Wordpress Plugin: Allowing YouTube Videos to Play Full Screen

by Trivum
4 replies
I'm testing a plugin that works with YouTube videos, but it's one big drawback is that it doesn't allow the player to show a full screen option. Several people have asked the guy on his blog if he can change that, but they've gotten no response.

So I was wonder if someone here might be able offer a solution. I'll post the code below. Thanks for any suggestions.

Main php file:

Plugin Name: WP YouTube
Plugin URI: http://www.jenst.se/2007/11/01/wp-youtube
Description: WP YouTube allows you to control all the YouTube videos at the same time.
Author: Jens T&ouml;rnell
Version: 2.0
Author URI: http://www.jenst.se

function wpytAddCSS(){
	echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'.get_option('siteurl').'/wp-content/plugins/wp-youtube/wp-youtube.css" />';
add_action('admin_head', 'wpytAddCSS');

function wpyoutube($tagnameInput, $youTubeID) { // Function to be called within themes
	$data_all = get_option("wpytProfileData");
	$explodera = explode (',', $data_all);
	for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($explodera)-1; $i++) {
		$tagname = explode ('%t=', $explodera[$i]);
		$tagname = explode ('%', $tagname[1]);
		$tagname = $tagname[0];
		if($tagname == $tagnameInput) {
			$autoplay = explode ('%a=', $explodera[$i]);
			$autoplay = $autoplay[1]{0};
			if ($autoplay == "y") { $autoplay = "1"; }
			$validxhtml = explode ('%v=', $explodera[$i]);
			$validxhtml = $validxhtml[1]{0};
			$relatedvideos = explode ('%r=', $explodera[$i]);
			$relatedvideos = $relatedvideos[1]{0};
			if ($relatedvideos == "y") {
				$relatedvideos = "1";
			else {
				$relatedvideos = "0";
			$border = explode ('%b=', $explodera[$i]);
			$border = $border[1]{0};
			if ($border == "y") { $border = "1"; }
			$width = explode ('%w=', $explodera[$i]);
			$width = explode ('%', $width[1]);
			$width = $width[0];
			$height = explode ('%h=', $explodera[$i]);
			$height = explode ('%', $height[1]);
			$height = $height[0];
			$color = explode ('%c=', $explodera[$i]);
			$color = $color[1]{0};
			if ($color == 1) { $color1 = "0xd6d6d6"; $color2 = "0xf0f0f0"; }
			else if ($color == 2) { $color1 = "0x3a3a3a"; $color2 = "0x999999"; }
			else if ($color == 3) { $color1 = "0x2b405b"; $color2 = "0x6b8ab6"; }
			else if ($color == 4) { $color1 = "0x006699"; $color2 = "0x54abd6"; }
			else if ($color == 5) { $color1 = "0x234900"; $color2 = "0x4e9e00"; }
			else if ($color == 6) { $color1 = "0xe1600f"; $color2 = "0xfebd01"; }
			else if ($color == 7) { $color1 = "0xcc2550"; $color2 = "0xe87a9f"; }
			else if ($color == 8) { $color1 = "0x402061"; $color2 = "0x9461ca"; }
			else if ($color == 9) { $color1 = "0x5d1719"; $color2 = "0xcd311b"; }
			else { $color1 = "0xd6d6d6"; $color2 = "0xf0f0f0"; }
			$tagtype = explode ('%tt=', $explodera[$i]);
			$tagtype = $tagtype[1]{0};
			if($tagtype==1) {
				$tagstart = "[" . $tagname . "]";
				$tagend = "[/" . $tagname . "]";
			else if ($tagtype==2) {
				$tagstart = "<" . $tagname . ">";
				$tagend = "</" . $tagname . ">";
			if ($validxhtml == 'y') {
				$contentTotalOutput = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"';
				if ($width != "" || $height != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= ' style="'; }
				if ($width != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= 'width:'.$width.'px; '; }
				if ($width != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= 'height:'.$height.'px;'; }
				if ($width != "" || $height != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= '"'; }
				$contentTotalOutput .= ' data="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$youTubeID;
				$contentTotalOutput .='&amp;rel='.$relatedvideos;
				if ($color1 != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;color1='.$color1.'&amp;color2='.$color2; }
				if ($border != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;border='.$border; }
				if ($autoplay != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= '&amp;autoplay='.$autoplay; }
				$contentTotalOutput .= '">';
				$contentTotalOutput .= '<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$youTubeID;
				if ($relatedvideos != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;rel='.$relatedvideos; }
				if ($color1 != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;color1='.$color1.'&amp;color2='.$color2; }
				if ($border != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;border='.$border; }
				if ($autoplay != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= '&amp;autoplay='.$autoplay; }
				$contentTotalOutput .= '" /></object>';
				$contentTotalOutput .= $contentAfter[1]; //Efteråt
			else {
				$contentTotalOutput = '<object';
				if ($width != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= ' width="'.$width.'"'; }
				if ($height != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= ' height="'.$height.'"'; }
				$contentTotalOutput .= '>';
				$contentTotalOutput .= '<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$youTubeID;
				$contentTotalOutput .='&amp;rel='.$relatedvideos;
				if ($color1 != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;color1='.$color1.'&amp;color2='.$color2; }
				if ($border != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;border='.$border; }
				if ($autoplay != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= '&amp;autoplay='.$autoplay; }
				$contentTotalOutput .= '"></param>';
				$contentTotalOutput .= '<param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param>';
				$contentTotalOutput .= '<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$youTubeID;
				if ($relatedvideos != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;rel='.$relatedvideos; }
				if ($color1 != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;color1='.$color1.'&amp;color2='.$color2; }
				if ($border != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;border='.$border; }
				if ($autoplay != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= '&amp;autoplay='.$autoplay; }

