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Unread 23rd Feb 2013, 03:17 PM   #51
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Re: Does PIPS really work in 2012?
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Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

When you look at a domain record and see more than one drop it is usually because the domain was penalized by the search engines for:
1) Violating a search engine TOS.
2) Spamming the search engines which results in the domain being banned by the search engines.
3) Consumer complaints.

At times the search engines will run a new algo and during the process the domain may be temporarily indexed, but the content will remain in the supplemental index if it was not already purged. Typically, after the algo is complete, the domain will be banned and de-indexed. Cumulatively, Penguin and Panda.

One way to determine if a domain with multiple drops and was penalized by the search engines is to research the domain in the Internet Archive Wayback Machine. The domain in question was previously promoting spammy links, so it is obvious in this case.
Thank you Jeffery,
That was educative for me.
Did you get all the info about suggested domains with "Wayback Machine"
I tried to find this info with "Wayback Machine", but didn't succeed
Is there yet another tool?
Not that I want to study all these tools, but it looks like I have to...
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Unread 23rd Feb 2013, 04:21 PM   #52
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Re: Does PIPS really work in 2012?
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Originally Posted by avirtt View Post

Thank you Jeffery,
That was educative for me.
Did you get all the info about suggested domains with "Wayback Machine"
I tried to find this info with "Wayback Machine", but didn't succeed
Is there yet another tool?
Not that I want to study all these tools, but it looks like I have to...
The Different Stages in a Domain’s Life

A domain goes through many stages throughout its life, and whether or not you will be able to purchase the domain depends a lot on which stage the domain is in. Let’s quickly look over these stages.

Unregistered Domain Names

This is a domain that has never been registered before in the history of the internet. There are still millions if not billions of unregistered domains out there; simply because our language is constantly evolving and new words and phrases are being created all the time. That means there is still a ton of opportunity to capitalize on domain names.

For instance, 10 years ago, no one had ever heard the word “iPhone” before, but now it is a product used by millions all over the world, and any domain with the word “iPhone” in it has become very valuable.

Expired Domain Names

This is a domain name that was once registered but for one reason or another owner did not renew its registration after the pre-determined time period had passed. After domains expire most registration companies give the owners between 1 to 45 days to renew the domain name.

After that renewal period has passed, many registration companies will offer “domain name redemption” to the previous owners. They usually charge a higher registration fee at this point because technically the domain name is no longer theirs. This redemption grace period usually lasts 30 days.

After 30 days the domain name enters into the deletion queue at the domain name registrar. It can take anywhere between 1 and 5 days for the domain to be deleted. After it is deleted from the registrar’s database it becomes available to register again.

As a domainer you can find out if any good domain names are expiring from many sources online. Once the domains are expired you can contact the registrar of the domain name and place it on backorder.

If the domain name goes through the 45 day renewal grace period, the 30 day redemption period, and the 5 day deletion period without being renewed by the previous owner you will be able to register it yourself, and then sell it on for a profit.

It sounds simple on paper, but in actuality there are other domainers out there probably going after the same exact expired domain names that you are, and when multiple people backorder a domain, it goes up for auction and its sold to the highest bidder.

That being said, there is still ample opportunity to make money with expired domain names simply because there are so many those expire on a daily basis. We are talking about 1,000s per day, and literally hundreds of thousands per month.

Here are some of the best resources to use to find expired domain names:

Expired Domain Names - FREE Expired Domains List from

Expired Domains and Dropped Domains Portal

Deleted Domain Names

Expired Domain Names - Free Expired Domain Name List - Page 1

Registered Domain Names

The last types of domain names are those that are currently registered and active on the internet. These domains can be actual websites that you may visit, or they may just be sitting in someone’s domain registrar account.

Surprisingly, many of these domain names can still be purchased and sold at a profit.

The best way to do this is to contact the domain name owner and let them know that you invest in domain names and you’d like to purchase their domain. Sometimes you can find a hidden gem online, buy it for really low, and turn around and make a tidy profit on it!

Domain Name Forums

There are several internet forums devoted to domaining and making money over the internet.

Many of them have marketplaces where you can actively buy and sell domain names, and many have free listings. Here are the top choices for many domainers:

Just remember the saying "Caveat Emptor" - Let The Buyer Beware! There are no guarantees when you purchase domains... all the risk is yours.

