messages used in get response (400 days newsletter Mr Stone Evans provided in the PIPS package) can be transferred to Traffic Wave as well?

When we are confused as a beginner or otherwise, aren't we suppose to come here to get answers? His question about the auto responder wasn't addressed.

We want to encourage our new members to stick with the program and make sure all their questions or concerns are addressed, right?

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Unread 6th Feb 2011, 04:45 AM   #12
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Hi all pips members for you who don't know me my username is emailman1, I'm what you would call real new, for a long time I could not sign up here because when it ask who referred you I put in stones name so it would not let me access it. so I went on my merry way to find help elsewhere. In my travels I found all kinds of negative posting and got led down a long dark rode to where I was ready to shut my sight down.

But I thought long and hard about it and one thing I do know, pips sign ups do need some guidance or they are going to get taken for a long ride and a costly one at that. I know because I have gone threw it. I have a lot to learn and I'm having to back track on a lot because I thought the advise I was given was right, now I have to get back on track of the pips programs and find a way to learn what I need to know to run my sight my self. Maybe even the people here can help me now that I found my way in. I just hope that what I'm writing here can help others not to make the same mistakes I did, I know there are a lot of pip sight owners that are out there that need a helping hand they just don't know where to go or what to do. I really do think this is how you get negetive posting to begin with, its a way to get you to sign up with their sight. So I hope this was helpful to all pips sight owners. I have found when you help others help will come to you.

Regards emailman1
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Unread 6th Feb 2011, 10:22 AM   #13
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Hi emailman1, ask all the questions you want. There's lots of people around here who are glad to help.


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Unread 6th Feb 2011, 06:00 PM   #14
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Hi emailman1 -

I am more than a little perplexed at your comments, in that the day your site is set up you are sent IDs to access the 30 Days to Success training, which gives step-by-step directions on how to develop and promote your business, Newbie Training Videos, Bonuses, Marketing Resources and this member support forum - all free.

In addition we have a help desk 6 days a week, 12 hours per day where you can also get direction if you have a specific problem and you will get an answer usually in less than 24 hours - also free.

I hardly think people are left out in the rain to find their way. Pretty hard to miss all the help here...

I am just glad that you found your way to the forum at least and have not manufactured a reason to fail without even trying.

I am also wondering what you perceive in your post would help people? :confused:

Originally Posted by emailman1 View Post

Hi all pips members for you who don't know me my username is emailman1, I'm what you would call real new, for a long time I could not sign up here because when it ask who referred you I put in stones name so it would not let me access it. so I went on my merry way to find help elsewhere. In my travels I found all kinds of negative posting and got led down a long dark rode to where I was ready to shut my sight down.

But I thought long and hard about it and one thing I do know, pips sign ups do need some guidance or they are going to get taken for a long ride and a costly one at that. I know because I have gone threw it. I have a lot to learn and I'm having to back track on a lot because I thought the advise I was given was right, now I have to get back on track of the pips programs and find a way to learn what I need to know to run my sight my self. Maybe even the people here can help me now that I found my way in. I just hope that what I'm writing here can help others not to make the same mistakes I did, I know there are a lot of pip sight owners that are out there that need a helping hand they just don't know where to go or what to do. I really do think this is how you get negetive posting to begin with, its a way to get you to sign up with their sight. So I hope this was helpful to all pips sight owners. I have found when you help others help will come to you.

Regards emailman1

Patricia Brucoli
Plug-In Profit Site Helpdesk
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