				$contentTotalOutput .= '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"';
				if ($width != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= ' width="'.$width.'"'; }
				if ($height != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= ' height="'.$height.'"'; }
				$contentTotalOutput .= '></object>';
				$contentTotalOutput .= $contentAfter[1]; //Efteråt
		echo $contentTotalOutput;

function wpytRemoveProfileData() {

function wpytDeleteOldData() {

function wpytModifyContent($content){
	$contentTotalOutput; // Total utskrivning
	$data_all = get_option("wpytProfileData");
	$explodera = explode (',', $data_all);
	for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($explodera)-1; $i++) {
		$autoplay = explode ('%a=', $explodera[$i]);
		$autoplay = $autoplay[1]{0};
		if ($autoplay == "y") { $autoplay = "1"; }
		$validxhtml = explode ('%v=', $explodera[$i]);
		$validxhtml = $validxhtml[1]{0};
		$relatedvideos = explode ('%r=', $explodera[$i]);
		$relatedvideos = $relatedvideos[1]{0};
		if ($relatedvideos == "y") {
			$relatedvideos = "1";
		else {
			$relatedvideos = "0";
		$border = explode ('%b=', $explodera[$i]);
		$border = $border[1]{0};
		if ($border == "y") { $border = "1"; }
		$width = explode ('%w=', $explodera[$i]);
		$width = explode ('%', $width[1]);
		$width = $width[0];
		$height = explode ('%h=', $explodera[$i]);
		$height = explode ('%', $height[1]);
		$height = $height[0];
		$color = explode ('%c=', $explodera[$i]);
		$color = $color[1]{0};
		if ($color == 1) { $color1 = "0xd6d6d6"; $color2 = "0xf0f0f0"; }
		else if ($color == 2) { $color1 = "0x3a3a3a"; $color2 = "0x999999"; }
		else if ($color == 3) { $color1 = "0x2b405b"; $color2 = "0x6b8ab6"; }
		else if ($color == 4) { $color1 = "0x006699"; $color2 = "0x54abd6"; }
		else if ($color == 5) { $color1 = "0x234900"; $color2 = "0x4e9e00"; }
		else if ($color == 6) { $color1 = "0xe1600f"; $color2 = "0xfebd01"; }
		else if ($color == 7) { $color1 = "0xcc2550"; $color2 = "0xe87a9f"; }
		else if ($color == 8) { $color1 = "0x402061"; $color2 = "0x9461ca"; }
		else if ($color == 9) { $color1 = "0x5d1719"; $color2 = "0xcd311b"; }
		else { $color1 = "0xd6d6d6"; $color2 = "0xf0f0f0"; }
		$tagtype = explode ('%tt=', $explodera[$i]);
		$tagtype = $tagtype[1]{0};
		$tagname = explode ('%t=', $explodera[$i]);
		$tagname = explode ('%', $tagname[1]);
		$tagname = $tagname[0];
		if($tagtype==1) {
			$tagstart = "[" . $tagname . "]";
			$tagend = "[/" . $tagname . "]";
		else if ($tagtype==2) {
			$tagstart = "<" . $tagname . ">";
			$tagend = "</" . $tagname . ">";
	$contentBefore = explode($tagstart,$content);
	$contentTotalOutput = $contentBefore[0];
	for($j=1; $j<sizeof($contentBefore); $j++) {
		if ($validxhtml == 'y') {
			$contentAfter = explode ($tagend, $contentBefore[$j]);
			$youTubeID = $contentAfter[0];
			$contentTotalOutput .= '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"';
			if ($width != "" || $height != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= ' style="'; }
			if ($width != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= 'width:'.$width.'px; '; }
			if ($width != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= 'height:'.$height.'px;'; }
			if ($width != "" || $height != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= '"'; }
			$contentTotalOutput .= ' data="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$youTubeID;
			$contentTotalOutput .='&amp;rel='.$relatedvideos;
			if ($color1 != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;color1='.$color1.'&amp;color2='.$color2; }
			if ($border != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;border='.$border; }
			if ($autoplay != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= '&amp;autoplay='.$autoplay; }
			$contentTotalOutput .= '">';
			$contentTotalOutput .= '<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$youTubeID;
			if ($relatedvideos != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;rel='.$relatedvideos; }
			if ($color1 != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;color1='.$color1.'&amp;color2='.$color2; }
			if ($border != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;border='.$border; }
			if ($autoplay != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= '&amp;autoplay='.$autoplay; }
			$contentTotalOutput .= '" /></object>';
			$contentTotalOutput .= $contentAfter[1];
		else {
			$contentAfter = explode ($tagend, $contentBefore[$j]);
			$youTubeID = $contentAfter[0];
			$contentTotalOutput .= '<object';
			if ($width != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= ' width="'.$width.'"'; }
			if ($height != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= ' height="'.$height.'"'; }
			$contentTotalOutput .= '>';
			$contentTotalOutput .= '<param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$youTubeID;
			$contentTotalOutput .='&amp;rel='.$relatedvideos;
			if ($color1 != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;color1='.$color1.'&amp;color2='.$color2; }
			if ($border != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;border='.$border; }
			if ($autoplay != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= '&amp;autoplay='.$autoplay; }
			$contentTotalOutput .= '"></param>';
			$contentTotalOutput .= '<param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param>';
			$contentTotalOutput .= '<embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/'.$youTubeID;
			if ($relatedvideos != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;rel='.$relatedvideos; }
			if ($color1 != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;color1='.$color1.'&amp;color2='.$color2; }
			if ($border != "") { $contentTotalOutput .='&amp;border='.$border; }
			if ($autoplay != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= '&amp;autoplay='.$autoplay; }