Hope This helps.

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Unread 23rd Feb 2013, 05:07 PM   #53
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Re: Does PIPS really work in 2012?
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Originally Posted by avirtt View Post

Thank you Jeffery,
That was educative for me.
Did you get all the info about suggested domains with "Wayback Machine"
I tried to find this info with "Wayback Machine", but didn't succeed
Is there yet another tool?
Not that I want to study all these tools, but it looks like I have to...
You can see the domain records at:
Whois Lookup & Domain Availability Search | DomainTools

The Wayback Machine captures snapshots of domains with websites from the time of registration. Some domains have captures of the old websites and some do not. Website captures allow us to see what and how the site was promoted, match the dates to the whois record, and that will pretty much explain why a domain was dropped.

Also, you can use SEO Quake to see real data of a specific domain such as search engine data, traffic sources, etc.

Use those three tools when evaluating expired domains and you ca make a reasonable educated decision.

Like Allen said "ust remember the saying "Caveat Emptor" - Let The Buyer Beware! There are no guarantees when you purchase domains... all the risk is yours."

Jeffery 100% :-)

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Unread 23rd Feb 2013, 06:38 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

You can see the domain records at:
Whois Lookup & Domain Availability Search | DomainTools

The Wayback Machine captures snapshots of domains with websites from the time of registration. Some domains have captures of the old websites and some do not. Website captures allow us to see what and how the site was promoted, match the dates to the whois record, and that will pretty much explain why a domain was dropped.
Thank you Jeffery,
You've cleaned a lot of mess from my head

Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

Also, you can use SEO Quake to see real data of a specific domain such as search engine data, traffic sources, etc.
I tried this tool yesterday and I like it. It requires some learning curve to evaluate such amount of info, but seems it worth efforts.

Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

Use those three tools when evaluating expired domains and you ca make a reasonable educated decision.

Jeffery 100% :-)
Sure. I will.

There is one minor question.
What do you think about .INFO domains in the light of the recent SEO changes?
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Unread 23rd Feb 2013, 08:01 PM   #55
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Search engine and W3 Standards wise - the .info domains were not designated for commerce sites. Only .com is designated for commerce. Internet Marketers mistreated and abused the .info domains. Many still do. As a result thousands of .info domains were de-indexed in the SERPs. The .info sites were designated for informational sites and those marketers that did not abuse the SEs still retain value.

In large, most SE professionals do not recommend .info domain for commerce, but when used as information sites without advertisements and minimal links to a commerce site they perform very well in the SERPS. For those reasons I personally would not recommend a .info domain for a PIPS Main Sites. That is just my opinion because it complies with SE and W3 Standards and as a result my sites were not negatively affected by the Google Algo Updates.. Matter of fact, my Exact Match .info Domains survived all of the updates where only links to my main commerce sites were concerned.

Jeffery 100% :-)

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Unread 24th Feb 2013, 12:28 AM   #56
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Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

Search engine and W3 Standards wise - the .info domains were not designated for commerce sites. Only .com is designated for commerce.

Internet Marketers mistreated and abused the .info domains. Many still do. As a result thousands of .info domains were de-indexed in the SERPs. The .info sites were designated for informational sites and those marketers that did not abuse the SEs still retain value.

In large, most SE professionals do not recommend .info domain for commerce, but when used as information sites without advertisements and minimal links to a commerce site they perform very well in the SERPS. For those reasons I personally would not recommend a .info domain for a PIPS Main Sites. That is just my opinion because it complies with SE and W3 Standards and as a result my sites were not negatively affected by the Google Algo Updates.. Matter of fact, my Exact Match .info Domains survived all of the updates where only links to my main commerce sites were concerned.

Jeffery 100% :-)
Thanks for clearing this .INFO question. What I learned so far in other places was quite vague. Like: ".INFO domains considered spamy". By whom considered and why? No reasons given.

Studying W3 Standards right now will break my back.
However from the last sentence, I assume that neither .ORG, nor .NET were designated for commerce sites. Thus only .COM recommended for the main PIPS site. All others including .INFO are my second choice.
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Unread 24th Feb 2013, 01:45 AM   #57
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Originally Posted by avirtt View Post

Thanks for clearing this .INFO question. What I learned so far in other places was quite vague. Like: ".INFO domains considered spamy". By whom considered and why? No reasons given.

