Inner pages backlinks increase homepage DA/PA?

by Haship
3 replies
  • SEO
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If I get a lot of quality backlinks to my inner pages, but only a few to my homepage, can inner page backlinks help increase my homepage's DA/PA? Or I should get backlinks for my homepage if I want to increase its DA/PA?
#backlinks #da or pa #homepage #increase #pages
  • Profile picture of the author Metapilot
    DA & PA are Moz measurements that attempt to replicate pagerank. You don't care about them or PR if the page you want to rank is actually ranking for the term you want it to rank for. You want the page most appropriate to the search query to show up in the search results.Why worry about whether your home page shows up in the results if the page most like to convert a visitor is the interior page that show up?
    Anyway, I believe DA takes into account all back links that lead to pages on a domain.
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  • Profile picture of the author Nicole Sakoman
    Originally Posted by Haship View Post

    If I get a lot of quality backlinks to my inner pages, but only a few to my homepage, can inner page backlinks help increase my homepage's DA/PA? Or I should get backlinks for my homepage if I want to increase its DA/PA?
    If you interlink pages with good anchor text, then linkjuice will be spread to all parts of your website...

    site will be soon live...

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  • Profile picture of the author SEO Power
    Your DA will increase at the same rate as it would if you were building most of the links to your homepage, but your homepage's PA won't.
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