			$contentTotalOutput .= '" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent"';
			if ($width != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= ' width="'.$width.'"'; }
			if ($height != "") { $contentTotalOutput .= ' height="'.$height.'"'; }
			$contentTotalOutput .= '></object>';
			$contentTotalOutput .= $contentAfter[1]; //Efteråt
	$content = $contentTotalOutput;
return $content;


function wpytAdmin(){
		$data_all = get_option("wpytProfileData");
		$inputData = $_POST['codeString'];
		$explodera = explode (',', $data_all);
		update_option("wpytProfileData", $inputData);
        echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated fade\"><p><strong>WP YouTube profiles saved</strong></p></div>"."\n";

	if(isset($_POST['removeProfileDataButton'])) {
		echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated fade\"><p><strong>WP YouTube profile data deleted</strong></p></div>"."\n";
	if(isset($_POST['deleteOldButton'])) {
		echo "<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated fade\"><p><strong>WP YouTube old profile data deleted</strong></p></div>"."\n";
	echo '<script src="'.get_option('siteurl').'/wp-content/plugins/wp-youtube/wp-youtube.js"></script>'."\n";
	echo '<div class="wrap">'."\n";
	echo '<input type="hidden" value="'.get_option('siteurl').'" id="siteURL" />'."\n";
	$data_all = get_option("wpytProfileData");

	// Import old WP YouTube values
	$width = get_option("option_youtube_width");
	$height = get_option("option_youtube_height");
	$tagname = get_option("option_youtube_tag_name");
	$tagtype = get_option("option_youtube_tagtype");
	$color = get_option("option_youtube_color");
	$border = get_option("option_youtube_border");
	$relatedvideos = get_option("option_youtube_related");
	$validxhtml = get_option("option_youtube_valid");
	$autoplay = get_option("option_youtube_autoplay");
	if($data_all == "" && ($width != "" || $height != "" || $tagname != "" || $color != "" || $relatedvideos != "" || $validxhtml != "" || $autoplay != "" || $tagtype!="" )){

