Wordpress Testimonials Code Help.

7 replies
Hi guys and girls,

I have a problem with some code on my blog. I am trying to add testimonials nicely layed out on any page I choose by using the following code:

CSS Modifcation:

#testimonial-wide-top { background-image:url(images/capsuletop.png); width:668px; height:38px; background-repeat:no-repeat; margin:0; auto; } #testimonial-wide-mid { background-image:url(images/capsulemid.png); width:668px; background-repeat:no-repeat; margin:0; auto; } #testimonial-wide-mid-content { width:93%; margin:0; auto; } #testimonial-wide-mid-content p { padding-top:0px; } #testimonial-wide-bottom { background-image:url(images/capsulebtm.png); width:668px; height:40px; background-repeat:no-repeat;

I use that within the themes style.css then I upload the images needed into the images file. I then started a new post and used the following in custom code within the wordpress post:

<div id=testimonials-wide-top"></div> <div id=testimonials-wide-mid"> <div id=testimonials-wide-mid-content">[HTML2]
</div> </div> <div id=testimonials-wide-bottom"></div>But the testimonials box I try to pull from the CSS file does not seem to be showing up within the wordpress post. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong at all? I was told to add the embedit plugin but to no avail.
Any help?

#code #testimonials #wordpress

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