cache file in Microsoft OneNote

1 replies
I tried to open OneNote 2007 and it showed me the error message: "OneNote cannot access the notebook cache file. it may be corrupted. OneNote will restart and create a new cache file. error code: 0xE0000133" But when I chose the make a copy option it shows me a third window: "OneNote cannot delete the notebook cache file. verify that you have write access and try again."
#cache #file #microsoft #onenote
  • Profile picture of the author catelecorsa
    If Microsoft Onenote becomes unresponsive, you may need to run a repair. Here is the proper method.
    Start | in the Search programs and files command, type: Onenote /safeboot
    Click the Delete Notebook Cache button
    Close Onenote and reopen and you should be all set.
    Clearing cache would remove the onenote files that were open in the notebook. Open the notebooks in onenote to resolve it. You can do this by using the File and Open option (User/Documents/Onenote folder). If you find the notebooks missing there then you can copy the backup notebooks to the documents folder and then again try opening them in onenote. The default backup loaction is (C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneNote). Also you can copy the onenote folder/MyDocuments from the work computer and transfer it to the documents location where you have the issue.
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