			for ($i=1;$i<10;$i++) {
				if ($color =="wpyt_color".$i){
					$color = $i;
			if ($tagtype =="wpyt_tagtype1"){ $tagtype = 1; }
			else if ($tagtype =="wpyt_tagtype2"){ $tagtype = 2; }
			if ($border=="on"){ $border = "y"; }
			if ($relatedvideos=="on"){ $relatedvideos = "y"; }
			if ($validxhtml=="on"){ $validxhtml = "y"; }
			if ($autoplay=="on"){ $autoplay = "y"; }
			$length = 2;
			for ($i=1; $i<$length; $i++) { $history .= $i . ","; }
			echo "<form method='post' action='".$_SERVER['PHP_self']."' name='options' target='_self'>"."\n";
			$inputData = get_option("wpytProfileData");
			echo '<textarea style="width: 100%; display: none;" id="codeString" name="codeString">';
			echo '%t=' . $tagname;
			echo '%w=' . $width;
			echo '%h=' . $height;
			echo '%c=' . $color;
			echo '%a=' . $autoplay;
			echo '%v=' . $validxhtml;
			echo '%r=' . $relatedvideos;
			echo '%b=' . $border;
			echo '%tt=' . $tagtype . ",";
			echo '</textarea>'."\n";
			echo '<textarea style="width: 100%; display: none;" id="history" name="history">' . $history . '</textarea>'."\n";
			echo '<h2>WP YouTube - Profile editor</h2>'."\n";
			echo '<p class="submit"><input class="button" style="float: left;" type="button" value="Create new profile" onclick="wpytAddElement('.$length.');" /><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Save profiles &raquo;" onclick="return wpytOptionCheckEqual()" /></p>'."\n";
			echo '<div id="myDiv">'."\n";
			echo '<div id="introText" class="introText" style="color:black;';
			if(sizeof($explodera) != 1){ echo 'display:none;'; }
			echo '">Click <strong>"Create new profile"</strong> to get started or read the instructions</div>'."\n";
			echo '<noscript class="introText"><br />Your browser does not support javascript! WP YouTube 2 requires Javascript to administrate.<br />'."\n";
			echo 'If you can\'t use Javascript you can use <a href="http://www.jenst.se/2007/11/01/wp-youtube">WP YouTube 0.9</a></noscript>'."\n";
			$js = "n";
				echo '<div id="my'.($i).'Div">'."\n";
					echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(wpytGenerateInnerHTML('.($i+1);
					echo ',"'.$tagname;
					echo '","'.$width;
					echo '","'.$height;
					if ($color!='%') { echo '","'.$color; } else { echo '","'.$color = ""; }
					if ($autoplay!='n') { echo '","'.$autoplay; } else { echo '","'.$autoplay = ""; }
					if ($border!='n') { echo '","'.$border; } else { echo '","'.$border = ""; }
					if ($relatedvideos!='n') { echo '","'.$relatedvideos; } else { echo '","'.$relatedvideos = ""; }
					if ($validxhtml!='n') { echo '","'.$validxhtml; } else { echo '","'.$validxhtml = ""; }
					if ($tagtype!='%') { echo '","'.$tagtype; } else { echo '","'.$tagtype = ""; }
					echo '","'.$js;
					echo '")); </script>'."\n";
				echo '</div>'."\n";
			echo '<input id="length" type="hidden" value="' . ($length-1) . '" />'."\n";
	//	}
		echo '<script type="text/javascript">alert(\'WP YouTube discovered a previous version of the plugin.\nClick \"Save profiles\" to use it!\n\nYou can remove old WP YouTube data at the bottom of this page.\');</script>';
	else {
		$explodera = explode (',', $data_all);
		$length = sizeof($explodera);
		$history = "";
		for ($i=1; $i<$length; $i++) { $history .= $i . ","; }
		echo "<form method='post' action='".$_SERVER['PHP_self']."' name='options' target='_self'>"."\n";
		$inputData = get_option("wpytProfileData");
		echo '<textarea style="width: 100%; display: none;" id="codeString" name="codeString">' . $inputData . '</textarea>'."\n";
		echo '<textarea style="width: 100%; display: none;" rows="1" id="history" name="history">' . $history . '</textarea>'."\n";
		echo '<h2>WP YouTube - Profile editor</h2>'."\n";
		echo '<p class="submit"><input class="button" style="float: left;" type="button" value="Create new profile" onclick="wpytAddElement('.$length.');" /><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Save profiles &raquo;" onclick="return wpytOptionCheckEqual()" /></p>'."\n";
		echo '<div id="myDiv">'."\n";
		echo '<div id="introText" class="introText" style="color:black;';
		if(sizeof($explodera) != 1){ echo 'display:none;'; }
		echo '">Click <strong>"Create new profile"</strong> to get started or read the instructions</div>'."\n";
		echo '<noscript class="introText"><br />Your browser does not support javascript! WP YouTube 2 requires Javascript to administrate.<br />'."\n";
		echo 'If you can\'t use Javascript you can use <a href="http://www.jenst.se/2007/11/01/wp-youtube">WP YouTube 0.9</a></noscript>'."\n";
		for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($explodera)-1; $i++) {
			$autoplay = explode ('%a=', $explodera[$i]);
			$autoplay = $autoplay[1]{0};
			$validxhtml = explode ('%v=', $explodera[$i]);
			$validxhtml = $validxhtml[1]{0};
			$relatedvideos = explode ('%r=', $explodera[$i]);
			$relatedvideos = $relatedvideos[1]{0};
			$border = explode ('%b=', $explodera[$i]);
			$border = $border[1]{0};
			$width = explode ('%w=', $explodera[$i]);
			$width = explode ('%', $width[1]);
			$width = $width[0];
			$height = explode ('%h=', $explodera[$i]);
			$height = explode ('%', $height[1]);
			$height = $height[0];
			$color = explode ('%c=', $explodera[$i]);
			$color = $color[1]{0};
			$tagtype = explode ('%tt=', $explodera[$i]);
			$tagtype = $tagtype[1]{0};
			$tagname = explode ('%t=', $explodera[$i]);
			$tagname = explode ('%', $tagname[1]);
			$tagname = $tagname[0];
			$js = "n";
			echo '<div id="my'.($i).'Div">'."\n";
				echo '<script type="text/javascript">document.write(wpytGenerateInnerHTML('.($i+1);
				echo ',"'.$tagname;
				echo '","'.$width;
				echo '","'.$height;
				if ($color!='%') { echo '","'.$color; } else { echo '","'.$color = ""; }
				if ($autoplay!='n') { echo '","'.$autoplay; } else { echo '","'.$autoplay = ""; }
				if ($border!='n') { echo '","'.$border; } else { echo '","'.$border = ""; }
				if ($relatedvideos!='n') { echo '","'.$relatedvideos; } else { echo '","'.$relatedvideos = ""; }
				if ($validxhtml!='n') { echo '","'.$validxhtml; } else { echo '","'.$validxhtml = ""; }
				if ($tagtype!='%') { echo '","'.$tagtype; } else { echo '","'.$tagtype = ""; }
				echo '","'.$js;
				echo '")); </script>'."\n";
			echo '</div>'."\n";
		echo '<input id="length" type="hidden" value="' . ($length-1) . '" />'."\n";
<input type="hidden" value="0" id="theValue" />

<p class="submit">
<input id="removeAllButton" style="float: left;<?php if ($data_all == "") {	echo ' display:none;'; } ?>" type="button" class="button delete" value="Remove all profiles" onclick="wpytRemoveAll()" />
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Save profiles &raquo;" />

