SEO Need PR 5 and UP For Baby Product Site

by zeekc
14 replies
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hi- We are looking to purchase some backlinks on PR 5 and higher for a baby product.

If you have suggestions regarding ranking for baby niche / product or know of any we would appreciate that.

Of course we have to be very careful with Google so let us know your thoughts.

Thank you.
#baby #product #seo #site
  • Profile picture of the author savidge4
    If you truly live in "Las Vegas" you live in what I would consider the most "PR'd" community in the world. try and find some the smaller site operaters in your area and trade for product or the like.

    Work a deal with one or multiple hotels for supplying your product to their guests

    In Vegas.. you seriously have many options to getting the PR linking you need, and additional product sales at the same time!
    Success is an ACT not an idea
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    • Profile picture of the author zeekc
      I do live in Las Vegas LOL it's not a big deal really that I live here. I sang in the production shows that's how I landed here then became a mother then invented my award winning product. but i've not paid attention to SEO as much as I should have because I'm good with PR and we landed National attention but I realize it's vital and so I'm working on our profiles now for SEO
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  • Profile picture of the author patco
    Why do you pay attention to PR now? I don't think it's so important right now..

    A blog that will show you How to Lose Weight with a cool Quick Weight Loss guide...
    Also enjoy some of my favorite Funny pictures and photos that will make you smile :)

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    • Profile picture of the author zeekc
      Not PR as in publicity but PR as in PR backlinks for SEO... sales have slowed and I can tell we are not being seen as much so I need to adjust that.
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        Aside from your SEO efforts... a subject you might want to look into is Conversion Rate Optimization ( CRO ). basically converting better, the traffic you already have.

        Does your "Product" have a page on Wikipedia? might be worth going through the process to figure that out.

        Check out advertising on Go hang out at a starbucks coffee out on Summerlin Blvd. I will without question bet you could run into a more than a few site owners taking a break from their "Office" ( aka spare bedroom ) that have the PR you are looking for.

        Again like I said you live in what I consider the High PR capital of the world.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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        • Profile picture of the author zeekc
          Those are good ideas thank you. It is our traffic though it stinks at the moment quite honestly because even though we got great Ntl exposure it's a huge spike and then dies off. Like anything if they don't know we are here they can't buy. Our conversions are decent sometimes 3% sometimes 5% or higher. I've read the standard and according to ecommerce 1% is good.

          So we're doing OK there Just need to get more traffic to the site.
          I'm actually filming a commercial with Fox ( locally) and doing internet commercials with that. But I realized I let the SEO just sink and that was not the best. It was unintentional I have a lot of projects and launching a new brand is filled with challenges. As most on here know.
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          • Profile picture of the author savidge4
            Originally Posted by zeekc View Post

            Those are good ideas thank you. It is our traffic though it stinks at the moment quite honestly because even though we got great Ntl exposure it's a huge spike and then dies off. Like anything if they don't know we are here they can't buy. Our conversions are decent sometimes 3% sometimes 5% or higher. I've read the standard and according to ecommerce 1% is good.

            So we're doing OK there Just need to get more traffic to the site.
            I'm actually filming a commercial with Fox ( locally) and doing internet commercials with that. But I realized I let the SEO just sink and that was not the best. It was unintentional I have a lot of projects and launching a new brand is filled with challenges. As most on here know.
            Aside from #1 and #10 this page is pretty solid in terms of advice. I would look in particular at #2 and #8.

            Ways To Get Backlinks Without Buying Them

            I personally deal with commerce based sites. anytime there is a "real" product, I get my clients to list them on Ebay - Etsy if possible and Amazon. I also will get them registered on a number of social sites.. not so much for the "Social" activity as I do for the profile link. The same is true with Context related forums. a post or 2 is great, but again it is the PROFILE page link we are looking for.

            All of the pages mentioned above.. are the caliber of link you are looking for - without the possible negative ramifications of the high PR market. and they are FREE. You simply do not want to get into a situation were you think you are doing good only to find out you have done bad.

            Hope that Helps!
            Success is an ACT not an idea
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  • Profile picture of the author halk
    I think you can get good ranking with quality domains without PR...

