Extracting content (posts) and pages from Wordpress backup?

1 replies
I don't have the database. Is there any way to extract the posts without the site's database? I used to run a site a while back which I allowed to expire, but now I've changed my mind and wish to operate the site on a different domain. I forgot to save the database. Is there a way to extract the content which I can then manually upload to the new site?
#backup #content #extracting #pages #posts #wordpress
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  • Profile picture of the author David Pankhurst
    Two ways I've used:

    #1-I've been able to recover some sites by checking google - they keep a cached copy, and so a page may be cached for awhile after the site goes down. Search on your site like this:


    (Note: no spaces between 'site:' and domain)
    For each link displayed, click on the small down arrow and it should display 'cached' - click on that to see Google's copy, which might still be valid.

    #2-For older sites, you can check waybackmachine and enter the domain:
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[11186690].message }}

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