What about Fiverr Traffic ? I want to buy one Gigs

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I am interested to buy a Gigs from Fiverr, One of the Gig said they will provide 400-500 social media traffic which is completely safe for adsense. Is this real ? If so what is your suggestion for me. Will I buy ? Its just $5 ...If there is any other tricks to bring traffic and that may harm my adsense I will never buy that. What is your suggestion me to do ?
#buy #fiverr #gigs #traffic
  • Profile picture of the author MikeFriedman
    It's a waste of $5. It's not real visitors. It's just useless bot traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author kangen333
      Rather than buying traffic, in my opinion it's much better to buy a gig where someone can help build quality back links that are good for traffic.

      For example, you can buy a gig for classified ad postings, Yahoo answer back links, forum posts, social media posts etc.

      Not only, depending on where the back links are posted, will the back links help bring in direct traffic, but they can also help with SEO. Also, the traffic will be real traffic, and not automatic bot traffic. To monetize from traffic the traffic must be real people not robots.

      My goal is to learn SEO, to make Money

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      • Profile picture of the author IMCapitalist
        personally, I will never go for fivers, it just doesn't work for me
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  • Profile picture of the author samthewildone
    Its all junk and trash...
    I've spent hundreds of dollars buying;
    Facebook group posts, twitter posts and you name it.

    I would never ever recommend to buy online web or offline
    traffic from fiverr. Everyone promises but, never delivers on SEO.
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  • Profile picture of the author npoint
    Forget about buying traffic in such places it`s in most cases bots traffic. I am spending 500$/day on buying traffic and see the real difference between cheap traffic like fiverr etc. and this what I do now. There are no shortcuts if you expect ROI.
    Google Traffic (trial) geo and keywords targetted - Free Trial - PM me
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  • Profile picture of the author seopratyush
    Its waste of $5 and they do black hat seo resulting your website penalty.
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  • Profile picture of the author assi
    In my opinion run ad campaign on facebook for $5 if you published a quality post sure you will get a lot of traffic.
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    • Profile picture of the author tanvirbd
      My content is good...its a weight loss blog, If I spent $5 per day on facebook...will it give a a decent amount of traffic? at least 400-500 ?
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      • Profile picture of the author yukon
        Originally Posted by tanvirbd View Post

        My content is good...its a weight loss blog,
        I've seen quality, it didn't look like that.

        IMO not a good idea running Adsense on a site with spun health claims & images of half naked women.
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  • Profile picture of the author Domainxpert
    It is better to learn youtube marketing to drive traffic to your website or learn fb ads instead of buying cheap useless traffic from fiverr.
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  • Profile picture of the author melvinsh
    Don't ever buy traffic ever. You'd be better off spending your money on content and marketing it yourself or some kind of backlink that drives traffic.
    Syndr.com - Social Media Syndication - stop buying fake shares & likes! Get Real Shares from Onlywire & Sendible users managing their own social profiles! Drip feed - Anonymous Shares - Spun Content - View Reports - FREE Accounts - 45+ Social Networks - Take The Tour

    Wanna run a successful Giveaway? SKYPE: Justin.chasar I can get you 1000s of real subscribers, facebook likes, etc. in days
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  • Profile picture of the author Afiqfikri Daud
    Originally Posted by tanvirbd View Post

    One of the Gig said they will provide 400-500 social media traffic which is completely safe for adsense. Is this real ? If so what is your suggestion for me. Will I buy ?
    To be completely honest, I don't know where the seller gets the traffic
    - it could probably from a bot. I don't know.
    - it could be that the seller have a fb page or twitter that have many followers, he/she gets the traffic from social shares. I don't know
    - or the seller probably a member from tribe pro, there is where he gets the traffics.

    If you are curious, ask the seller..

    But to be completely safe, I recommend you to stay away from it. - not just social traffic but other gigs related to seo, link building and such

    What fiverr to me? - a great source for cheap logo design and artwork. not for website traffics
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  • Profile picture of the author paul1365
    Most of these bot traffic from Fiverr are used by IM to boost their metrics so they can flip their site on Flippa. It will be better for you to build a PBN for organic traffic.

