DKIM's add dns txt record,please WHERE?

by Banned 0 replies
Hello there,you know that I already have installed DKIM on my vps ,but Im only lacking adding DKIM DNS TXT record.
Could you please give some friendly help on this it will be much appreciated .

Look I dont know in which file to add the record,do you know the file and path?

Also can you give the path where I find this key k=rsa; p=MEwwDQYJKoZIhvcN.....AQAB" ? IN TXT "v=DKIM1; g=*; k=rsa; p=MEwwDQYJKoZIhvcN.....AQAB"

By the way can I change the rsa key for other parameter that works as well?

Im on kloxo server thank you
#programming #add #dkim #dns #record #txt

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    Hello there,you know that I already have installed DKIM on my vps ,but Im only lacking adding DKIM DNS TXT record. Could you please give some friendly help on this it will be much appreciated .