<h2>Instructions - Get started</h2>

	<li><strong>Create new profile</strong><br />
The first thing you do is to create a new profile. The profile contains all the options you might need.<br />
ONE profile can be used with many videos, as many as you need.</li>
	<li><strong>Set a tag name</strong><br />
If you create more than one profile the tag names must be unique. Save the profile / profiles when you are done.</li>
	<li><strong>Find a YouTube ID</strong><br />
The ID is presented last of a YouTube URL:<br />
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<span style="color: red;">YjYT5OLoR8U</span></li>
	<li><strong>Put in a post or a page</strong><br />
Put tag name and YouTube ID together and place it in a post or a page.<br /><br />
<strong>Example:</strong><br />
[your_tagname]<span style="color: red;">YjYT5OLoR8U</span>[/your_tagname].<br /><br />
You can always see what your tag looks like in your profile.</li>

<h2>Information - Options</h2>
<table style="width: 100%;">
		<td style="width: 50%;"><strong>Tagname</strong><br />
Use only numbers and letters (a-z and 0-9)</td>
		<td><strong>Width / Height</strong><br />
Maximum width and height</td>
		<td><strong>Color</strong><br />
The color of the YouTube player</td>
		<td><strong>Autoplay</strong><br />
Plays the video automatically on load</td>
		<td><strong>ValidXHTML</strong><br />
The embeded code validates with <a href="http://validator.w3.org">W3C HTML validator</a></td>
		<td><strong>Border</strong><br />
Border around the YouTube player</td>
		<td><strong>Tag type</strong><br />
[ ] works in both visual and code mode.<br />
&lt; &gt; works only in code mode.</td>
		<td><strong>Delete</strong><br />
Removes the profile. This action is not saved until you "Save profiles".</td>
</table><br />

<h2>Information - Misc</h2>
<table style="width: 100%;">
	<tr style="width: 50%;">
		<td><strong>Save profiles</strong><br />
Saves all your profiles into a single database field</td>
		<td><strong>Remove all profiles</strong><br />
Removes all your profiles. This action is not saved until you "Save profiles".</td>
		<td><strong>Advanced theme use</strong><br />
Put tag name and YouTube ID together and place it in your theme:<br />
&lt;?php&nbsp;wpyoutube&nbsp;('your_tagname','<span style="color: red;">YjYT5OLoR8U</span>'&nbsp;?&gt;
</table><br />

<h2>Database clean up (for uninstall)</h2>
<p>If you for some reason want to uninstall WP YouTube, you can delete the related data saved into the database.</p>

<input type="submit" name="removeProfileDataButton" class="button delete" value="Delete Options" onclick="return confirm('Remove options from database? (cannot be undone)')" />

<br /><br />

<h2>Delete old version WP YouTube data</h2>
<p>If you have decided to use this version of WP YouTube, there is no need to keep old database values.</p>

<input type="submit" name="deleteOldButton" class="button delete" value="Delete Options" onclick="return confirm('Remove old WP YouTube data from database? (cannot be undone)')" />



function wpytAddMenu() {
    add_submenu_page('edit.php', 'WP YouTube Profile Editor', 'YouTube Profiles', 10, __FILE__, 'wpytAdmin');
add_action('admin_menu', 'wpytAddMenu');

JS File (not sure if this matters or not)

 function wpytOptionCheckEqual (){
		var codeString = document.getElementById('codeString').value;
		var splitCode = codeString.split("%t=");
		totalCount = splitCode.length-1;
		var splitCodeText;
		var splitText1;
		var equalName = false;
		var emptyName = false;
		for(i=0;i<totalCount;i++) {
			splitCodeText = splitCode[i+1].split("%");
			splitText1 = splitCodeText[0];
			for(j=0;j<totalCount;j++) {
				splitCodeText2 = splitCode[j+1].split("%");
				splitText2 = splitCodeText2[0];
				if (splitText1 == splitText2 && j != i) {
					equalName = true;
			if (splitText1 == "") {
				emptyName = true;
		if (emptyName == true) {
			alert('Profiles could NOT be saved.\nYou must have a tag name!');
			return false;
		if (equalName == true) {
			alert('Profiles could NOT be saved.\nYou cannot have the same tag name twice!');
			return false;
		else {
			return true;

