Does 301 redirect helps keyword ranking ?

by me4444
2 replies
  • SEO
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Hello everyone!
I need professional advice !

I have internal page "a" it has PR2, PA25, DA26. I really do not need this page at all. And I have internal page "b" that I am optimizing. Page "b" has PR0, PA1, DA26 . Both pages r on the same website.

Keywords optimized on page "a" and "b" are deferment, but of course relevant.

My question is: if I do 301 redirect from "a" to "b" will it help my page "b" with its keyword ranking?

I do have contextual link from "a" to "b" but I thought maybe 301 redirect can pass more juice to page "b" and help with keyword ranking
#301 #helps #keyword #ranking #redirect

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