I've question about inbound links and IP class
- SEO |
Is there any major benefit to getting inbound links from more than one of these sites? I.e. what I'm wondering is whether there is a very limited benefit to having the additional inbound links because their IPs are all clearly in the same class...
This is a list of 7 sites, I've already got a backlink from one of them, but wondering whether there is any additional SEO benefit to having links from more or all of them. Is the benefit marginal or is there a decent benefit from having each one? Each of them except for https://www.findanimmigrationattorney.com seem to have a decent majestic trust ranking ranging from a trustrank of 17 to 25. And just kind of normal pageranks ranging from 1-4.
Any feedback would be appreciated as I know enough to be dangerous but I'm no expert. Thanks! (you'll notice that the ip addresses are all unique but pretty much the same class and just almost sequentially right next to each other which is no surprise since they're all from the same company.)
Family Law Information and Legal Help | Divorce Attorney Directory / Majestic Trust 19 / PR 2
Find a Personal Injury Attorney | Personal Injury Information and Resources / Majestic Trust 25 / PR 2
Criminal Defense Lawyers | Local Criminal Defense Attorney Directory / Majestic Trust 24 / PR 4
https://www.findanimmigrationattorney.com / Majestic Trust 5 / PR 1
Find a DUI / DWI Attorney - Nationwide Drunk Driving Lawyers / Majestic Trust 21 / PR 2
Find a Local Car Accident Lawyer | Car Accident Attorney Directory / Majestic Trust 18 / PR 1
Bankruptcy Attorney Directory | Find a Bankruptcy Lawyer / Majestic Trust 17 / PR 3