function wpytGenerateInnerHTML(id, tagname, width, height, color, autoplay, border, relatedvideos, validxhtml, tagtype, js) {
	if(color == null) { color = 1; }
	var html = '<table class="wpyt-profile" id="innerTable'+id+'" style="width: 100%; border: 1px solid #ccc;';
	var siteURL = document.getElementById('siteURL').value;
	html += '">';
	html += '<tr>';
	html += '<td rowspan="6">';
		html += '<div id="youtube-preview'+id+'">';
			html += '<img src="'+siteURL+'/wp-content/plugins/wp-youtube/youtube-preview/';
			if (border =="y"){ html += 'border'; }
			else { html += 'color'; }
			html += color+'.gif" alt="" />';
		html += '<\/div>';
	html += '<\/td>';
	html += '<td>Tag name:<\/td>\n<td>Width:<\/td>\n<td>Height:<\/td>\n';
	html += '<\/tr>';
	html += '<tr>';
	html += '<td><input onkeyup="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytProfileTag('+id+'), wpytProfileThemeTag('+id+');" name="tagname'+id+'" id="tagname'+id+'" type="text" style="width:90%;" value="'
	if (js!=null) { html += tagname; } else { tagname='wpyt_profile'+(id+1); html += tagname; }
	html += '" /><\/td>\n';
	html += '<td><input onkeyup="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+')" id="width'+id+'" name="width'+id+'" type="text" style="width:90%;" value="';
	if (js=='n') { html += width; } else { html += '425'; }
	html += '" /><\/td>\n';
	html += '<td><input onkeyup="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+')" id="height'+id+'" name="height'+id+'" type="text" style="width:90%;" value="';
	if (js!=null) { html += height; } else { html += '355'; }
	html += '" /><\/td>\n';
	html += '<td rowspan="2">';
	html += '<table>';
		html += '<tr>';
			html += '<td><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+')" type="checkbox" name="autoplay'+id+'" id="autoplay'+id+'"';
			if (autoplay == 'y') { html += ' checked'; }
			html += '><\/td>\n';
			html += '<td style="padding-right: 20px;">Autoplay<\/td>\n';
			html += '<td><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytPreview('+id+',\''+color+'\',\''+border+'\');" type="checkbox" name="border'+id+'" id="border'+id+'"';
			if (border == 'y') { html += ' checked'; }
			html += '><\/td>\n';
			html += '<td style="padding-right: 20px;">Border<\/td>\n';
			html += '<td align="center" style="width: 50px;">[&nbsp;<input id="tagtype1_'+id+'" onclick="wpytProfileTag('+id+'), wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+')" type="radio" name="tagtype'+id+'" value="1"';
			if (tagtype==1 || js!='n') { tagtype=1; html += ' checked="checked"'; }
			html += '>&nbsp;]<\/td>\n';
		html += '<\/tr><tr>';		

			html += '<td><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+')" type="checkbox" name="relatedvideos'+id+'" id="relatedvideos'+id+'"';
			if (relatedvideos == 'y') { html += ' checked'; }
			html += '><\/td>\n';
			html += '<td style="padding-right: 20px;">Related videos<\/td>\n';
			html += '<td><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+')" type="checkbox" name="validxhtml'+id+'" id="validxhtml'+id+'"';
			if (validxhtml == 'y') { html += ' checked'; }
			html += '><\/td>\n';
			html += '<td style="padding-right: 20px;">Valid&nbsp;XHTML <\/td>\n';
			html += '<td align="center" style="width: 50px;">&lt;&nbsp;<input id="tagtype2_'+id+'" onclick="wpytProfileTag('+id+'), wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+')" type="radio" name="tagtype'+id+'" value="2"';
			if (tagtype==2) { html += ' checked="checked"'; }
			html += '>&nbsp;&gt;<\/td>\n';
		html += '<\/tr>';
		html += '<\/table>';
	html += '<\/td>\n';
	html += '<\/tr>';
	html += '<tr>';
	html += '<td colspan="3">';
		html += '<table style="width: 100%;">';
		html += '<tr>';
		html += '<td class="wpyt-color" style="background: #ababab;"><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytPreview('+id+',1,\''+border+'\');" type="radio" name="color'+id+'" value="1"';
		if (color==1 || js!='n') { html += ' checked="checked"'; }
		html += '><\/td>\n';
		html += '<td class="wpyt-color" style="background: #6a6a6a;"><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytPreview('+id+',2,\''+border+'\');" type="radio" name="color'+id+'" value="2"';
		if (color==2) { html += ' checked="checked"'; }
		html += '><\/td>\n';
		html += '<td class="wpyt-color" style="background: #4b6589;"><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytPreview('+id+',3,\''+border+'\');" type="radio" name="color'+id+'" value="3"';
		if (color==3) { html += ' checked="checked"'; }
		html += '><\/td>\n';
		html += '<td class="wpyt-color" style="background: #2a89b8;"><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytPreview('+id+',4,\''+border+'\');" type="radio" name="color'+id+'" value="4"';
		if (color==4) { html += ' checked="checked"'; }
		html += '><\/td>\n';
		html += '<td class="wpyt-color" style="background: #397400;"><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytPreview('+id+',5,\''+border+'\');" type="radio" name="color'+id+'" value="5"';
		if (color==5) { html += ' checked="checked"'; }
		html += '><\/td>\n';
		html += '<td class="wpyt-color" style="background: #f08f08;"><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytPreview('+id+',6,\''+border+'\');" type="radio" name="color'+id+'" value="6"';
		if (color==6) { html += ' checked="checked"'; }
		html += '><\/td>\n';
		html += '<td class="wpyt-color" style="background: #da5078;"><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytPreview('+id+',7,\''+border+'\');" type="radio" name="color'+id+'" value="7"';
		if (color==7) { html += ' checked="checked"'; }
		html += '><\/td>\n';
		html += '<td class="wpyt-color" style="background: #6a4196;"><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytPreview('+id+',8,\''+border+'\');" type="radio" name="color'+id+'" value="8"';
		if (color==8) { html += ' checked="checked"'; }
		html += '><\/td>\n';
		html += '<td class="wpyt-color" style="background: #95241a;"><input onclick="wpytOuterCodeStatic('+id+'), wpytPreview('+id+',9,\''+border+'\');" type="radio" name="color'+id+'" value="9"';
		if (color==9) { html += ' checked="checked"'; }
		html += '><\/td>\n';
		html += '<\/tr>';
		html += '<\/table>';
	html += '<\/td>\n';

