need advice with mp3 file conversion please

6 replies

Wondering if anyone can help please?

I'm wondering how to convert an mp3 audio file (slider bar only), to an mp3 WMP file...

I wouldn't be fussed except there's no timeframe ID on the audio file slider.

is it possible to convert? Seems I can't simply save as.

#advice #conversion #file #mp3
  • Profile picture of the author lluporini
    Hi Ian!

    I understand that your input audio is a mp3 file.

    What's your desired output container and codec?

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  • Profile picture of the author mutant9
    Try Audacity its free.
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    • Profile picture of the author rhinocl
      Can you not get what you want by changing your default program for opening all mp3 files to Windows Media Player though Window's folder options settings?
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  • Profile picture of the author WillKill
    download ffmpeg with a GUI. It'll remake your file so that it's playable. convert it anyway you like: WinFF - Truly Free Video Converter
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  • Profile picture of the author windowwatcher
    Well, man, you should specify what quality, bitrate and format you need for the output. Your question is too abstract. I have downloaded free audio converter here a few years ago and it's a tiny but effective tool. I usually choose MP3 Lane Insave quality to get the best sound for my iTunes.
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  • Profile picture of the author 4umNinja
    user clipconverter/. No need to abuse your processor with conversions
    “When you really want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” ― Paulo Cohelo

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