    PR you can easily manipulate and google don't do much attention more for it..

    Go with relevant and authority backlinks!
    Unlimited Bing Ads $50 Coupon Method Only $10

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  • Profile picture of the author technician27
    Why don't you get in touch with websites like mums forums and blog pages. Speak to them about your product and ask them if they can link to your site or product. You can find list of sites which related to mums, baby etc on below link.

    Alexa - Top Sites by Category: Top
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    • Profile picture of the author zeekc
      I actually am a mom blogger And I have 1600 others in a private group I own. I will do reviews soon I've done a few. They seem to help
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  • Profile picture of the author AzzamS
    The challenge you face with buying PR (PageRank) links is to be able to scrutinize the legitimacy.

    If you are able to find PR5 sites that were ranked prior to the notification from Google that they would no longer be updating PR back in December 2014, then you could believe that they still have that ranking factor (providing the sites have not dropped in PR) -

    It is a lot of work to understand this.

    However, I have a network of Private Blogs, with a mix of PR but mainly a measurement of Page Authority (PA), Domain Authority (DA), Trust Flow (TF) and Citation Flow (CF) - these are the new metrics of the day.

    Thus, if you can find sites that offer high PD/DA and high TF/CF then you can proceed with purchasing those links.

    If you go to a private blog network, depending on the competitiveness of the keyword will determine the number of links required (usually one link per keyword per PBN)

    So for a client that I have targeted a localised search term that receives approx' 1,600 searches but has relatively decent competition (in the web design niche, so they all know what they doing for SEO) I have got the site to position #2 in Google with approx 25 links.
    Download 101 Actions for a Complete Website SEO Technical Audit Sample FREE today and charge clients $$$ with it.
    SEO Case Study: 1.7M Visitors from 27,000 Keywords Click here to read the post .
    {{ DiscussionBoard.errors[9946462].message }}
    • Profile picture of the author zeekc
      It seems there are not a lot of those sites for a baby niche though. Or so I'm finding out.

      I am posting a lot of content on youtube and other natural authority links.

      Let me ask you all this - Is there one search where you can find PR5 and up sites?

      I know I can check on a per site basis on PR checker just don't know if there is a list so to speak of sites with higher PR rank in the juvenile field.

      Thank you btw for all your suggestions they are helpful.
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      • Profile picture of the author savidge4
        when looking for blog sites on a topic I use Meltwater IceRocket it literally is a search engine for "Blogs" its great stuff.

        I use a comment linking strategy myself, if you look at Can You Rank A Page With Just High PR Links From Comments? it is a recent case study to the validity of this method. Regardless of what "mainstream" SEO experts say on the topic, the data is there to show it really does have an effect. Again I follow very much the same method. - he is a mad man at 100 post in one day, I do like 20 at a time 5 times a week lol.

        I have found that matching your name used for the comment should match your site schema author tag. I don't think I have to tell you that leaving meaningful insightful comments is the way to go, and I would almost avoid mention of your product.

        Another thing to look at is search for your products online, and dig deep in the search results where others maybe commenting on your items or business, and reply. This strategy does WONDERS for your business and on a consumer base level.

        Hope that Helps!

        Originally Posted by zeekc View Post

        It seems there are not a lot of those sites for a baby niche though. Or so I'm finding out.

        I am posting a lot of content on youtube and other natural authority links.

        Let me ask you all this - Is there one search where you can find PR5 and up sites?

        I know I can check on a per site basis on PR checker just don't know if there is a list so to speak of sites with higher PR rank in the juvenile field.

        Thank you btw for all your suggestions they are helpful.
        Success is an ACT not an idea
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      • Profile picture of the author technician27
        Originally Posted by zeekc View Post

        It seems there are not a lot of those sites for a baby niche though. Or so I'm finding out.

        I am posting a lot of content on youtube and other natural authority links.

        Let me ask you all this - Is there one search where you can find PR5 and up sites?

        I know I can check on a per site basis on PR checker just don't know if there is a list so to speak of sites with higher PR rank in the juvenile field.

        Thank you btw for all your suggestions they are helpful.
        Not excatly what you asked but if you go to right category it will list the PR of each sites too.
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