	html += '<\/tr>';
	html += '<td colspan="8">';
	html += '<table style="width: 100%;">';
	html += '<tr>';
	html += '<td>';
		html += '<br />';
		html += '<div id="displayTag'+id+'">';
		var tagOutput = '';
		if (tagtype == 1) {
			tagOutput += '[' + tagname + ']';
			tagOutput += 'your_youtube_id';
			tagOutput += '[/' + tagname + ']';
			tagOutput += '<strong> (paste in posts or pages)</strong>';
		else {
			tagOutput += '&lt;' + tagname + '&gt;';
			tagOutput += 'your_youtube_id';
			tagOutput += '&lt;/' + tagname + '&gt;';
			tagOutput += '<strong> (paste in posts or pages, code editor required)</strong>';
		html += tagOutput;
		html += '<\/div>';
	html += '<\/td><\/tr>\n';
	html += '<tr>';
		html += '<td>';
		html += '<div id="displayThemeTag'+id+'">';
		html += '&lt;?php&nbsp;wpyoutube&nbsp;(\'' + tagname + '\',&nbsp;\'youtube_id\')'+'&nbsp;?&gt; <strong>(advanced theme use)</strong>';
		html += '<\/div>';
	html += '<\/td>\n';
	html += '<\/td>';
	html += '<\/tr>';
	html += '<\/table>';

	html += '<\/tr>';
	html += '<tr>';
	html += '<td colspan="8">';
	html += '<input style="width: 100%;" type="hidden" id="innerCode'+id+'" name="innerCode'+id+'" value="';
	html += '%t=' + tagname;
	if(js=='n') { html += '%w=' + width; } else { html += '%w='; }
	if(js=='n') {html += '%h=' + height; } else { html += '%h='; }
	if(js=='n' && color!="") {html += '%c=' + color; }
	if(js=='n' && autoplay!="") {html += '%a=' + autoplay; }
	if(js=='n' && validxhtml!="") {html += '%v=' + validxhtml; }
	if(js=='n' && relatedvideos!="") {html += '%r=' + relatedvideos; }
	if(js=='n' && border!="" || border=='n') {html += '%b=' + border; }
	if(js=='n' && tagtype!="") {html += '%tt=' + tagtype; }
	html += '" />';
	html += '<\/td>\n';
	html += '<\/tr>';
	html += '<tr>';
	html += '<td><input class="button delete" value="Remove profile" type="button" onclick="wpytHistoryRemove('+(id+1)+')"/><\/td>\n';
	html += '<\/table>';

	return html;

function wpytPreview(id, color, border) {
	var border = document.getElementById('border'+(id));
	var previewImage = document.getElementById('youtube-preview'+id);
	var siteURL = document.getElementById('siteURL').value;
	var preview;
	var color ="";
	var getColor=document.getElementsByName('color' + id);
	for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
		if(getColor[i].checked) { color = i+1; }
	preview = '<img src="'+siteURL+'/wp-content/plugins/wp-youtube/youtube-preview/';
	if(border.checked == true){
		preview += 'border';
	else {
		preview += 'color';
	preview += color+'.gif" alt="" />';
	previewImage.innerHTML = preview;
/*function wpytUpdateInnerHTML(id) {
	var codeString = document.getElementById('codeString');
	var innerCode = document.getElementById('innerCode' + id);
	var width = document.getElementById('width' + id);
	var height = document.getElementById('height' + id);
	innerCode.value = width.value + "+" + height.value;
	codeString.value = innerCode.value;

function wpytRemoveElement(id) {
	var d = document.getElementById('myDiv');
	var olddiv = document.getElementById("my" + id + "Div");		

function wpytProfileTag(id) {
	var tagname = document.getElementById('tagname' + id).value;
	var tagtype = document.getElementById('tagtype1_' + id);
	var displayTag = document.getElementById('displayTag'+id);
	var tagOutput = '';
	if (tagtype.checked == true) {
		tagOutput += '[' + tagname + ']';
		tagOutput += 'your_youtube_id';
		tagOutput += '[/' + tagname + ']';
		tagOutput += '<strong> (paste in posts or pages)</strong>';
	else {
		tagOutput += '&lt;' + tagname + '&gt;';
		tagOutput += 'youtube_id';
		tagOutput += '&lt;/' + tagname + '&gt;';
		tagOutput += '<strong> (paste in posts or pages, code editor required)</strong>';
	displayTag.innerHTML = tagOutput;
function wpytProfileThemeTag(id) {
	var tagname = document.getElementById('tagname' + id).value;
	var displayThemeTag = document.getElementById('displayThemeTag'+id);
	displayThemeTag.innerHTML = '&lt;?php&nbsp;wpyoutube&nbsp;(\'' + tagname + '\',&nbsp;\'<span style="color:red;">youtube_id<\/span>\')'+'&nbsp;?&gt;';
function wpytInnerCodeStatic(id) {
	var innerCode = document.getElementById('innerCode' + id);
	var tagname = document.getElementById('tagname' + id).value;
	var width = document.getElementById('width' + id);
	var height = document.getElementById('height' + id);
	var autoplay = document.getElementById('autoplay' + id);
	var validxhtml = document.getElementById('validxhtml' + id);
	var relatedvideos = document.getElementById('relatedvideos' + id);
	var border = document.getElementById('border' + id);
	var color = "";
	var tagtype = "";
	var getColor=document.getElementsByName('color' + id);
	var getTagtype=document.getElementsByName('tagtype' + id);
	var innerTable = document.getElementById('innerTable' + id);
	for (i=0; i<9; i++) {
		if(getColor[i].checked) { color = i+1; }

