Any keyword research tools that can do this?

by luke4
9 replies
  • SEO
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Hi everyone.

We will be conducting outbound marketing later in the year to sell our SEO packages. However, there's obviously no point in offering these services (that range between $2,295 and $2,795 per month for 3 months) to companies if their desired keywords don't get enough hits on Google.

Is there any keyword software or research tools that can find keywords (perhaps with more than 500 views per month) just by typing in a location/city like Manchester, London, Phoenix, etc?

At the moment I'm currently on Google's Keyword Planner manually searching cities and random services to go with it like "London Plumber" for example. But i'm coming across a lot of low volume keywords that probably wouldn't be worthwhile for the customer to rank.

I'd like to be able just type in the city, and have a list of keywords with their searches. From here I can filter it down myself and choose the service-related keywords, for companies that earn $5,000 per customer.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Luke.
#keyword #research #tools
  • Profile picture of the author banwork
    Google trends may help with this depending on how you use it. Google Trends

    Thank you to the 400+ warriors that chose to buy my Facebook WSO granting lifetime access to my Udemy course!

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    • Profile picture of the author seocrawl
      This can be more on the difficult side of things. For such a detailed search might not always bring back over 500 searches. I have a piece of software that I've been working on for Keyword Research that helps to find weird searches that the keyword planner might not come up with.

      What I've done is to place the keywords "plumber phoenix" into the tool and It spits out a bunch of keywords of all different types. Just pick out the keywords you like or put them all in the keyword planner and look at the search volume. Link to the keywords below.

      I don't know if this is helpful to you, but I did find some like sewer line repair, drain cleaning service, slab leak repair, and many more.
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      • Profile picture of the author luke4
        Originally Posted by seocrawl View Post

        This can be more on the difficult side of things. For such a detailed search might not always bring back over 500 searches. I have a piece of software that I've been working on for Keyword Research that helps to find weird searches that the keyword planner might not come up with.

        What I've done is to place the keywords "plumber phoenix" into the tool and It spits out a bunch of keywords of all different types. Just pick out the keywords you like or put them all in the keyword planner and look at the search volume. Link to the keywords below.

        I don't know if this is helpful to you, but I did find some like sewer line repair, drain cleaning service, slab leak repair, and many more.
        Thanks for this! This is similar to what I'm looking for but I need a way to see the search numbers they're getting too. When I mentioned over 500, I meant I need that keyword to get over 500 views per month, not software that delivers over 500 alternative keywords to target. Sorry if my explanation was a bit confusing!
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        • Profile picture of the author seocrawl
          Originally Posted by luke4 View Post

          Thanks for this! This is similar to what I'm looking for but I need a way to see the search numbers they're getting too. When I mentioned over 500, I meant I need that keyword to get over 500 views per month, not software that delivers over 500 alternative keywords to target. Sorry if my explanation was a bit confusing!
          Just copy and paste them into the keyword planner. Just be careful as the planner can only take up to 800 keywords at a time.
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          • Profile picture of the author luke4
            Originally Posted by seocrawl View Post

            Just copy and paste them into the keyword planner. Just be careful as the planner can only take up to 800 keywords at a time.
            Fantastic, thanks!

            In the meantime, if anyone knows of any paid keyword tools that can do this please send them my way!
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  • Profile picture of the author luke4
    Going to bump this thread in case anyone else knows of how such software? Something that focuses on just grabbing the highly searched keywords maybe?
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  • Profile picture of the author BenJackson
    I built a tool that can probably help you here: keyword multiplier

    Put your keywords into the first textarea. Then, paste your list of cities into the second textarea. Lastly, click the "Generate Keywords" button and it will give you every combination of the keywords and locations.

    The final step is to take that huge list of keywords and dump it into the keyword planner to get search volume.
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9790779].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author luke4
      Originally Posted by BenJackson View Post

      I built a tool that can probably help you here: keyword multiplier

      Put your keywords into the first textarea. Then, paste your list of cities into the second textarea. Lastly, click the "Generate Keywords" button and it will give you every combination of the keywords and locations.

      The final step is to take that huge list of keywords and dump it into the keyword planner to get search volume.
      Thanks Ben!

      I put the service (for example, "wedding planner") into the first box and I just found a text list of a load of US cities and copied and pasted them into the second box. It's given me a list of 385 keywords to whack into Google's keyword planner which I then sorted by highest searched.

      You have literally saved me hundreds of hours of research! This is an absolute gem, thank you so so much!
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  • Profile picture of the author monere
    yeah ben, really. Nice link, thanks for sharing

    PS: Not making fun of anyone, the link is really nice. I bookmarked it so I can use it easier

    Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value - Albert Einstein

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