Studying W3 Standards right now will break my back.
However from the last sentence, I assume that neither .ORG, nor .NET were designated for commerce sites. Thus only .COM recommended for the main PIPS site. All others including .INFO are my second choice.
No, I never said anything about .net and .org domains, so your assumption is not based on anything I said. Instead, your assumption is based on what I did not say.

Bit of advise.. never base a business decision on an assumption. You were asking smart questions, but you just showed a very bad decision making process.

.org is for organizations commonly know as authority sites and .net is for networks. My own choice of domain extensions for commerce sites are .com and .org. I have already explained how I use .info domains.

Jeffery 100% :-)

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Unread 24th Feb 2013, 02:45 AM   #58
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Originally Posted by Jeffery View Post

Bit of advise.. never base a business decision on an assumption. You were asking smart questions, but you just showed a very bad decision making process.

Jeffery 100% :-)
Not yet a decision, just thoughts out-loud.
Probably I'm asking too many questions, it's because I try to
"Look before I leap"

Here is yet one more thought related to domain names. Please correct me if I again went a wrong way.

Here , Stone promised personal site, ready to be promoted. I think, if I could see the sample of this site, I would find some proper keywords there to use them in the process of selecting domain.
Does it make any sense?
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Unread 24th Feb 2013, 08:09 AM   #59
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Originally Posted by avirtt View Post

Not yet a decision, just thoughts out-loud.
Probably I'm asking too many questions, it's because I try to
"Look before I leap"

Here is yet one more thought related to domain names. Please correct me if I again went a wrong way.

Here , Stone promised personal site, ready to be promoted. I think, if I could see the sample of this site, I would find some proper keywords there to use them in the process of selecting domain.
Does it make any sense?
That would be a question for Stone or Pat.

Jeffery 100% :-)

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Unread 24th Feb 2013, 11:34 AM   #60
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Originally Posted by avirtt View Post

Not yet a decision, just thoughts out-loud.
Probably I'm asking too many questions, it's because I try to
"Look before I leap"

Here is yet one more thought related to domain names. Please correct me if I again went a wrong way.

Here , Stone promised personal site, ready to be promoted. I think, if I could see the sample of this site, I would find some proper keywords there to use them in the process of selecting domain.
Does it make any sense?
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Unread 3rd Mar 2013, 08:12 PM   #61
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Is it GVO or PureLeverage that is a part of PIPS? I watched the PureLeverage video and it sounded like it was GVO, but gvo is 10 dollars and Leverage is 25 dollars...are both options offered within PIPS? thanks

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Unread 4th Mar 2013, 09:19 AM   #62
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The only required program to join PIPS is GVO -HOST THEN PROFIT

GVO-7MW and GVO-PL are completely optional - You can join them now if they appeal to you, later if you decide to, or you never need to join them if you don't want to.

Pure Leverage includes all the GVO services EXCEPT HOSTING - which is the ONLY thing you need to join @ GVO and this includes both hosting and the autoresponder that we set up for you on your site.

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Unread 4th Mar 2013, 02:58 PM   #63
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I just read through this thread and I feel like I learned a lot. I have been working online for a few years and I have not yet been very successful. I do feel like I have learned a lot however and I have also been pulled in a lot of different directions.
While I have been aware of PIPs for a long time I have only begun to seriously consider it. I can see the benefits of the system and how it could work well with the right types and amounts of traffic driven to my site.
Thanks for all the good info presented here on this thread (and the PIPS forum). I may be joining soon. I think my only question is this - If I start and do not join all five programs initially and than after a while I do add myself to those programs, if that a complicated issue? How does my affiliate number get connected to the proper places on my site and to the letters that are already loaded in the AR ?

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Unread 4th Mar 2013, 03:06 PM   #64
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It's a very simple process to join any program at a later date. You just login to the member's area and update your program ID's from there. Once you have done that your PIPS sales page and your blog links are updated automatically so no complicated at all.

Your autoresponder mostly promotes PIPS sales page so there's really no need to update those. Of course, if you send a special mailing to your list you would use your own links for the programs you wish to promote.

