Would social network give backlinks

11 replies
  • SEO
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If I add my website address in my account of 20 social media websites then will I get backlinks from all these websites.That are 20....?
#backlinks #give #network #social
  • Profile picture of the author styoplotr
    You can see your backlinks in google webmaster, but how much of your 20 links will be displayed in webmaster depends on your social account activity.
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Power
    Yes, you will get backlinks, useless backlinks! No offence intended. Social backlinks won't rank your site so focus on better link sources if you want to get traffic from Google.
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  • Profile picture of the author studyrankers
    Most social networking sites give you nofollow link (if they're giving) this is of no use in terms of SEO but build some reputation.
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  • Profile picture of the author vantrendin
    yes you will get backlinks
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  • Profile picture of the author SEO-Dave
    Originally Posted by kashifriazghgh View Post

    If I add my website address in my account of 20 social media websites then will I get backlinks from all these websites.That are 20....?
    No, most social media sites use rel="nofollow" for links.

    AKA no direct SEO value.

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  • Profile picture of the author stellabrook01
    I want to know about those social networks which can be beneficial for SEO. As most of social networks are providing nofollow backlinks. So is there any benefits from those links or there is any other social network providing dofollow backlinks.
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    • Profile picture of the author bassem formula
      Originally Posted by stellabrook01 View Post

      I want to know about those social networks which can be beneficial for SEO. As most of social networks are providing nofollow backlinks. So is there any benefits from those links or there is any other social network providing dofollow backlinks.
      nofollow backlinks can improve your SEO in indirect way.

      because it can drive traffic to your website and if your website contain a high quality content, therefore, the visitors will stay there for long time, that will decrease your website bounce rate which have a positive effect in your ranking on google (improve your SEO)
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  • Profile picture of the author approveme
    I am sure there are no social networking websites that will provide a dofollow link. And if someone provides a dofollow link to you in any case the value of the link juice passed to your website will be negligible or maybe sometimes negative since social media is open for everyone thus the number of links on a single page is going to be in hundreds if not in thousands.
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  • Profile picture of the author Yavan
    It depends on your audience and content. If the audience likes your content then obviously you get the backlinks from social media.
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  • Profile picture of the author jony1
    Yes , social networking site give you backlinks but no follow links so no any profit from it. We get traffic from social networking only.
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  • Profile picture of the author AndresNWD
    What matters in Social networks is not the actual backlinks people use retweeting it or posting. Those, as everybody has told you, are no follow. The importance is that your content resonates to improve your brand and it gets known so somebody else uses it in their own websites as a reference.
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