What programming languages should be learned for Android Apps development

by 10 replies
Hello Warrior Member,
I need to know which programming language should i know for developing an Android apps. From where i need to get start. I can learn C, C++, C# and Java. Do these programming language i need to know or please suggest me best. Also suggest me resource for learning everything.
#programming #android #apps #development #languages #learned #programming
  • You need to learn Java, this is where you can see how to start android development.

    That is not the only way, there is Titanium:
    Titanium Mobile Application Development | Appcelerator Inc.

    It's language is JavaScript. When you make an app, it can compile the same app for Android and for iPhone. But it is not free.
  • You need to learn java programming language.Many tutorials and the easy guidelines are available on the internet and android application is based on the java programming language.it is not tough easily you can learn.
    • [1] reply
    • You should focus on Java. Not only will this allow you to make Android apps but also a whole range of other software.

      Source: Android developer for over 5 years
  • Java is main or the Android App
  • In addition to Java, you also will need to know XML for basic applications. XML is about as easy as it gets, although it is technically a mark-up and not a true programming language, so if you are already comfortable with Java, it should be no problem to pick it up.
  • Have my final exam for my android course this week - you want to learn Java and familiarize yourself with XML. Java = functionality, XML = layout.
  • Banned
    If you want specifically to work with Android, you'll need to learn Java. If you just want a general introduction to programing, C/C++ would probably be a better place to start, as people tend to pick it up faster than Java.
  • If you want to do apps, then probably Java like the previous poster said. I dunno, just guessing as I don't do apps.

    But if you want to do games, then forget java, go with Unity3d C#. It's not even a close decision. Unity3d and you'll be able to cross-compile to all major game platforms from one code base. PC, Mac, Browsers, Windows Mobile, Android, iOS, Xbox, and the list goes on.
  • I understand finally that Java program is very important. Can any one suggest how to start learning the program as beginner?
  • you can start with python instead of java if you want to.
    python is much more versatile imo, but ofc java is mainstream.
    plus learning python is way much easier

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