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Unread 5th Mar 2013, 01:47 PM   #65
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Another question about PIPS is this - Would I be primarily trying to drive traffic to my PIPS site (the one made for me) or to my PIPS sales page ? or is it a combination of diving traffic to both places?
I know I regulary see the PIPS sales page in many places (and have seen it for years).

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Unread 5th Mar 2013, 05:57 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by DWaters View Post

Another question about PIPS is this - Would I be primarily trying to drive traffic to my PIPS site (the one made for me) or to my PIPS sales page ? or is it a combination of diving traffic to both places?
I know I regulary see the PIPS sales page in many places (and have seen it for years).
It is a 'two-pronged' approach -

1. affiliate sales page is for direct sales - it has a 'direct response' format - (the PIPS application) sales page is used for most advertising

2. website is for lead capture/subscribers - where your free newsletter is offered predominantly. this is your brand - it is your domain.

website is used for back linking and posting unique content so that the search engines will re-index your site each time you post -

this creates free traffic, as your link has a higher position in the search engine index search results when someone uses your keywords to query or 'google it'.

(this is a long-range target that is built over time - and happens eventually from building back links over time, etc - back links are built for example when you use your domain name in your signature file in a forum or other social net, or when you publish content (articles, blog posts, web2.0, etc) anywhere or comment anywhere with your domain in your signature or biography box, or article directory profile, etc.).

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Unread 7th Mar 2013, 10:43 AM   #67
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One of the issues I have had since I started IM a few years ago is the problem of getting pulled in various directions. As I look into the PIPs system it appears that there is a potential for that here as well. The various programs that you are encouraged to join, such as the Empower Network and the 7 minute workout, may be very good programs indeed. But I can see the potential for getting distracted and trying to follow those programs rather than using PIPs. I feel that I need focus and direction, not more programs to follow. Do you see people having this kind of a problem?
Is the answer simply to join those programs simply to be part of them so I can sell them (not necessarily follow all their methods or even pay that much attention to them) but to than simply focus on promoting PIPs - with the two pronged approach you explained above?
I guess my concern is information overload
Thanks - David

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Unread 7th Mar 2013, 11:21 AM   #68
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Hi David -

"Information overload" seems to be a given in this business - but 'information is power' - if you use it wisely!

I always recommend to stop and get organized and RELAXED - even take a day away from your PC to recover from the application processes(s) Clear your head and your desk - give yourself some space -

Then if you look at this methodically - take one chunk at a time - don't do anything else until you get that done - then go to the next thing -

The thing with PIPS is it is not an either/or thing - The whole idea is to have ONE business/ONE website that has multiple streams of income.

By promoting PIPS you promote ALL your programs with ONE effort -

So with that said - and since we are talking training as being the thing that there is just too much of -

Do the PIPS training first - I recommend going through it just reading it to get an OVERVIEW - then go back and drill down in each day to really learn the techniques, and to implement the recommendations that you want to take.

To me however beyond the obvious 'marketing' - is just to get orientated - Stone provides so many resources both in front and throughout the training, that you really need to know what you already have, so you don't waste your precious time and effort trying to do things that have already been done for you.

THEN when you know all about 'home' - and have your marketing and advertising strategies implemented, take one program at a time and again - just get an overview - be able to explain what the program does, has, is - and take advantage of the additional training -

So it is just 'creating order out of chaos' (part the waters) and then you are ready to conquer the beast(s)!

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Thanks - sounds like a plan. Being organized and following that type of method certainly makes a lot of sense. Your words of wisdom are much appreciated.

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Unread 23rd Jul 2013, 02:53 AM   #70
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So, do I need to do keyword research before registering a domain?
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Unread 19th Oct 2013, 11:25 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by ChloeCKimberley View Post

Hmm I didn't mean it in a negative way, but more from a marketing perspective. Thanks for summarizing the offer!

I meant something more to the lines of: If every PIPS marketer sends the same AR sequence, and somehow a few customers sign up to two PIPS marketers who send the exact same email campaign to them, it'll look a little, well, "off".

I guess you have a point anyway - the chances are quite slim. I guess I could rewrite the AR sequence since I'm a copywriter...

I really want to buy in, but I think i just need one final question...

What kind of traffic comes to the site...
SEO? Email? PPC? Ads/media buys?
You can use any of the marketing styles you like. You will be trained to do them all in the training..

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