Any Idea Why Mp3 Player Won't Play In Chrome?

10 replies
I am in the process of switching an old Blogspot blog to Wordpress, but when I load a Google Mp3 Player, it won't play in Chrome.

(Plays fine in IE and Firefox).

Here's the relevant link Audio |

#chrome #idea #mp3 #play #player #work
  • Profile picture of the author Michael71
    The audio plays fine. Clear your cache, maybe this will help you.

    HTML/CSS/jQuery/ZURB Foundation/Twitter Bootstrap/Wordpress/Frontend Performance Optimizing
    Need HTML/CSS help? Skype: microcosmic - Test Your Responsive Design -

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    • Profile picture of the author terryrayburn
      Thanks much, but I just tried that and my player still won't play in Chrome. Strange.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael71
    What is you OS? Chrome version?

    HTML/CSS/jQuery/ZURB Foundation/Twitter Bootstrap/Wordpress/Frontend Performance Optimizing
    Need HTML/CSS help? Skype: microcosmic - Test Your Responsive Design -

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    • Profile picture of the author terryrayburn
      I'm away from home now, so don't know the Chrome version. I did, however, try to look it up this morning, and only remember it saying something like, "you have the latest version" (whatever that is).

      As to my OS, it's Windows 7.

      I'm writing from a public library computer, but it doesn't have Chrome to test on.
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  • Profile picture of the author Michael71
    Okay, I have Win 7 and latest Chrome, too...

    It works for me on my desktop computer, but not on my laptop.

    Firebug lite says: 404 file not found

    Maybe you should check it.

    HTML/CSS/jQuery/ZURB Foundation/Twitter Bootstrap/Wordpress/Frontend Performance Optimizing
    Need HTML/CSS help? Skype: microcosmic - Test Your Responsive Design -

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  • Profile picture of the author David V
    Micheal71 is right and heading in the right direction with the version question.
    Plays fine on my Chrome and on my Dragon (chromium browser).
    Here is a Google forum thread that's similar to your question that was resolved. If your running an older version maybe it will help.
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    • Profile picture of the author terryrayburn
      Thanks much, guys. I'll work on that when I get back to my office.
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      • Profile picture of the author Brandon Tanner
        The audios are not playing for me in Chrome either (latest version, running Windows 7).

        Also, the audio 'download' links aren't working. It appears that WordPress adds unwanted characters to the end of hyperlinks in certain scenarios. I don't use WP, but try Googl'ing...

        %E2%80%8E Wordpress

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  • Profile picture of the author wayfarer
    Not working on a Mac either, so definitely browser bound, not OS bound.
    I build web things, server things. I help build the startup Veenome. | Remote Programming Jobs
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  • Profile picture of the author SmallBizWebsites
    If you are working with an HTML5 audio player, you need to provide each audio file in both an MP3 and OGG format for it to work across all browsers. Your player should automatically select the stream that the browser supports.
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