Is there an automated way to rent subdomains

6 replies
Hello Gents,

I own a domain and would like to do 2 things. 1st, rent out subdomains. 2nd, let the buyer/user redirect the subdomain to whatever he/she wants.

So lets say the domain is and a guy named Bob wants to have Right now Bob would have to pay me then I would have to manually create the subdomain and then redirect it to the place Bob wants it. And when Bob changes his mind that means I have to go back and manually change things again.

Instead I'd like it if Bob payed me to become a member (recurring membership = subdomain) and then whenever he signed in he was shown a box in which he could paste whatever link he wants "" to redirect to.

1. Is this possible.
2. Is this possible with worpress + wp membership site?
#automated #rent #sell subdomains #subdomains
  • Profile picture of the author amcg
    Originally Posted by pewpewpewmonkeys View Post

    Hello Gents,

    I own a domain and would like to do 2 things. 1st, rent out subdomains. 2nd, let the buyer/user redirect the subdomain to whatever he/she wants.

    So lets say the domain is and a guy named Bob wants to have Right now Bob would have to pay me then I would have to manually create the subdomain and then redirect it to the place Bob wants it. And when Bob changes his mind that means I have to go back and manually change things again.

    Instead I'd like it if Bob payed me to become a member (recurring membership = subdomain) and then whenever he signed in he was shown a box in which he could paste whatever link he wants "" to redirect to.

    1. Is this possible.
    2. Is this possible with worpress + wp membership site?
    You could do this using WP or some other script but nevertheless, it would be much easier just to rent the domain itself using a service like Internet Traffic or similar.
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  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    You could do this using WP or some other script
    Yes, but HOW?

    "it would be much easier just to rent the domain itself using a service like Internet Traffic or similar."
    Easier for someone else in a different circumstance.

    My goal is to sell people on the idea of being connected with the main domain and that requires as few steps as possible in order to make it as easy as possible to accomplish. People want easy, not complicated. Otherwise they'd all just figure out how to buy their own domains on godaddy etc.

    Hey, if it's a bad idea for a business then I guess I'll find out. But right now I'm looking for something that allows people to 1. Buy a subdomain, 2. Point it to whatever URL they want, so that I don't have to do any of the work other than marking the f*ck out of it.
    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9321661].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author befree22
      Unless the domain is a high pr with EMD, it'll be a hard sell. People want their own web properties and would rather use a permutation of an EMD than a subdomain.

      Consider too that the ranking for the subdomain may not make it desirable. Search engines don't like redirects or subdomains.

      The turtle always wins.

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  • Profile picture of the author pewpewpewmonkeys
    befree22, thanks for the comments, but I'm not worried about the marketing of the service or if people will actually want it or not. The question isn't "Will people want this?" it's "How can I automate this?"
    Some cause-oriented hackers recently hacked one of my websites. So I researched what they're about and then donated a large sum of money to the entity they hate the most.

    The next time they hack one of my websites I'm going to donate DOUBLE.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9321884].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author stephan2307
      If you have cpanel then it is possible to write a script to generate a new subdomain and then change the A Record. Shouldn't be too difficult.
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  • Profile picture of the author Tim Franklin
    This is not much different than how a hosting company generates an account using WHM, except that the domain is a sub-domain not a domain owned by the customer.

    You would certainly need a good bit of logic and validation, probably some load balancing, to keep your site from going down or developing performance issues.

    But its certainly not impossible.
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