Hoplink VSL not playing properly... Please Help..!
I am having some problems with my hoplink VSL page... What is happening is, I masked my hoplink with my domain (frame), now, when I click on the masked domain, the Clickbank product VSL page shows the content and the video starts playing, but there is no sound... As for any other videos on VSL pages, there is a 'Tap to Play Sound' Note... Bt when I tap on the video for sound, the video pauses and then I am not able to resume it...
And yes, this is only happeingi in Google CHrome, whereas in Firefox, it plays all okay with sound...
I am confused, tried everything I could but no outcome...
Please guys, can you help me with this,? I will be much obliged...
Thank you for your help in advance...

soosdaniel -
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Monetize -
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