	for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
		if(getTagtype[i].checked) { tagtype = i+1; }
	if (autoplay.checked == true) { autoplay = "y"; } else { autoplay = "n" }
	if (validxhtml.checked == true) { validxhtml = "y"; } else { validxhtml = "n" }
	if (relatedvideos.checked == true) { relatedvideos = "y"; } else { relatedvideos = "n" }
	if (border.checked == true) { border = "y"; } else { border = "n" }
	innerCode.value = "%t=" + tagname;

	innerCode.value += "%w=" + width.value;
	innerCode.value	+= "%h=" + height.value;
	if(color!='') { innerCode.value += "%c=" + color; }
	if(autoplay!='n') { innerCode.value += "%a=" + autoplay; }
	if(validxhtml!='n') { innerCode.value += "%v=" + validxhtml; }
	if(relatedvideos!='n') { innerCode.value += "%r=" + relatedvideos; }
	if(border!='n') { innerCode.value += "%b=" + border; }
	innerCode.value += "%tt=" + tagtype;
function wpytOuterCodeStatic(id) {
	var codeString = document.getElementById('codeString');
	var innerCode = document.getElementById('innerCode' + id);
	var history = document.getElementById('history').value;
	var splitHistory = new Array();
	splitHistory = history.split(",");
	codeString.value = "";
	for(i=0; i<splitHistory.length-1;i++) {
		historyID = splitHistory[i]-1;
		if (i==splitHistory.length-1) {
			codeString.value += document.getElementById('innerCode' + historyID).value;
		else {
			codeString.value += document.getElementById('innerCode' + historyID).value + ",";

function wpytHistoryRemove(id) {

if (confirm('Remove this profile?'))
	var codeString = document.getElementById('codeString');
	codeString.value = "";
	var innerCode;
	var history = document.getElementById('history');
	history.value = history.value.replace((id)+",","");
	teststring = history.value.split(",");
	for(i=0;i<teststring.length-1;i++) {
		codeString.value += document.getElementById('innerCode' + (teststring[i]-1)).value + ",";
	if (history.value == "") {
		var removeAllButton = document.getElementById('removeAllButton');
		removeAllButton.style.display = "none";
		var introText = document.getElementById('introText');
		introText.style.display = "block";
function wpytHistoryOutput(id) {
	var history = document.getElementById('history');
	history.value += id + ",";

function wpytRemoveAll() {

	if ( confirm("Remove all profiles? (is not saved until options is updated)")){
		var history = document.getElementById('history');
		var codeString = document.getElementById('codeString');
		var splitHistory = new Array();
		splitHistory = history.value.split(",");
		for(i=0; i<splitHistory.length-1;i++) {
			historyID = splitHistory[i]-1;
		history.value = "";
		codeString.value = "";
			var removeAllButton = document.getElementById('removeAllButton');
			removeAllButton.style.display = "none";
			var introText = document.getElementById('introText');
			introText.style.display = "block";

function wpytAddElement() {

	var introText = document.getElementById('introText');
	introText.style.display = "none";

	var removeAllButton = document.getElementById('removeAllButton');
	removeAllButton.style.display = "block";

	var ni = document.getElementById('myDiv');

	var numi = document.getElementById('theValue');
	var num = (document.getElementById('theValue').value -1)+ 2;

	var length = document.getElementById('length').value;

	numi.value = num;
	num = parseInt(num) + parseInt(length);


	var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
	var divIdName = 'my'+(num-1)+'Div';

	newdiv.innerHTML = wpytGenerateInnerHTML(num);

	var firstDiv = document.getElementsByTagName('div');

	var divPosition;

	for(i=0;i<firstDiv.length;i++) {
		if (firstDiv[i].id == "myDiv") {
			divPosition = i+1;

	var reverseOrder = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[divPosition];

#allowing #full #play #plugin #screen #videos #wordpress #youtube
  • Profile picture of the author deepakg
    Hi Trivum,

    If you want to Allowing YouTube Videos to Play Full Screen install smart youtube wordpress plugin on your blog.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2852584].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Trivum
      Originally Posted by deepakg View Post

      Hi Trivum,

      If you want to Allowing YouTube Videos to Play Full Screen install smart youtube wordpress plugin on your blog.
      Thanks for the suggestion, but I am using the other plugin because it's incorporated with a video theme. So there isn't really an option in the plugins.

      Another solution, however, which I'm looking for but can't find, is a plugin that will generate thumbnails for youtube videos no matter what theme I'm using. ... Any ideas if a plugin like this exists?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2855247].message }}
  • Profile picture of the author misskimberly
    My problem is i cant get the full screen to stay full screen when you click away
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2856153].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author Trivum
      Originally Posted by misskimberly View Post

      My problem is i cant get the full screen to stay full screen when you click away
      I think that's going to happen no matter what.

      Are you talking about this particular plugin? Can you get it to go full screen?
      {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[2857214].message }}

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