php action script for forms

by 6 replies
I found this simple script on the web and started to play with it. For some reason it sends me emails but I dont get any of the fields returned. I get the message that "We've recived your information" and I get an email but they are always empty. The names and Ids of the fields in the form are:


// Contact subject
$subject ="$subject";

// Details

// Mail of sender

// From
$header="from: $name <$mail_from>";

// Enter your email address
$to ='';


// Check, if message sent to your email
// display message "We've recived your information"
echo "We've received your contact information";
else {
echo "ERROR";
#programming #action #forms #php #script
  • If you just upload this script, you can't see any Subject/Detail or anything. Because, the subject/details are generated dynamically from the form page that is missed here.

    If you don't understand what I mean then, read any php book (form chapter) or use this tutorial "PHP Forms"

    Hope it helps.
  • OK, I assume this is how you have your script set up:

    You have a form page (not displayed in your post), which upon form submission posts it to your action script above. I also assume the PHP script posted above is the full action script, without you having left any code out.

    Here is your problem: you assign variables to other variables, which are empty. That's why you recieve empty emails. In fact, the only var you did correctly assign, is the 'to' email adress.

    Example: $subject = "$subject";
    You are assigning an empty var to itself, this equals: $subject = "";

    I assume you are confusing this with the form field names. If that is the case, this code should work for you:

    // Contact subject
    $subject = $_POST['subject'];
    // Details
    $message= $_POST['detail'];
    // Mail of sender
    $mail_from= $_POST['customer_mail'];
    // From
    $header="from: ".$_POST['name'] ."<".$_POST['mail_from'].">";
    // Enter your email address
    $to ='';
    // Check, if message sent to your email
    // display message "We've recived your information"
    echo "We've received your contact information";
    else {
    echo "ERROR";
    Or if you used the GET method, replace all $_POST vars with $_GET.
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
    • [1] reply
    • Thanks good to know it was the page I copied not me.
      That gives me the info from the input fields in the body but I get this in the from field:

  • The line:
    $header="from: ".$_POST['name'] ."<".$_POST['mail_from'].">";

    should be:
    $header="from: ".$_POST['name'] ."<".$_POST['customer_mail'].">";
    • [ 1 ] Thanks
  • I just use this. I've actually used it for almost ten years I think
    Matt's Script Archive: FormMail
  • Are you sure mail(); function is turned on your server?

    Some companys close this function.

    I think you've to use smtp.

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  • 8

    I found this simple script on the web and started to play with it. For some reason it sends me emails but I dont get any of the fields returned. I get the message that "We've recived your information" and I get an email but they are always empty. The names and Ids of the fields in the form are: subject,detail,customer_mail,name