How to Slay the Adwords Content Network Beast and make a killing!
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I have a post I made on another forum about the content network that seems to have provided a lot of value to others there.
So I figured I would post it here as well and hopefully some of you will get some value out of it as well.
Disclaimer: I am in the process of creating a product on this which is why I was over at JVNotifyPro. I wanted to point that out because if the moderators see this, I hope they will see the value in it and not as a shameless plug or simply self promotion.
Here is the link: Cut Your PPC costs in half
The post I made was in reference to someone else so that is why you will see that. This the post in its entirety. Enjoy!
First off, I want to thank you Brian for all the valuable information you have delivered that I have been consuming throughout this forum. In another thread of yours, I asked you for some advice about what I could do to get off on the right foot. You said I should either offer to help others or share some knowledge. I want to share some knowledge on this subject because the content network is my claim to success in internet marketing. What Brian is talking about is reading your placement reports or using placement targeting to find out what sites are giving you the best quality traffic. The trick is knowing which ones convert the best. You have to be able to track your advertising and do a lot of testing. I call it Placement Research and here is how I do it: 1. The first thing I do is keyword research. For content network though, I don't necessarily use the exact keywords of the particular product or service. I do demographics keyword research to find out where my target market likes to hang out online. Since banner advertising is more like interruption marketing, I have found this technique to be very effective because I am interrupting my target market with a very specific product or service that is highly relevant to them. 2. I create a keyword list of all the broad match terms that I find that are related to my target market. In the content network, you don't need to use phrase match or exact match, but long tail keywords are also good to use. 3. I use a tool like Adsense Finder or software to search Google for sites to place my ads on. This tool will find sites that have adsense ads based on the keywords you use. This is particularly important because you can then scope out these sites to make sure they are quality sites. You can use sites like Alexa or Quantcast to get a really good idea about the quality of the site. 4. In adwords, I setup 3 content network only campaigns with banners ads and text ads separated into different adgroups. In campaign 1, I use only the placements that I found while searching for sites related to the keyword list I created. In campaign number 2, I setup a campaign with only the keywords from my list. Be sure to never use over 20 keywords per adgroup. I usually stick to ten or less and I try to group related terms together to create a tightly themed adgroup. In campaign 3, I use both keywords and placements. 5. I track my results and monitor the placement reports I generate on a regular basis. Another note is that you should give your campaigns a fair enough time to make an informed decision of what to do next. Once you have determined the sites you want to go to directly, you will know exactly how to negotiate a price you are willing to pay because you can use your stats and your revenue information to determine the most you are willing to pay. I then take that price and discount it at least 50% to have a number on the low end to begin your bargaining. Never pay over the price you set that is the high number. Remember, you can always just continue to use Google if that is working. However, I have yet to find an advertiser that I could not strike a deal with because they would rather have the money I am going to pay them compared to the peanuts they receive from Google. Last but not least, I am sharing this knowledge because this is something that I know very well. I came to this forum to find jv partners because I have a product in which I teach my entire content network strategy. I was finding it very difficult to add value to this community because I know absolutely nothing about joint ventures because I am new to the product side. I have been doing PPC with affiliate marketing so I never took the time to learn this stuff. I hope whoever reads this information will find some value in it. And thanks Brian for your encouraging words and starting a thread about something I can add value to. Tommie |
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