Thrive Content Builder

8 replies

I've just bought this wordpress plugin and created a landing page. It has one major flaw at least for what I want and that is there is no javascript cookie function so once you've set it up everytime someone comes to your site they're presented with the same squeeze page.

Although they can click a button that says " No thanks, take me to the main site" this is bound to irritate returning visitors.

Does anyone know a fix for this or alternatively know someone who could add the javascript to make sure that returning visitors are taken straight to the main site?


#builder #content #thrive
  • Profile picture of the author The Cypher
    When you load up the TCE, there's a button on top that looks like: </>

    There's where you can set up any custom code or js functions.

    Not really sure what you're talking about as a landing page is supposed to be a separate page on a site, not something that gets turned off though?

    Unless you're talking about a pop up, there is better alternatives.

    If you're talking about the Thrive Leads, I'd recommend not using it
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    • Profile picture of the author findlay56
      Thanks but I don't know how to use JS. The Thrive landing page is for a Newsletter subscription. I want to show the landing page once to each visitor but not when they return I want to take them to y main site.

      I don't want to bug my visitors with this Thrive flash page every time they visit the site.
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  • Profile picture of the author Joan Altz
    Ask Thrive support. They won't just ignore you. If Paul or one of the other team members knows a way you can do it, they'll tell you how.
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    • Profile picture of the author findlay56

      Thanks for your reply. I have found the people at Thrive to be very helpful but they have told me categorically that what I'm asking for can't be done and they have no plans to introduce this feature in future.
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    • Profile picture of the author findlay56
      Forgot to say - cute puppy!
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  • Profile picture of the author ShaneRQR
    It sounds like what you want is a welcome-gate style landing page that shows only to first time visitors, is that correct?

    If so, the Thrive Leads plugin can be used to set that kind of thing up. In Thrive Content Builder/Landing Pages, there's no feature of that kind.
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    • Profile picture of the author findlay56
      Thanks Shane for that information. Could you explain how to do that? You can see what I've done so far with the landing page here -


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      • Profile picture of the author Yvon Boulianne
        Originally Posted by findlay56 View Post

        I would put the subscribe in green and make sure the font color have a good contrast with the green, try font black also or darker background color (green)
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