How does one go on to create a website like youtube or a Instant messaging app like whatsapp?

4 replies
I love chatting and sharing photos and videos with my friends on social media, but lately I'm thinking a lot about creating my very own Instant messaging app. So, how does one go about doing it?
#app #create #instant #messaging #website #whatsapp #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author LoneAscent
    The first step is to determine what technology you want to use to build the app. Are you familiar with HTML, PHP, or Ruby? Do you have access to an app builder that will have the features you want? Do you have a budget to outsource to a programmer if you don't have the technical skills?

    Once you decide how you will implement the app, you'll need a clear vision of what it will look like. Take the time to sketch out how it'll look and what graphics you'll use. Use a wireframe model to decide which features you definitely want to include and what can be added in future updates.

    The first step to any app, website, or design project is just planning, and it is often overlooked.

    Best of luck!
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  • Profile picture of the author robomedia
    What can you do so far ? Have you done any programming ?

    It might be very simple to do it if only 100 users will be using it, and you don't care about security.
    It can be ultra challenging if you want 100mln users to use it and you care about security .

    If you're saying 'app' I guess you mean Android or IOS . So first you need to know how to make applications for those.

    You can use open source protocols like Jabber or develop something by yourself .
    Possibilities are endless
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  • Profile picture of the author williamjones3d
    To create an instant messaging app like whatsapp you should plan the basic architecture to build a chat app that helps you attain a complete chat app in a more secure manner.

    To Build a chat app using real-time chat app technologies that comes with purely customizable features is to choose an instant messaging solution like Contus Fly. This could help you build your own instant messaging app in a more effective way!
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  • Profile picture of the author jmgilbert94
    Just another thing to think about if you're making a chat app is encryption. Will you be sending the messages as plain text or will you encrypt the messages between the client and the server? And, if so, what about key exchange for decryption if you're using private key cryptography? Or maybe public key cryptography (like PGP does) would work better for you.
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