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  • Profile picture of the author stealthtargeting
    I suggest you not to buy that Gig. Most of them provide useless and fake traffic. So don't waste your money. It would be better to hire a freelance to get real traffic for your website.

    Wanna See how the BIG BOYS made their first $ online? guess what, now u can! go there and watch: http://www.nice1marketing.com
    Check out "Launch Cam" as well! wanna be in the next show? go! catch me if you can! ;)

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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Monster
    Not all Fiverr Traffic is fake bots.

    My GIG: Real Visitors, Unique IP's, GEO-Targeted option, Adsense Safe.
    Great for Serps, Alexa, etc.

    Satisfaction guaranteed- My Gig Here
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    • Profile picture of the author habibkhan01
      You can get high page rank backlinks and traffic that both very necessary for your site within one gigs. So go there and buy your expected service from experienced provider.
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    • Profile picture of the author tanvirbd
      are you serious ? please read other people's remark about Fiverr......no one positive about fiverr....can you give me real guarantee of safe social media traffic ?
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  • Profile picture of the author headlineplus
    Originally Posted by tanvirbd View Post

    I am interested to buy a Gigs from Fiverr, One of the Gig said they will provide 400-500 social media traffic which is completely safe for adsense. Is this real ? If so what is your suggestion for me. Will I buy ? Its just $5 ...If there is any other tricks to bring traffic and that may harm my adsense I will never buy that. What is your suggestion me to do ?
    As marketing and public relations experts, we are shocked that people are still buying traffic. Why buy these false traffic when they bring no value.

    Let's look at it another way. Imagine you have a shop and you are looking to sell computers. You want to find ways of increasing your exposure and getting people through the doors to buy the computers. You pay someone $100 to send through 100 people, each person receives $1 to go through your door and look around. That is great for filling your shop, but none of those people are going to buy anything, so you have just wasted $100

    The $100 would be better spent by putting an advert in a newspaper, building a website or delivering leaflets to promote your offers.

    This is the best way of explaining that false traffic is a waste of time and there is only one winner, the person who is selling the false traffic. Your money is better spent on promoting your services through either article writing, press releases, a You Tube video etc
    Fiverr Press Release writing and distribution service from $5 We can also offer distribution to PRBUZZ and SBWIRE https://www.fiverr.com/in2town/profe...by-journalists
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    • Profile picture of the author yukon
      Originally Posted by headlineplus View Post

      As marketing and public relations experts...
      ...but your selling $5 fiverr gigs.

      Experts are under paid these days.
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      • Profile picture of the author headlineplus
        Originally Posted by yukon View Post

        ...but your selling $5 fiverr gigs.

        Experts are under paid these days.
        Hi, yes we sell on fiverr. I am talking about people buying false traffic gigs, We do not sell false traffic. Fiverr is a great place for people to go and get services they could not afford through other services.

        We work on Fiverr to help small business owners who could not afford our normal prices. It is a way of giving something back. But as I said, these false traffic gigs and false traffic service which are available all over the net, are a waste of money.
        Fiverr Press Release writing and distribution service from $5 We can also offer distribution to PRBUZZ and SBWIRE https://www.fiverr.com/in2town/profe...by-journalists
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        • Profile picture of the author yukon
          Originally Posted by headlineplus View Post

          But as I said, these false traffic gigs and false traffic service which are available all over the net, are a waste of money.
          Yea, all they're doing is blasting referrer spam via proxies.

          Some people will buy anything, lol.
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          • Profile picture of the author Tony Palus
            When we are talking about fiverr. Why are there so many cheap coupons for FB Ads and Google Adwords? It looks like a cheap ad for promoting website. What do you think about it?
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  • Profile picture of the author bertieallsorts
    Waste of time, effort and money PERIOD! you will recieve robot traffic which is useless and will do nothing good for you or your website, pretty much like everything else on fiverr bar the odd banner or logo gigs its bullshit all of it,

    invest the money in facebook ads or something you will at least get real people if you get the post right.

    you see the thing with fiverr is it has a whole lot of know it alls who really know ****al and like to con and scheme at things for afew bucks and theirs people who fall for it hook line and sinker, even the reviews are fake

    my friend i leave you with this

    Fools and their money are easy parted

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