What would you email a list of programming clients to drum up buiness?

1 replies
Say you put every client or prospect who didn't accept, into an email list and you have a good 50 to 200 of them. Is this still a list that responds to the usual tactics, or would you take a different approach?

How would you keep your relationship warm despite one to many communication/

How would you drum up business without devaluing your skills as a programmer
#buiness #clients #drum #email #list #programming
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    Originally Posted by Delta223 View Post

    Say you put every client or prospect who didn't accept, into an email list and you have a good 50 to 200 of them. Is this still a list that responds to the usual tactics, or would you take a different approach?

    How would you keep your relationship warm despite one to many communication/

    How would you drum up business without devaluing your skills as a programmer
    First of all, what exactly did they "didn't accept", and second who are they "who" didn't accept, and what was the trigger or call-to-action that they actioned, which brought "them" to land "where" to make that choice?

    Quickly, I will assume you want to email folks who "didn't accept" to be contacted or receive updates from you, on an "opt-in" form somewhere.

    I will quickly say that to do so would be, depending on where you live, at the very least totally unethical and a bad business practice to start with.

    It could be against the law in your country to do so, you could be prosecuted and be shut down, and pay much more than what you'd earn, and if you live on the EU territory then...

    Check for GDPR (ggle it) and read on and think about it...

    Have a nice day.

    IGNORANCE is not an excuse anymore, all you need is Automate Kit!

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