Membership area with multiple income streams

1 replies
Hi guys ,

Im trying to figure it out how make membership site with multiple streams inside

(affiliate link deleted by moderator)

Ideia is have some offers to people join and put own afiliate id of offer then at the end people can promote same system as afilaite .

There are any script/software around that I can buy or what plugins I need to make that wordpress ?

#area #income #membership #multiple #streams
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    Originally Posted by deepakpt View Post

    Hi guys ,

    Im trying to figure it out how make membership site with multiple streams inside

    (affiliate link deleted by moderator)

    Ideia is have some offers to people join and put own afiliate id of offer then at the end people can promote same system as afilaite .

    There are any script/software around that I can buy or what plugins I need to make that wordpress ?


    If you need a plugin you should visit a WP store that
    sells them. If you require other scripts you can hire a
    developer or use an AI such as ChatGPT to write the
    code for you.

    I highly recommend you use ChatGPT to help you
    with translations, content, code, and strategy.

    It can tell you whether your method is viable or not
    and provide you with instructions on what to do.
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