PTC, SafeLists, Traffic Automation
I've been looking into tons of sites lately, specifically from the standpoint of lessening workloads, and automating traffic with simple PHP tools. What I found is sort of alarming.
Most of ALL safelists (credit mailers) can be automated. As in, script checks gmail, filters out the credit link, fires up firefox, goes to url, waits, closes browser.
About 90% of "old-time" PTC type sites can be automated to sit on the click page, and click links all day. Some (like some of the bigger newer sites - Clix Sense for one) have poor cheat control methods, others simply haven't even considered this.
About 50% of the "newer" PTC sites can be automated with no need to do anything fancy. The rest "could" be automated with a De-Captcha service.
Things I have learned:
1) You won't make @%^ clicking links even if you click every available ad for a week straight.
2) If it can be done so easily, it is not worth advertising on these sites
3) Credit Mailer open and click rates are "fair", have yet to see any "action" taken on over 100k mailings, open and click rates are about 0.2 (100 per 50,000)
4) You can damn near automate every single credit based traffic, or ptc site on the internet.
5) The more you refer the more traffic you can earn/get, but its impossible to refer people when there is no value on either side of the equation.
Question is .. who else knows that?
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Want to read my personal blog? Tashi Mortier